fix(deps): update dependency antd to v5.24.3
This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Type | Update | Change |
antd (source) | dependencies | minor | 5.15.2 -> 5.24.3 |
Release Notes
ant-design/ant-design (antd)
- Input
🐞 Fix the next element was not correctly selected after pressing the Tab key whenallowClear
was turned on for Input. #52977 @wanpan11 -
💄 Fix the border display issue when hovering in thedisabled
state when Input hasvariant="underlined"
turned on. #52959 @ustcfury
💄 Fix DatePicker header buttons misalignment caused by unexpected spacing. #53007 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 Fix the text in AutoComplete was not centered whensize="large"
. #52819 @aojunhao123 -
🇩🇪 Add missingde_DE
translations for Transfer. #53047 @chrisinick
- Input
🐞 修复 Input 开启allowClear
后按下 Tab 键后没有正确选中下个元素的问题。#52977 @wanpan11 -
💄 修复 Input 开启variant="underlined"
状态下 hover 时边框显示问题。#52959 @ustcfury
💄 修复 DatePicker 头部按钮意外间距导致的未对齐问题。#53007 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 修复 AutoComplete 在size="large"
时文字未居中对齐的问题。#52819 @aojunhao123 -
🇩🇪 完善de_DE
Transfer 本地化. #53047 @chrisinick
- Input
🐞 Fix Input with component tokeninputFontSize
breaks the height ofcontrolHeight
. #52865 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Input.Search has a border that is not aligned with the bottom of the search button when configurevariable
. #52861 @ustcfury -
🛠️ Improve Input.OTP logic for create default state. #52878 @Dandelion-F -
🛠️ Improve Input.OTP implementation for render separator. #52841 @li-jia-nan
- Watermark
🐞 Fix Watermark may cause page unresponsive when re-rendering. #52897 @765477020 -
🆕 Improve Watermark rendering logic to avoid disable it via developer tools andhidden
attribute. #52891 @arronlai
🐞 Fix DatePicker.RangePicker arrow position not correctly when sometime reopened. #52854 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Layout.Sider content overflow issue whencollapsedWidth={0}
. #52862 @afc163 -
🛠️ Refactor Grid internal useBreakpoint logic to be same as other component, this will not affect usage. #52870 @zombieJ -
💄 Fix Button styles for hyperlink mode. #52888 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 Fix Table sortable column headers could not wrap automatically. #52899 @765477020 -
⚡ Improve Menu re-rendering performance when pass function toexpandIcon
property. #52863 @wanpan11 -
⚡ Improve Carousel indicator animation performance. #52881 @li-jia-nan - RTL
💄 Fix DatePicker wrong icon direction for RTL mode. #52896 @li-jia-nan -
💄 Fix Dropdown wrong arrow direction of multi-level menu for RTL mode. #52885 @yellowryan
- Input
🐞 修复 Input 配置inputFontSize
component token 时,controlHeight
会不生效的问题。#52865 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Input.Search 在设置variant
时下边框与搜索按钮底部没对齐的问题。#52861 @ustcfury -
🛠️ 优化 Input.OTP 的默认状态创建逻辑。#52878 @Dandelion-F -
🛠️ 优化 Input.OTP 的分隔符渲染实现。#52841 @li-jia-nan
- Watermark
🐞 修复 Watermark 重新渲染时可能导致页面卡死的问题。#52897 @765477020 -
🆕 调整 Watermark 渲染逻辑,防止通过开发者工具添加hidden
属性来去掉水印。#52891 @arronlai
🐞 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 在弹层重新打开的时候,有可能出现箭头位置不正确的问题。#52854 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Layout.Sider 当collapsedWidth={0}
时的内容溢出的问题。#52862 @afc163 -
🛠️ 重构 Grid 内部响应式逻辑以复用其他组件类似的逻辑,该更新不会于使用上有所变化。#52870 @zombieJ -
💄 修复 Button 超链接模式的样式。#52888 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 修复 Table 可排序列头不自动换行的问题。#52899 @765477020 -
⚡ 优化 Menu 在expandIcon
属性传入函数时重新渲染的性能。#52863 @wanpan11 -
⚡ 优化 Carousel 指示器的动画性能。#52881 @li-jia-nan - RTL
💄 修复 DatePicker 在 RTL 模式下图标方向错误的问题。#52896 @li-jia-nan -
💄 修复 Dropdown 在 RTL 模式下多级菜单箭头方向错误的问题。#52885 @yellowryan
🐞 Fix Button withcolor
to beprimary
to betext
will not use correct color. #52812 @zombieJ -
💄 Fix Input.Group & Input.OTP style issues caused by undefined CSS variables. #52799 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix DatePicker with long contentprefix
breaks the layout. #52776 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Fix Table title missingaria-label
when sorting. #52772 @mellis481 -
🐞 Fix Alert.ErrorBoundary type error when used as a JSX component with@types/react@18.x
. #52766 @afc163 -
💄 Fix Segmentedshape
not working withsize
. #52757 @yellowryan
🐞 修复 Button 配置color
时,没有取用正确的色板的问题。#52812 @zombieJ -
💄 修复 Input.Group 与 Input.OTP 由于 css 变量未定义导致样式异常的问题。#52799 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 DatePicker 的prefix
内容多时会换行的问题。#52776 @guoyunhe -
🐞 修复 Table 列标题在排序时丢失aria-label
的问题。#52772 @mellis481 -
🐞 修复 Alert.ErrorBoundary 在@types/react@18.x
中无法作为 JSX 组件使用的类型错误问题。#52766 @afc163 -
💄 修复 Segmented 设置size
不生效的问题。#52757 @yellowryan
🆕 Notification supportactions
prop and deprecatedbtn
prop. #52703 @thinkasany -
🆕 Carousel support show dot duration. #52672 @yellowryan -
🆕 Input.OTP supportseparator
prop. #52668 @HaceraI -
🆕 Descriptions addlabelColor
component token. #52700 @guoyunhe -
🆕 Segmented supportsshape="round"
. #52685 @afc163 -
🆕 ConfigProvider supportvariant
for Card. #52552 @thinkasany -
🆕 Progress/Step supports custom rounding withrounding
prop. #52017 @yanghoxom -
🆕 Dividerorientation
. #52567 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Addunderlined
of Input, InputNumber, Mentions, Form, Select, Cascader, TreeSelect, DatePicker and TimePicker. #52546 @ustcfury -
🆕 ConfigProvider support global config of Modalcentered
. #52343 @guoyunhe -
🆕 Addlabel
class name for Checkbox and Radio. #52322 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Fix Tooltip/Popover/Popconfirm/Dropdown misaligned popup positions with custom children in React 19. react-component/util#623 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix DatePicker.RangePicker arrow position when popup auto adjust position. #52719 @zombieJ -
🐞 Update localefilterCheckall
. #52517 @thinkasany -
🐞 Fix Form thatscrollToField
cannot focus components of antd. #52726 @Wxh16144 -
💄 Fix Button shadow color appearing awkward on dark backgrounds. #52701 @afc163 -
💄 Fixed the unnatural animation transition effect of Segmented component in dark mode. #52708 @yellowryan -
💄 Separate style of Input and TextArea. #52570 @guoyunhe -
💄 Fix Input and Select style issue under css var mode. #52554 @li-jia-nan -
⌨️ Remove role="alert" from Form field error to improve screen reader experience. #52661 @mellis481 -
⌨️ Improve accessibility by adding localized labels for empty table header and panel buttons. #52689 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Improve Tabs accessibility by fixing errorCertain ARIA roles must contain particular children
. #52677 @afc163 -
⌨️ Add screen reader support for Tooltip. #52293 @aojunhao123 - TypeScript
🤖 Separate type of ButtononClick
event byhref
. #52654 @Brew-Brew -
🤖 Deprecate Button.Group, prefer Space.Compact. #52572 @guoyunhe -
🤖 Deprecate Input.Group, prefer Space.Compact. #52571 @guoyunhe -
🤖 Tooltip export TooltipRef type. #49230 @nuintun
🆕 Notification 支持actions
属性。#52703 @thinkasany -
🆕 Carousel 支持展示指示点进度。#52672 @yellowryan -
🆕 Input.OTP 支持separator
属性。#52668 @HaceraI -
🆕 Descriptions 增加labelColor
组件 token。#52700 @guoyunhe -
🆕 Segmented 支持shape="round"
的胶囊形状的样式。#52685 @afc163 -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Card 组件的variant
配置。#52552 @thinkasany -
🆕 Progress/Step 支持使用rounding
属性自定义取整方法。#52017 @yanghoxom -
🆕 Divider 的orientation
.#52567 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 为 Input、InputNumber、Mentions、Form、Select、Cascader、TreeSelect、DatePicker、TimePicker 组件的variant
属性。#52546 @ustcfury -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Modalcentered
全局配置。#52343 @guoyunhe -
🆕 为 Checkbox 和 Radio 增加label
类名。#52322 @guoyunhe -
🐞 修复 Tooltip/Popover/Popconfirm/Dropdown 在 React 19 下 children 为自定义组件时弹层位置错乱的问题。react-component/util#623 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 弹出窗体自动调整位置时,面板的箭头位置不正确的问题。#52719 @zombieJ -
🐞 修正 locale 中filterCheckall
。#52517 @thinkasany -
🐞 修复 FormscrollToField
无法聚焦 antd 组件的问题。#52726 @Wxh16144 -
💄 修复 Button 预设值按钮的阴影色在暗色背景下显示突兀的问题。#52701 @afc163 -
💄 修复 Segmented 组件在暗黑模式下的动画过渡效果不自然的问题。#52708 @yellowryan -
💄 拆分 Input 和 TextArea 样式。#52570 @guoyunhe -
💄 修复 Input 和 Select 在 css var 模式下的样式问题。#52554 @li-jia-nan -
⌨️ Form field error 移除 role="alert" 以提升可访问性。#52661 @mellis481 -
⌨️ 优化无障碍体验,为空表头和面板按钮添加本地化标签。#52689 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ 优化 Tabs 组件的可访问性,修复Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children
的报错。#52677 @afc163 -
⌨️ 为 Tooltip 添加读屏器支持。#52293 @aojunhao123 - TypeScript
🤖 Button 根据href
事件类型。#52654 @Brew-Brew -
🤖 废弃 Button.Group, 推荐 Space.Compact。#52572 @guoyunhe -
🤖 废弃 Input.Group,推荐 Space.Compact。#52571 @guoyunhe -
🤖 Tooltip 导出 TooltipRef 类型。#49230 @nuintun
First release in the Year of the Snake, wishing you a prosperous start!
🐞 Fixed Pagination accessibility issue by supplementing missing ARIA attributes support. #52616 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 Added Input.TextArea component support in Space.Compact. #52639 @Can-Chen -
🐞 Fixed Menu withtheme="dark"
identical text/background color issue. #52617 @afc163 -
🇦🇪 Add Tour Arabic translation. #52642 @Sagie501 -
🇮🇱 Add Tour Hebrew translation. #52641 @Sagie501
🐞 修复 Pagination 可访问性问题,补充缺失的 ARIA 属性支持。#52616 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 Space.Compact 支持 Input.Textarea 组件。#52639 @Can-Chen -
🐞 修复 Menutheme="dark"
时水平菜单的文字色和背景色同色的问题。#52617 @afc163 -
🇪🇬 Tour 增加阿拉伯文 (埃及) 的翻译。 #52642 @Sagie501 -
🇮🇱 Tour 增加希伯来语(以色列)的国际化翻译。#52641 @Sagie501
Last version of the Dragon Year, Happy Chinese New Year!
⌨️ MISC: Add accessibility tests for all component demos to ensure compliance with accessibility standards. Optimize accessibility support for some components, improving compatibility with screen readers and keyboard operations. #51372 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 MISC: Fix importingantd/dist/reset.css
file issue. #52559 @CaptainVolcom -
🐞 Fix Button throwing error whenloading
. #52508 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 Fix Table last row border color transition issue. #52549 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 Fix Cascader checkbox cursor style in disabled state. #52539 @aojunhao123 -
💄 Fix ConfigProvider not correctly modifying icon style priority when StyleProvider configureslayer
. #52533 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Layout sidebar toggle button style missing in non-cssVar mode. #52537 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Tree checkbox cursor style in disabled state. #52525 @aojunhao123 - notification
🐞 Fix notificationuseNotification
configuration not working. #52516 @typenoob -
🐞 Fix notification component display flicker issue under App component. #52499 @afc163
🐞 Fix Splitter abnormal collapse behavior in RTL mode. #52501 @aojunhao123 -
💄 Fix Spin style issue in RTL mode. #52538 @afc163
⌨️ MISC: 为所有组件的示例添加了可访问性测试,确保符合无障碍标准。并优化了部分组件的可访问性支持,改进了对屏幕阅读器和键盘操作的兼容性。#51372 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 MISC: 修复导入antd/dist/reset.css
文件的问题。#52559 @CaptainVolcom -
🐞 修复 Buttonloading
时抛错的问题。#52508 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 修复 Table 最后一行边框颜色过渡问题。#52549 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 修复 Cascader 组件禁用状态下复选框的鼠标指针样式问题。#52539 @aojunhao123 -
💄 修复 ConfigProvider 在 StyleProvider 配置layer
时不会正确修改图标对应样式优先级的问题。#52533 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Layout 切换侧边栏按钮在非 cssVar 模式下样式丢失的问题。. #52537 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Tree 组件禁用状态下复选框的鼠标指针样式问题。#52525 @aojunhao123 - notification
🐞 修复 notificationuseNotification
配置无效的问题。#52516 @typenoob -
🐞 修复 notification 组件在 App 组件下的显示闪烁问题。#52499 @afc163
🐞 修复 Splitter 在 rtl 模式下折叠行为异常的问题。#52501 @aojunhao123 -
💄 修复 Spin 在 rtl 模式下的样式问题。#52538 @afc163
🐞 Fix Space.Compact throwingShould not use more than one & in a selector
warning. #52489 -
💄 Fix the Layout switching sidebar button style was lost. #52477 -
💄 Fix the scroll bar height is not 0 when the first row of the virtual scroll Table is collapsed. #52447 @LeeSSHH -
💄 Fix the last item in Descriptions did not correctly fill the remaining space. #52410 @anyuxuan -
💄 Fix extra margin for the last item in Radio. #52433 -
💄 Fix the Input/Mentions clear button padding was incorrect. #52407 @ustcfury -
💄 Fix rounded corners ofaddonAfter
in Input compact mode. #52490 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 Fix Menu.Item links were still clickable and lacked disabled styles when in disabled state. #52402 @aojunhao123 - TypeScript
🤖 MISC: Optimize PurePanel to use React.ComponentType type. #52480 -
🤖 Fix missing token type for Skeleton and Rate. #52406 @coding-ice
🐞 修复 Space.Compact 抛出Should not use more than one & in a selector
警告信息的问题。#52489 -
💄 修复 Layout 切换侧边栏按钮样式丢失的问题。#52477 -
💄 修复 Table 收起虚拟滚动表格第一行时滚动条高度不为 0 的问题。#52447 @LeeSSHH -
💄 修复 Descriptions 最后一项未正确填充满剩余空间的问题。#52410 @anyuxuan -
💄 修复 Radio.Group 最后一项多余 margin 的问题。#52433 -
💄 修复 Input/Mentions 清除按钮 padding 不正确的问题。#52407 @ustcfury -
💄 修复 Input 紧凑模式中addonAfter
的圆角问题。#52490 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 修复 Menu.Item 在禁用状态下链接仍可点击且缺少禁用样式的问题。#52402 @aojunhao123 - TypeScript
🤖 MISC: 优化 PurePanel 使用 React.ComponentType 类型。#52480 -
🤖 修复 Skeleton 和 Rate 缺失的 token 类型。#52406 @coding-ice
🆕 Add Tree leaf node className for differentiate node type. #52274 @EmilyyyLiu -
🐞 Fix DatePicker switch buttons is not hidden whensuperPrevIcon/superNextIcon/prevIcon/nextIcon
is null. #52327 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Select throwserror not a valid selector
in Jest tests. #51844 @renovate -
🐞 Fix Layout.Sider under ConfigProvider directly, thetheme
not working. #52302 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Splitter lost previous state when re-expanding. #52222 @jjlstruggle -
🐞 Fix Table unexpected row selections when setcheckStrictly
to false in tree mode. #52338 @LeeSSHH - Button
💄 Fix Collapse arrow direction in RTL mode. #52374 @aojunhao123 -
💄 Fix Layout.Sider arrow direction in RTL mode. #52374 @aojunhao123
🆕 新增 Tree 组件叶子节点的 className 用于区分节点类型。#52274 @EmilyyyLiu -
🐞 修复 DatePickersuperPrevIcon/superNextIcon/prevIcon/nextIcon
设置为 null 时切换按钮依旧存在的问题。#52327 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Select 组件在 jest 测试中报错not a valid selector
的问题。#51844 @renovate -
🐞 修复 Layout.Sider 直接嵌套在 ConfigProvider 下时,theme
配置无效的问题。#52302 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Splitter 二次展开时丢失上一次状态的问题。#52222 @jjlstruggle -
🐞 修复 Table 树形展示且设置checkStrictly
为 false 时,某些行被错误选中的问题。#52338 @LeeSSHH - Button
💄 修复 Collapse 在 RTL 模式下的箭头方向。#52374 @aojunhao123 -
💄 修复 Layout.Sider 在 RTL 模式下的箭头方向。#52374 @aojunhao123
🔥 TreeSelect supportmaxCount
to limit the maximum number of selections. #51759 @aojunhao123 -
🔥 Modalwidth
support responsive size. #51653 @zombieJ -
🔥 Splitter supportlazy
mode. #51557 @OysterD3 -
🔥 Buttoncolor
support full color palette. #51550 @OysterD3 -
🆕 Button supportloadingIcon
to customize loading icon. #51758 @zhangchao-wooc - Menu
🐞 Fix Menuextra
font size and vertical align issue. #52217 @guoyunhe -
🆕 Menu add tokensubMenuItemSelectedColor
to resolve submenu title color being overrided byitemSelectedColor
. #52182 @afc163
🆕 Semantic Props-
🆕 ConfigProvider support Empty semantic propsclassNames
. #52208 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider support Popconfirm semantic propsclassNames
. #52126 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider support Popover semantic propsclassNames
. #52110 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider support Tooltip semantic propsclassNames
. #51872 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider support Descriptions semantic propsclassNames
. #52120 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider support Slider semantic propsclassNames
. #52185 @thinkasany
🆕 Transfer supportshowSearch
. #52125 @EmilyyyLiu -
🆕 Calendar now supportsshowWeek
prop. #52072 @afc163 -
🆕 Mentions supportonPopupScroll
props. #51858 @OysterD3 -
🆕 Card supportbodyPaddingSM
component token. #51762 @thinkasany -
🆕 ColorPickerpresets
prop. #51794 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Cascader supportoptionSelectedColor
token. #51769 @thinkasany - Tree
🛠️ Refactor Tree part code to Function Component for React 19 perf preparing. #52209 @li-jia-nan -
💄 Optimize Treedisabled
node display style. #52173 @EmilyyyLiu
🐞 Fix Slider crash whentipFormatter
is undefined. #52184 @thinkasany -
🐞 Fix Layout.Sidertrigger
style not correct. 46a8eff @Wxh16144 - Table
💄 Optimize Flex to always resetmargin
for customize component. #52170 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 Fix DatePicker.RangePickerneedConfirm
sometime can switch panel without confirm. #52102 @Zyf665 -
💄 Optimize Collapse focus styles and items border radius. #52086 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Add Radio.Group defaultname
prop to improve a11y. #52076 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Input.Search addtype=search
by default. #52083 @Kaikiat1126 -
⌨️ Improve Tabs focus style for keyboard operation. #52002 @aojunhao123 - Segmented
⌨️ Optimize Segmented focus style to improve a11y. #51934 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Segmented supportname
prop to improve a11y. #51725 @thinkasany
📦 MISC: Reduce bundle size by replacing@ctrl/tinycolor
. #52190 #52157 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Adjust Input, InputNumber, Mentions, Textarea clear icon fromspan
to improve a11y. #52180 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 MISC: Fix build error when using React 19. #52168 @zombieJ - TypeScript
🤖 Adjust Tableref
type to React.Ref. #52205 @li-jia-nan -
🤖 Calendar export CalendarMode type. #52160 @Kaikiat1126
🔥 TreeSelect 新增maxCount
属性以限制最大选择数量。#51759 @aojunhao123 -
🔥 Modalwidth
支持响应式尺寸。#51653 @zombieJ -
🔥 Splitter 增加lazy
模式。#51557 @OysterD3 -
🔥 Buttoncolor
属性支持完整色板。#51550 @OysterD3 -
🆕 Button 组件新增loadingIcon
以自定义加载图标。#51758 @zhangchao-wooc - Menu
🆕 Menu 新增 tokensubMenuItemSelectedColor
覆盖子菜单标题样式。#52182 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Menuextra
字体大小和垂直居中对齐问题。#52217 @guoyunhe
🆕 语义化-
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Empty 组件语义化classNames
。#52208 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Slider 组件语义化classNames
。#52185 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Popconfirm 组件语义化classNames
。#52126 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Popover 组件语义化classNames
。#52110 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Tooltip 组件语义化classNames
。#51872 @thinkasany -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Descriptions 组件语义化classNames
。#52120 @thinkasany
- Tree
🛠️ 重构 Tree 部分代码为 Function Component 以为 React 19 做更好性能准备。#52209 @li-jia-nan -
💄 优化 Treedisabled
节点状态下的颜色展示。#52173 @EmilyyyLiu
🆕 Transfer 支持showSearch
。#52125 @EmilyyyLiu -
🆕 Calendar 支持showWeek
属性用于显示周数列。#52072 @afc163 -
🆕 Mentions 新增onPopupScroll
属性。#51858 @OysterD3 -
🆕 Card 增加bodyPaddingSM
组件 token。#51762 @thinkasany -
🆕 ColorPickerpresets
。#51794 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Cascader 新增optionSelectedColor
token。#51769 @thinkasany -
🐞 修复 Layout.Sidertrigger
样式不正确的问题。46a8eff @Wxh16144 - Table
💄 优化 Flex 使其在自定义渲染组件时总是重置margin
样式。#52170 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 修复 DatePicker.RangePickerneedConfirm
模式偶尔在不确认仍然可以切换面板的问题。#52102 @Zyf665 -
🐞 修复 Slider 当tipFormatter
未定义时导致崩溃的问题。#52184 @thinkasany -
💄 优化 Collapse 聚焦样式以及折叠项圆角。#52086 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ 为 Radio.Group 添加默认name
属性以提升无障碍体验。#52076 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Input.Search添加默认type=search
类型。#52083 @Kaikiat1126 -
⌨️ 优化 Tabs 键盘操作时的焦点样式。#52002 @aojunhao123 - Segmented
⌨️ 优化 Segmented 聚焦样式以提升无障碍体验。#51934 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ Segmented 支持name
属性以提升无障碍体验。#51725 @thinkasany
📦 MISC: 用@ant-design/fast-color
以降低打包体积。#52190 #52157 @aojunhao123 -
⌨️ 调整 Input、InputNumber、Mentions、Textarea 组件清除图标从span
元素,提高了可访问性和交互性。#52180 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 MISC: 修复 React 19 下构建报错的问题。#52168 @zombieJ - TypeScript
🤖 调整 Tableref
类型为 React.Ref。#52205 @li-jia-nan -
🤖 Calendar 导出 CalendarMode 类型。#52160 @Kaikiat1126
🐞 Fix Button text and icon not align. #52132 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Button throwsreactRender is not a function
under React 19. #52105 @afc163 - TypeScript
🐞 修复 Button 文字和图标不对齐的问题。#52132 @afc163 -
🐞 修复在 React 19 下点击 Button 时抛出reactRender is not a function
错误的问题。#52105 @afc163 - TypeScript
🐞 Align Button with and without icons consistently. #52070 -
🐞 Fix Splitter collapsible iconz-index
too low. #52065 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Button motion not smooth when setloading
. #52059 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Button issue where solid default button text disappears on hover in dark mode. #52024 @DDDDD12138
🐞 修复 Button 有图标和无图标按钮对齐差一像素的问题。#52070 -
🐞 修复 Splitter 组件折叠图标z-index
层级过低问题。#52065 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Button 启用loading
时,动画不够顺滑的问题。#52059 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Button 暗色模式下默认填充按钮文本在悬停时消失的问题。#52024 @DDDDD12138
🛠️ Refactor Wave/Menu/Formref
check logic to resolve React 19ref
conflict (Note, this is not finally support React 19 but we will resolve step by step in future version). #51952 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Dropdown cannot accept ReactNode aschildren
. #50174 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix Carousel cannot display correctly in Modal without icon. #51988 @quan060798 -
🐞 Fix Select label overflow issue. #52011 @OysterD3 -
🐞 Fix FormsetFieldValue
not reset field validation. #51993 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Pagination with settingshowSizeChanger.showSearch
not working. #51962 @zombieJ -
🇰🇷 Improve Korean locales for DatePicker. #51983 @DevLeti -
🤖 ExportCheckboxChangeEvent
from antd. #52008 @SpecLad
🛠️ 重构 Wave/Menu/Formref
检查逻辑以解决 React 19ref
部分冲突(注:该更新不会完全解决 React 19 兼容问题,后续将会持续更新)。#51952 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Dropdownchildren
不支持传入 ReactNode 的问题。#50174 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Carousel 某些情况下在 Modal 中无法正确展示的问题。#51988 @quan060798 -
🐞 修复 Select 选中文本溢出的问题 。#52011 @OysterD3 -
🐞 修复 FormsetFieldValue
没有重置字段校验信息的问题。#51993 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Pagination 配置showSizeChanger.showSearch
无效的问题。#51962 @zombieJ -
🇰🇷 优化 DatePicker 韩语本地化文案。#51983 @DevLeti -
🤖 从 antd 里导出CheckboxChangeEvent
类型。#52008 @SpecLad
- Transfer
🐞 Fix the background overflow when Transfer selects the last item on the current page. #51884 @ayangweb -
🐞 Fix Transfer toggle button being enabled when all items are disabled. #51784 @WwwHhhYran
🐞 Fix the arrow would be outside the container when the Tooltip content was too small. #51904 -
🐞 Fix where clicking the Radio or Checkbox under Upload would trigger the popup window twice. #51874 -
💄 Fix Menu icon alignment when usingcollapsedIconSize
. #51863 @Gnomeek -
💄 Fix incorrect styling of Tabs component whentype="editable-card"
. #51935 @aojunhao123 -
💄 Fix insufficient trigger style priority in Layout.Sider component inzero-width
mode. #51936 @aojunhao123 -
💄 MISC: Fix the icon styles were created repeatedly. #51897 @YumoImer -
💄 MISC: Inline styles refactored to cssinjs. #51843
- Transfer
🐞 修复 Transfer 选中当前页最后一项时背景溢出的问题。#51884 @ayangweb -
🐞 修正 Transfer 切换按钮当所有 item 禁用时依然可用的问题。#51784 @WwwHhhYran
🐞 修复 Tooltip 内容过少时,箭头会在容器外的问题。#51904 -
🐞 修复点击 Upload 下的 Radio 或 Checkbox 会触发两次弹窗的问题。#51874 -
💄 修复 Menu 在使用collapsedIconSize
时图标对齐的问题。#51863 @Gnomeek -
💄 修复 Tabs 组件在type="editable-card"
时样式不正确的问题。#51935 @aojunhao123 -
💄 修复 Layout.Sider 组件在zero-width
模式下触发器样式优先级不足的问题。#51936 @aojunhao123 -
💄 MISC: 修复 icon 样式被重复创建的问题。#51897 @YumoImer -
💄 MISC: 行内样式重构为 cssinjs。#51843
🐞 Fix Select clear button may has incorrect position within Form.item. #51649 @dislido -
🐞 Fix InputNumberhandleVisible
token not work as expected. #51728 @dengfuping -
🐞 Fix ColorPicker error when passReactNode
field ofpresets
property. #51808 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 Fix MenuinlineCollapsed
property not works bug within Layout. #51775 @coderz-w -
🐞 Fix TableonHeaderCell
provided partstyle
can not override. #51793 @Wxh16144 -
⌨️ Improve Collapse accessibility. #51836 @aojunhao123 - TypeScript
🐞 修复 Select 清除按钮在 Form.Item 中位置可能错误的问题。#51649 @dislido -
🐞 修复 InputNumberhandleVisible
token 不生效的问题。#51728 @dengfuping -
🐞 修复 ColorPicker 的presets
会报错的问题。#51808 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 修复 Menu 的inlineCollapsed
属性在 Layout 中不生效的问题。#51775 @coderz-w -
🐞 修复 TableonHeaderCell
无法被覆盖的问题。#51793 @Wxh16144 -
⌨️ 优化 Collapse 组件的可访问性。#51836 @aojunhao123 - TypeScript
🐞 Fix Input.OTP focus from advancing when previous input is empty. #51664 @thecodesalim -
🐞 Adjust Modal function call not to scroll the confirm button when it get auto focused. #51647 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Formrules
with same error content will cause React render warning. #51636 @zombieJ -
🐞 Refactor Buttonfocus
logic trigger withuseEffect
to resolve some async load case not getautoFocus
. #51624 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Button custom icon not center-aligned. #51652 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix TablegetCheckboxProps
event handlers being overridden by internal selection logic. #51661 @Zyf665 -
🐞 Fix Tree thatonCheck
were not properly triggered. #51448 @Wxh16144 -
🌐 Localization-
🇷🇺 Add support for Russian translation. #51619 @avvakumovid -
🇮🇹 Add support for Italian translation in TimePicker. #51685 @LorenzoCardinali
🐞 修复 Input.OTP 组件在有非法输入时仍会切换到下一个输入框的问题。#51664 @thecodesalim -
🐞 调整 Modal 确认函数,使其在弹出后聚焦确认按钮时不要滚动窗体。#51647 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Formrules
生成多条相同错误时会报 React 渲染错误的问题。#51636 @zombieJ -
🐞 调整 Button 使用useEffect
逻辑,以解决一些异步渲染场景下 Button 无法自动聚焦的问题。#51624 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Button 中使用自定义三方图标库时图标未居中的问题。#51652 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Table 组件getCheckboxProps
中的事件处理器被内部选择逻辑覆盖的问题。#51661 @Zyf665 -
🐞 修复 Tree 组件的onCheck
事件没有被正确触发的问题。#51448 @Wxh16144 -
🌐 本地化-
🇷🇺 添加了俄语翻译支持。#51619 @avvakumovid -
🇮🇹 为 TimePicker 添加了意大利语翻译。#51685 @LorenzoCardinali
🛠️ Adjust DatePicker.RangePicker to not allow switching to the next field by clicking the input whenneedConfirm
and the user has not submitted the date. #51591 @zombieJ -
🛠️ Lock Input.OTPctrl + z
operation to avoid data not correct. #51609 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Selecttags
mode display issue. #51605 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Fix Badgecount
motion missing in Safari. #51598 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Tabs withcentered
the tabs can not fully display. #51571 @DDDDD12138 -
🐞 Fix Transfer with controlleddataSource
sometime miss sync checked state. #51523 @IsKaros -
🐞 Revert Buttondisplay
back toinline-block
to resolve Icon align issue. #51588 @Wxh16144
🛠️ 调整 DatePicker.RangePicker 当needConfirm
切用户未提交日期时,不允许通过点击输入框切换到下一个字段。#51591 @zombieJ -
🛠️ 禁用 Input.OTPctrl + z
操作以防止数据变化非预期的问题。#51609 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Select 标签模式下展示异常的问题。#51605 @guoyunhe -
🐞 修复 Badgecount
在 Safari 下动画丢失的问题。#51598 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Tabscentered
下标签展示不全的问题。#51571 @DDDDD12138 -
🐞 修复 Transfer 受控dataSource
时,偶尔会出现勾选不正确的问题。#51523 @IsKaros -
🐞 回滚 Buttondisplay
以解决 Icon 位置偏移的问题。#51588 @Wxh16144
- Form
🆕 Form.Item supports hiding labels. #51524 @crazyair -
🐞 Form removes the div used to expand the error height, wraps errorDom and extraDom with a div, and sets a minimum height for the div. #51254 @hongzzz -
🐞 Fix the problem thatonValuesChange
is still triggered when the Form field triggers change but the value does not change. #51437 @crazyair -
🆕 Form supports the focus property in scrollToFirstError when form validation fails. #51231 @nathanlao
- Table
🆕 Table column filter drop-down box supportsfilterDropdownProps
. #51297 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 TableexpandedRowClassName
supports string . #51067 @li-jia-nan
- Tree
- DatePicker
🆕 DatePicker supports prefix attribute. #51335 @guoyunhe -
💄 Fixed the issue of DatePicker.RangePicker flashing when the mouse moves between cells. #51533 @afc163
- Input.OTP
🆕 In theInput.OTP
component, addonInput
event to get the value of each user input. At the same time, the relevant documentation has been updated. #51289 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 Fixed the problem that Input.OTP cannot specifyinputMode
. #51271 @alan-rudzinski
🆕 ColorPicker supportsdisabledFormat
. #51539 @su-muzhi -
🆕 Addcursor
configuration item to thefocus
method of InputNumber component to control the cursor position. #51444 @aojunhao123 -
🆕 Cascader addsdisabled
attribute to disable all first-level directory items of the component. #51272 @aojunhao123 -
🆕 Descriptions supports single-line spreading. #51365 @crazyair -
🆕 Select/TreeSelect/Cascader components addprefix
property to support custom prefix. #51186 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Fix the problem that the preview image class name is lost when settingImageProps.preview.rootClassName
in Image. #51538 @dislido -
🐞 Fixed the issue that the last item in the TimePicker panel column cannot be scrolled to the top. #51481 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix TreeSelect dropdown height not enough. #51567 @afc163 -
🐞 Fixed the issue that Typography is not updated immediately when the ConfigProvider language is switched. #51453 @thinkasany -
🐞 Fixed the issue that UploaditemRender
will cause a crash. #51419 @yoyo837 -
🐞 Fixed Splitter pseudo-element symbol issue. #51536 @dislido -
💄 Optimize Collapse accessibility attribute and mouse hover style. #51400 @afc163 -
💄 Fix styling issue of Menu title content. #51425 @coding-ice -
🇵🇹 Fix translation in Portuguese (pt_PT) localization file for better accuracy and consistency. #51501 @alexandre-p-marques-alb -
🇺🇿 Optimize uz_UZ internationalization. #51407 @Zukhrik - TypeScript
- Form
🆕 Form.Item 支持隐藏 label。#51524 @crazyair -
🐞 Form 移除了用于撑开 error 高度的 div,将 errorDom 和 extraDom 用一个 div 包裹,并为该 div 设置了最小高度。#51254 @hongzzz -
🐞 修复 Form 在字段触发 change 但是值没有变化时,onValuesChange
仍然会触发的问题。#51437 @crazyair -
🆕 Form 支持在表单验证失败时,scrollToFirstError 中的 focus 属性。#51231 @nathanlao
- Table
🆕 Table 列过滤下拉框支持filterDropdownProps
。#51297 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 TableexpandedRowClassName
支持 string 。#51067 @li-jia-nan
- Tree
- DatePicker
🆕 DatePicker 支持prefix
属性。#51335 @guoyunhe -
💄 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 当鼠标移动到单元格之间时出现闪烁样式的问题。#51533 @afc163
- Input.OTP
🆕 Input.OTP 组件新增onInput
事件用于获取用户每一次输入的值。#51289 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 修复 Input.OTP 无法指定inputMode
的问题。#51271 @alan-rudzinski
🆕 ColorPicker 支持disabledFormat
属性以禁用格式切换器。#51539 @su-muzhi -
🆕 为 InputNumber 组件的focus
配置项以控制光标位置。#51444 @aojunhao123 -
🆕 Cascader 新增disabled
属性以禁用组件的所有一级目录项。#51272 @aojunhao123 -
🆕 Descriptions 支持单行铺满。#51365 @crazyair -
🆕 Select/TreeSelect/Cascader 组件增加prefix
属性以支持自定义前缀。#51186 @guoyunhe -
🐞 修复 Image 设置ImageProps.preview.rootClassName
导致预览图类名丢失。#51538 @dislido -
🐞 修复 TimePicker 面板列的最后一项无法滚动到最上面的问题。#51481 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 TreeSelect 弹层高度不够的问题。#51567 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Typography 在 ConfigProvider 语言切换时候没有立即更新。#51453 @thinkasany -
🐞 修复 UploaditemRender
会导致崩溃的问题。#51419 @yoyo837 -
🐞 修复 Splitter 伪元素符号问题。#51536 @dislido -
💄 优化 Collapse 可访问性属性和鼠标 hover 样式。#51400 @afc163 -
💄 修复 Menu title 内容的样式问题。#51425 @coding-ice -
🇵🇹 修正葡萄牙语 (pt_PT) 本地化文件中的翻译,以提高准确性和一致性。#51501 @alexandre-p-marques-alb -
🇺🇿 优化 uz_UZ 国际化。#51407 @Zukhrik - TypeScript
🐞 Fix Tree.DirectoryTree interactive area not being a whole row. #51210 -
🐞 Fix the Button icon was not vertically centered. #51381 -
🐞 Fix the pointer style not set tonot-allowed
in thedisabled
state whenvariant
of the Input was set toborderless
. #51387 @ustcfury - Splitter
💄 Improve the pre-rendered style of Splitter under SSR. #51378 -
💄 Increased the click area of the Splitter collapse button to improve usability. #51383 @aojunhao123
💄 Improve Checkboxindeterminate
to enhance accessibility experience. #51350 @SpaNb4 -
💄 Improve thetitle
of the Empty preset svg image to improve accessibility experience. #51368
🐞 修复 Tree.DirectoryTree 交互区域不是整行的问题。#51210 -
🐞 修复 Button 图标未垂直居中的问题。#51381 -
🐞 修复 Input 组件variant
的问题。#51387 @ustcfury - Splitter
💄 优化 Splitter 在 SSR 下预渲染的样式。#51378 -
💄 增大 Splitter 折叠按钮点击区域,提高可用性。#51383 @aojunhao123
💄 优化 Checkboxindeterminate
提升无障碍体验。#51350 @SpaNb4 -
💄 优化 Empty 预设 svg 图片的title
🐞 Fix Cascader filter limitation not working whenlimit
set tofalse
. #51263 @dongbanban -
🐞 Fix DatePicker disabled items cannot response mouse events bug. #51294 @ajenkins-mparticle -
🐞 Fix FloatButton menu problem what is difficult to click. #51208 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 Fix QRCodeonRefresh
property not working properly. #51315 @kiner-tang -
🐞 Fix Typography links cannot be selected by user. #51243 @thinkasany -
💄 Fix Badge incorrect token of texts. #51252 @Wxh16144 -
💄 Fix Layout lost styles of collapse button. #51313 @aojunhao123 -
🛠️ Improve Button event handler declaration. #42037 @SohaibRaza -
🛠️ Improve Splitter style token semantic name. #51223 @wanpan11
🐞 修复 Cascaderlimit
不生效的问题。#51263 @dongbanban -
🐞 修复 DatePicker 的禁用日期项无法响应鼠标事件的问题。#51294 @ajenkins-mparticle -
🐞 修复 FloatButton 悬浮菜单难以点击的问题。#51208 @aojunhao123 -
🐞 修复 QRCodeonRefresh
属性不生效的问题。#51315 @kiner-tang -
🐞 修复 Typography 中的超链接无法被用户选中的问题。#51243 @thinkasany -
💄 修复 Badge 文本样式 token 不正确的问题。#51252 @Wxh16144 -
💄 修复 Layout 折叠按钮样式缺失的问题。#51313 @aojunhao123 -
🛠️ 优化 Button 事件处理器实现。#42037 @SohaibRaza -
🛠️ 优化 Splitter 样式 token 的命名语义。#51223 @wanpan11
🐞 Fixed Input.Search not applying thehoverBorderColor/activeBorderColor
token for hover/active states. #51226 @iqingting -
🐞 Fix Tree icon align issue. #51181 @Meowu -
🐞 Fix Splitter occasionally shows unnecessary scrollbars in nested combinations. #51169 @zombieJ -
💄 Modify Design TokentextHoverBg
hover background tocolorFillTertiary
. #51187 @coding-ice - TypeScript
🤖 Improve type of SwitcheventHandler
. #51165 @thinkasany
🐞 修复 Input.Search 无法使用 Input TokenhoverBorderColor/activeBorderColor
修改边框颜色的问题。#51226 @iqingting -
🐞 修复 Tree 的图标不对齐的问题。#51181 @Meowu -
🐞 修复 Splitter 在嵌套组合时,偶尔会出现多余滚动条的问题。#51169 @zombieJ -
💄 修改 Design Token 的textHoverBg
。#51187 @coding-ice - TypeScript
🤖 优化 SwitcheventHandler
类型。#51165 @thinkasany
💄 Added a scroll bar to Dropdown when having many items. #51112 @Cameron-Asdf - Slider #51150 @yoyo837
🐞 Fix Slider issue where theid
prop is not supported. -
🐞 Fix Slider to address the issue causinguseLayoutEffect does nothing on the server
warning whenextractStyle
is invoked.
🐞 Fix ColorPicker with gradient mode, sometimes handle color will be force sync back to first handle color issue. #51161 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix TableonChange
function receiving incorrect sorter value. #51114 @nathanlao - Splitter
🐞 Fix the issue about throw a warning when Splitter nested in a hidden tab panel. #51109 @kiner-tang -
🐞 Fix the issue about Splitter had unexpected gaps in Flex. #51096 @kiner-tang
🐞 MISC: Restorereact
peerDependencies. #51079 @chentsulin - TypeScript
🤖 Improve type of SlidereventName
. #51156 @thinkasany
💄 优化 Dropdown 列表较长时的滚动条样式。#51112 @Cameron-Asdf - Slider #51150 @yoyo837
🐞 修复 Slider 不支持id
属性的问题。 -
🐞 修复 Slider 导致extractStyle
时抛出useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server
🐞 修复 ColorPicker 渐变色时,部分节点颜色拖拽会被强制重置为第一个节点颜色的问题。#51161 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Table 组件在切换页面时onChange
函数接收到错误的 sorter 值的问题。#51114 @nathanlao - Splitter
🐞 修复 Splitter 嵌套在一个隐藏的 Tabs 面板中时抛出警告的问题。#51109 @kiner-tang -
🐞 修复 Splitter 组件在 Flex 组件下时出现异常间距的问题。#51096 @kiner-tang
🐞 杂项:重新将react
添加进 peerDependencies。#51079 @chentsulin - TypeScript
🤖 优化 SlidereventName
类型。#51156 @thinkasany
🐞 Revert #49221 to fix Typographycopyable
icon align issue. #51066 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Tabs flicker when browser zoom is enabled. #51072 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Select incorrectactiveBorderColor
token when variant is filled. #51054 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fixed Input.Search alignment issue between the input field and search button at different zoom levels. #50926 @nathanlao -
💄 MISC: Tweak outline width of focus style from4px
. #51069 @afc163 - Splitter
🐞 Fixed the issue with Splitter dragging abnormally on touch screen devices. #51060 @sakuraee -
💄 Fixed Splitter.Panel style is invalid error. #51032 @wanpan11
⚡ Remove TransButton in Table/Transfer/Typography. #51068 @afc163
🐞 回滚 #49221 以修复 Typographycopyable
图标位置偏上的问题。#51066 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Tabs 在浏览器缩放时无限闪烁的问题。#51072 @afc163 -
🐞 修复了 Input.Search 组件中在不同缩放级别下输入框和按钮的对齐问题。#50926 @nathanlao -
🐞 修复 Selectvariant="filled"
token 失效的问题。#51054 @coding-ice -
💄 MISC: 调整 focus 时的 outline 边框宽度,从4px
。#51069 @afc163 - Splitter
🐞 修复 Splitter 在触屏设备上拖拽异常的问题。#51060 @sakuraee -
💄 修复 Splitter.Panel 无法隐藏的问题。#51032 @wanpan11
📦 移除 Table/Transfer/Typography 内的 TransButton 实现以降低打包体积。#51068 @afc163
🐞 Fix Button issue wheretype="link"
incorrectly usedcolorPrimary
. #50962 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix Button style class name weight issue that caused custom gradient styles to be overridden. #50962 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix Transfer width issue when customized as TableTransfer. #50974 @zombieJ -
🇹🇷 Add Turkish text forfilterCheckall
in Table component. #51000 @ytahirkose
🐞 修复 Buttontype="link"
的问题。#50962 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Button 样式类名权重问题导致的自定义渐变样式覆盖失效的问题。#50962 @coding-ice -
💄 修复 Transfer 在自定义为 TableTransfer 时,宽度不正确的问题。#50974 @zombieJ -
🇹🇷 补充 Table 组件filterCheckall
的土耳其语文案。#51000 @ytahirkose
🔥 Introduce the new Splitter component, draggale split panel. #50038 @wanpan11 - Button
🔥 Button supportsvariant
properties for more combination styles. #50051 @coding-ice -
💄 Button addstextColor
tokens. #47870 @madocto
- FloatButton
🆕 FloatButton supportsplacement
property, allowing menus to pop up from multiple directions. #50407 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 FloatButton supportshtmlType
prop. #50892 @li-jia-nan -
💄 Unify FloatButton and FloatButton.Group button round style. #50513 @Layouwen -
💄 Manage FloatButton'sz-index
to improve compatibility with other popup components. #50311 @li-jia-nan
- Menu
🆕 Menu.Item and Dropdown'smenu
prop now. #50431 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix MenupopupStyle
not working on SubMenu. #50922 @Wxh16144
- Table
🆕 Table supportsminWidth
for columns. #50416 @linxianxi -
🐞 Fix Table empty and shadow issues in virtual mode. #50416 @linxianxi -
🐞 Fix Table column selection issue where deselection was not possible under certain circumstances. #50746 @Jarryxin
- Input
🆕 Input.OTP supporttype
to help handle some case need number only. #50811 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Select inside Input addon text color when Select is focused. #50486 @DDDDD12138
- Modal
- Descriptions
🐞 Fix Descriptions column is missing in some cases. #50895 @yezhonghu0503 -
🐞 Revert #49946 to fix the issue where the popup layer component inside Descriptions is being cut off. #50891 @afc163
- Upload
🆕 Upload will passname
prop to<input type="file" />
. #50652 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 UploadshowUploadList.showXxxIcon
accept a function value now. #50245 @guoyunhe
- ColorPicker
- App
🐞 Fixed App warn aboutzIndex
too large when using themodal
with having popup component method viauseApp
. #50829 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix App rtl style does not respect ConfigProvider direction prop. #50246 @li-jia-nan
- Pagination
- Select
💄 Add more tokens for Select to customize hover/focus style. #50951 @kiner-tang -
🐞 Fix Select search text overlap with arrow icon. #50917 @yezhonghu0503 -
🐞 Fix Select extra background of clear icon when enableallowClear
. #50916 @thinkasany
🆕 Segmented addsvertical
property and improves accessibility. #50708 @liangchaofei -
🆕 Radio.Group supportsblock
prop now. #50828 @yuanliu147 -
🆕 ConfigProvider supports configuring theclassName
properties of the Splitter component. #50855 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Image addonActive
for toggling images . #50812 @madocto -
🆕 Add ref on List component. #50772 @Asanio06 -
🆕 Collapse supportclassNames
for semantic style customization. #50557 @wanpan11 -
💄 Make Skeleton.Node custom node by remove it's default icon children. #50278 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Layout.Sider can not modify theme when used alone. #50780 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Typographycopyable
with arraychildren
has additional,
string issue. #50813 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Tour where long title will overlap with close button. #50942 @kiner-tang -
🌐 Localization-
🇯🇵 Addedja_JP
locale for DatePicker'sshortWeekDays
text. #50893 @harapeko -
🇪🇬 Added Arabicar_EG
text for Image preview feature. #50851 @nathanlao -
🇬🇷 Added Greek text for the Form component. #50825 @nathanlao -
🇪🇸 Added Spanishes_ES
text for the Tour component. #50805 @thinkasany
- TypeScript
🤖 Checkbox adds onFocusand
onBlur` in type definition. #50842 @huiliangShen -
🤖 Fix Badge property type definition to support passing mouse events. #50774 @yuanliu147
🔥 全新 Splitter 区域分割组件,自由拖拽调整区域大小。#50038 @wanpan11 - Button
🔥 Button 支持variant
颜色属性,以支持更多组合样式。#50051 @coding-ice -
💄 Button 添加textColor
三个 token。#47870 @madocto
- FloatButton
🆕 FloatButton 组件支持placement
属性,支持从四个方向弹出菜单。(实现方式改为position: absolute
+ flex 布局,可能会对你现有的布局造成 breaking change,请注意兼容)#50407 @li-jia-nan -
💄 统一 FloatButton 和 FloatButton.Group 的按钮圆角。#50513 @Layouwen -
💄 FloatButton 组件的z-index
管理,兼容弹层类组件。#50311 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 FloatButton 支持传入htmlType
属性。#50892 @li-jia-nan
- Menu
🆕 Menu.Item 和 Dropdown 的 menu 支持extra
属性。#50431 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 MenupopupStyle
在 SubMenu 上失效的问题。#50922 @Wxh16144
- Table
🆕 Table 列支持配置minWidth
属性。#50416 @linxianxi -
🐞 修复 Table 虚拟表格下的空数据和阴影问题。#50416 @linxianxi -
🐞 修复 Table 列选择在某些情况下无法取消选择的问题。#50746 @Jarryxin
- Input
🆕 Input.OTP 添加type
属性以支持只需要输入数字的场景。#50811 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Input Addon 内 Select 选中时的文字颜色。#50486 @DDDDD12138
- Modal
- Descriptions
🐞 优化 Descriptions 在某些情况下列内容消失的问题。#50895 @yezhonghu0503 -
🐞 回滚 #49946 以修复 Descriptions 内弹层组件被截断的问题。#50891 @afc163
- Upload
🆕 Uploadname
属性将透传给<input type="file" />
。#50652 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 Upload 的showUploadList.showXxxIcon
选项支持传入函数。#50245 @guoyunhe
- ColorPicker
- App
🐞 修复 App 的useApp
过大的问题。#50829 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 App rtl 样式不遵守 ConfigProviderdirection
配置。#50246 @li-jia-nan
- Pagination
- Select
💄 Select 组件新增一些 token 以支持自定义 hover 和 focus 样式。#50951 @kiner-tang -
🐞 修复 Select 搜索模式下搜索词内容覆盖右侧图标的问题。#50917 @yezhonghu0503 -
🐞 修复 Select 同时启用allowClear
时清除图标多余的白色背景的问题。#50916 @thinkasany
🆕 Segmented 新增vertical
属性以支持垂直模式,并优化了可访问性。#50708 @liangchaofei -
🆕 Radio.Group 支持block
属性以撑满一行。#50828 @yuanliu147 -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持配置 Splitter 组件的className
属性。#50855 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Image 新增onActive
以切换图片 。#50812 @madocto -
🆕 List 组件支持传递ref
属性。#50772 @Asanio06 -
🆕 Collapse 支持语义化classNames
属性。#50557 @wanpan11 -
💄 移除 Skeleton.Node 默认的图标children
使其成为真正的自定义节点。#50278 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Typographycopyable
字符的问题。#50813 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Layout.Sider 单独使用时无法修改主题的问题。#50780 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Tour 组件标题过长时会遮挡关闭按钮的问题。#50942 @kiner-tang -
🌐 本地化-
🇯🇵 补充 DatePickerja_JP
文案。#50893 @harapeko -
🇪🇬 补充 Image 预览功能的ar_EG
阿拉伯语文案。#50851 @nathanlao -
🇬🇷 补充 Form 组件的希腊语文案。#50825 @nathanlao -
🇪🇸 补充 Tour 组件的西班牙语文案。#50805 @thinkasany
- TypeScript
🤖 Checkbox 新增onFocus
类型定义。#50842 @huiliangShen -
🤖 修复 Badge 属性类型定义不支持传递鼠标事件的问题。#50774 @yuanliu147
🐞 Improve Menu collapse animation smoothness. #50751 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Table cell overflow bug if edit with virtual scroll. #50737 @huiliangShen -
🐞 Fix Input.Search button radius not changing withsize
. #50734 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix Form password still can be toggle show/hide even if disabled. #50616 @Jarryxin -
🐞 Revert #49899 to fix wrap behavior for Dropdown, and re-fix wrap when out of screen edge. #50718 @afc163 -
💄 Fix Badge background transition when mouse out. #50743 @coding-ice - TypeScript
🤖 Fix Collapse types foronChange
arguments. #50754 @yuanliu147
🐞 修复 Menu 折叠动画不够丝滑的问题。#50751 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Table 虚拟滚动时单元格宽度可能溢出的问题。#50737 @huiliangShen -
🐞 修复 Input.Search 的按钮圆角不随size
变化的问题。#50734 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Form 禁用时仍可切换密码显隐的问题。#50616 @Jarryxin -
🐞 回滚 #49899 以修复 Dropdown 菜单项文字溢出菜单的问题,并重新修复屏幕视口外菜单项内容换行错误的问题。#50752 #50718 @afc163 -
💄 修复 Badge 鼠标移出时无背景色过渡动画的问题。#50743 @coding-ice - TypeScript
🤖 修复 Collapse 的onChange
的函数入参类型。#50754 @yuanliu147
🛠️ Adjust Tree & TreeSelectdefaultExpandAll
logic to only add internalexpandedKeys
has children instead to avoid perf issue when with large data orloadData
case. #50689 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Cascader not show parent option in search when usingmultiple
. #50689 -
🐞 Fix Typographyellipsis.tooltip.title
with ReactNode will cause dead loop. #50688 @zombieJ
🛠️ 调整 Tree 与 TreeSelect 的defaultExpandAll
异步的情况下引发的性能问题。#50689 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Cascader 在multiple
下搜索不会显示父节点作为选项的问题。#50689 -
🐞 修复 Typographyellipsis.tooltip.title
配置 ReactNode 会导致死循环的问题。#50688 @zombieJ
- Menu
🐞 Fix Menu tokenitemPaddingInline inoperative
not working. #50663 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix Menu missinghover
transition style. #50624 @afc163
💄 Badge add transition effect to count node. #50607 @afc163 -
💄 Fix Table column header move with unexpected transition. #50605 @afc163 -
🛠️ Refactor Typography code to optimize internal logic. #50561 @afc163 -
🐞 Disable the Rate component within Form.Item when the form is disabled. #50594 @nikzanda -
🌐 Patch tr_TRTransfer.deselectAll
locale. #50672 @coding-ice
- Menu
🐞 修复 Menu 的itemPaddingInline
token 不生效的问题。#50663 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Menuhover
时背景色切换渐变效果丢失的问题。#50624 @afc163
💄 给 Badge 增加一个动画缓动效果。#50607 @afc163 -
💄 修复 Table 列头切换状态时多余的的移动缓动动画。#50605 @afc163 -
🛠️ 重构 Typography 代码以优化内部实现逻辑。#50561 @afc163 -
🐞 当表单被禁用时,禁用 Form.Item 中的 Rate 组件。#50594 @nikzanda -
🌐 补充土耳其Transfer.deselectAll
本地化文本。#50672 @coding-ice
🐞 Refactor Typography native css ellipsis measure logic to handle precision edge case. #50514 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix ColorPickeronChangeComplete
not correct when click directly without move on the picker panel. #50501 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix FloatButton.Group with controlled mode warning for nest updating issue. #50500 @zombieJ
🐞 重构 Typography 在使用 css 原生省略时的检查逻辑,以解决屏幕缩放等情况下的精度问题。#50514 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 ColorPicker 组件在面板上不拖拽直接点击的时候,onChangeComplete
返回值不正确的问题。#50501 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 FloatButton.Group 在受控模式下 React 会警告递归更新的问题。#50500 @zombieJ
💄 Fix the suffix style problem of InputNumber without control. #50450 @coding-ice -
🆕 Formrule.message
supports skipping variable substitution through\\${}
. #50412 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fixed the issue where the rounded corners of the trigger element are missing when the FloatButton component has shape="square" and in menu mode when the menu pops up. #50408 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 Fixed the problem that Upload.Dragger does not work when dragging and dropping upload folders. #50394 @huiliangShen -
🐞 Fixed the issue where the arrow icon disappears after hovering when Select specifiesgetPopcontainer={node=node.parentNode}
. #50382 @afc163 -
🐞 Fixed the arrow misalignment error when Popover sets thearrow.pointAtCenter
property. #50260 @Wxh16144 -
📖 Transfer adds Russian and Ukrainian localization copy. #50429 @alexlag - TypeScript
🤖 Roll back the Table partial generic constraint object to any to reduce break changes caused by #50351. #50372 @crazyair
💄 修复 InputNumber 没有控件的后缀样式问题。#50450 @coding-ice -
🆕 Formrule.message
跳过变量替换。#50412 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复了 FloatButton 组件当 shape=“square” 时,并且在菜单模式下,菜单弹出时 trigger 元素圆角缺失的问题。#50408 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 修复 Upload.Dragger 拖拽上传文件夹时不工作问题。#50394 @huiliangShen -
🐞 修复 Select 指定getPopcontainer={node=node.parentNode}
时箭头图标 hover 后会消失的问题。#50382 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 Popover 设置arrow.pointAtCenter
属性时箭头未对齐错误。#50260 @Wxh16144 -
📖 Transfer 补充俄罗斯语和乌克兰语本地化文案。#50429 @alexlag - TypeScript
🤖 将 Table 部分泛型约束 object 回滚为 any,以减少 #50351 造成的 break change。#50372 @crazyair
- ColorPicker
💄 Fix TablezIndexTableFixed
token not support CSS var. #50355 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 Fix FloatButton don't supportzIndexPopupBase
token. #50349 @Yuzu-io -
🐞 Fix Typographytooltip
not show with precision issue ofellipsis
. #50315 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Formpreserve={false}
should not triggershouldUpdate
rerender. #50283 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Tour defaultz-index
not followzIndexPopup
token issue. #50300 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Calendarlocale
should overridelocale
from ConfigProvider. #50236 @Asanio06 -
🐞 Fix Spin align issue when settingpercent
. #50277 @Wxh16144 -
🐞 Fix Tree switcher position not ping at top when title break the line. #50313 @zombieJ -
🌐 Locales-
🇦🇿 Fix missing spaces ofaz_AZ
locale. #50238 @thinkasany
- TypeScript
🤖 Refine Table all Record types from any to Object. #50351 @li-jia-nan
- ColorPicker
💄 修复 TablezIndexTableFixed
token 不支持传入 CSS 变量的问题。#50355 @li-jia-nan -
🐞 修复 FloatButton 不支持zIndexPopupBase
token 的问题。#50349 @Yuzu-io -
🐞 修复 Typography 的ellipsis
无法显示的问题。#50315 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Formpreserve={false}
rerender 的问题。#50283 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Tour 默认z-index
token 的问题。#50300 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Calendarlocale
没有正确覆盖 ConfigProviderlocale
的问题。#50236 @Asanio06 -
🐞 修复 Spin 组件设置percent
时未水平居中的问题。#50277 @Wxh16144 -
🐞 修复 Tree 展开按钮在标题折行时没有顶上对齐的问题。#50313 @zombieJ -
🌐 本地化-
🇦🇿 修复az_AZ
本地化文案缺少空格的问题。#50238 @thinkasany
- TypeScript
🤖 优化 Table 中所有的 Record 类型从 any 约束为 Object 类型。#50351 @li-jia-nan
🛠️ Replace ColorPicker internal@ctrl/tiny-color
. #49846 -
🆕 ConfigProvider support indicator property for Spin. #50183 @coding-ice -
🆕 UploadshowUploadList
for additional content. #50098 @guoyunhe -
🆕 Tree support custom loading icon for tree nodes with new propswitcherLoadingIcon
. #49716 @coding-ice -
🆕 Slider supportrange.editable
to dynamic add/remove handles. #49923 -
🆕 Sliderrange.editable
. #49987 -
🆕 Support custom status render in QRCode. #49563 @kiner-tang -
🆕 Table component supports custom Filter dropdown box empty status. #49613 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 Allow user to add the Divider style ofdashed
. #49654 @pinaki-08 -
🆕 InputNumber supportssuffix
prop. #49674 @coding-ice -
🆕 ColorPicker support gradient color type and fix controlled mode not working. #50050 -
🆕 Input/TextArea/Mentions supportonClear
prop. #49905 @li-jia-nan -
⌨️ Optimize Input be changed repeatedly when hold the enter key in multi-mode. rc-input#72 @crazyair -
🐞 Fix the issue where line-height is not effective in cssinjs mode for ColorPicker. #50220 @vagusX -
🐞 Fix cursor disabled state for ColorPicker. #50217 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix grouping columns does not apply sorting for Table. #50086 @Zyf665 -
🐞 Fix Popover/PopConfirm/Tooltip withtopLeft
zoom in transform origin not correct when target element width is too large. #50134 -
💄 Fix Tree filter node style lost. #49773 @wanpan11 -
💄 Optimize ColorPicker when selecting a color from thetransparent
state, it defaults to using a bright color instead of black color to enhance the user interaction experience. #50148 - TypeScript
🤖 Component Token support string and number. #49837 @thinkasany -
🤖 Improve Radio export types. #50203 @baicie
🌐 Locales-
🇪🇸 Improve Spanish translation. #50179 @sergioalmela -
🇺🇦 Add missed translation in uk_UA. #50178 @Andrik264
🛠️ 替换 ColorPicker 内部使用的@ctrl/tiny-color
。#49846 -
🆕 ConfigProvider 支持配置 Spin 的 indicator 属性。#50183 @coding-ice -
🆕 UploadshowUploadList
以支持渲染额外信息。#50098 @guoyunhe -
🆕 Tree 新增switcherLoadingIcon
属性以支持自定义树节点的加载图标#49716 @coding-ice -
🆕 Slider 支持range.editable
以动态添加/删除节点。#49923 -
🆕 Sliderrange.editable
以配置可编辑节点树。#49987 -
🆕 在 QRCode 中支持自定义状态渲染。#49563 @kiner-tang -
🆕 Table 组件支持自定义过滤器下拉框空状态。 #49613 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 Divider 支持添加dashed
(实线)的样式。#49654 @pinaki-08 -
🆕 InputNumber 支持suffix
属性。#49674 @coding-ice -
🆕 ColorPicker 支持渐变色选择,并修复受控模式不生效的问题。#50050 -
🆕 Input/TextArea/Mentions 组件支持onClear
回调,便于区分点击 x 清除和手动清除这两个行为。#49905 @li-jia-nan -
⌨️ 优化 Input 下长按回车会不断触发变更的问题。rc-input#72 @crazyair -
🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在 cssinjs 模式下 line-height 失效的问题。#50220 @vagusX -
🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在 disabled 状态下的光标问题. #50217 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Table 中列存在分组时,排序不生效的问题。#50086 @Zyf665 -
🐞 修复 Popover/PopConfirm/Tooltip 在目标元素宽度过大时,使用topLeft
的弹出动画起始缩放中心有所偏移的问题。#50134 -
💄 修复 Tree 组件 filter-node 节点高亮样式丢失。#49773 @wanpan11 -
💄 优化 ColorPicker 当从transparent
状态进行颜色选取时,默认使用亮色以代替原本的纯黑色以提升用户交互体验。#50148 - TypeScript
🤖 Component Token 支持 string 或 number。#49837 @thinkasany -
🤖 改进 Radio 类型导出。#50203 @baicie
🌐 Locales-
🇪🇸 改进西班牙语本地化文案。#50179 @sergioalmela -
🇺🇦 补全uk_UA
本地化文案。#50178 @Andrik264
🐞 Fix the internal elements of Form.Item did not inherit the row height. #50020 @Wanpan -
🐞 Fix Overlay is still displayed when both Popovertitle
do not exist. #50064 @LLmoskk -
🐞 Fix the Token of Empty settingopacityImage
does not take effect. #50066 @thinkasany -
💄 Fix Tour overflowed the screen on mobile devices. #50082 -
💄 Fix hover style of Checkboxindeterminate
state. #50083 -
💄 Fix DatePicker selection style is not intuitive under rtl. #50045 @Layouwen -
💄 Fix Descriptions overflowing the container inbordered
mode. #49946 @leefinder -
🛠️ MISC: Migrate common style tools to@ant-design/cssinjs-utils
. #50030 @YumoImer -
🌐 Locales-
🇵🇱 Add DatePicker locales for pl_PL. #50023 @ang33l -
🇧🇪 🇫🇷 Add Modal Tour locales for fr_BE fr_FR. #50058 @JaccoGoris
🐞 修复 Form.Item 内部元素没有继承行高的问题。#50020 @Wanpan -
🐞 修复 Popovertitle
都不存在时 Overlay 仍显示的问题。#50064 @LLmoskk -
🐞 修复 Empty Token 设置opacityImage
不生效的问题。#50066 @thinkasany -
💄 修复 Tour 在移动端下溢出屏幕的问题。#50082 -
💄 修复 Checkboxindeterminate
状态的 hover 样式。#50083 -
💄 修复 DatePicker 在 rtl 下选择样式不符直觉。#50045 @Layouwen -
💄 修复 Descriptions 在bordered
模式下溢出容器的问题。#49946 @leefinder -
🛠️ MISC:将通用样式工具迁移到@ant-design/cssinjs-utils
。#50030 @YumoImer -
🌐 国际化-
🇵🇱 为 pl_PL 补充 DatePicker 国际化。#50023 @ang33l -
🇧🇪 🇫🇷 为 fr_BE fr_FR 补充 Modal Tour 国际化。#50058 @JaccoGoris
🐞 Fix Table sorter argument ofonChange
with unexpected value. #49533 @Zyf665 -
🐞 Fix Paginationtoken.itemBg
not working. #49933 -
🐞 Fix List wrong align style of pagination. #49925 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix Image cannot exit preview, when click blank area on both sides of aciton bar. #49915 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Card border radius cannot works for non-img elements fromcover
property. #49862 @coding-ice -
💄 Fix Dropdown menu item wrong wrap style at edge of viewport. #49899 -
💄 Fix Descriptions items may too close with each other. #49895 @crazyair -
⌨️ Optimize Select be changed repeatedly when hold the enter key in multi-mode. #49963 @crazyair -
🇪🇬 Add missing translation for the Arabic language(Egypt) (ar_EG). #49852 @ahmedsamirdev - TypeScript
🤖 Reuse Tooltips type definitions for ColorPicker. #49949 @Wxh16144
🐞 修复 Table 的onChange
事件中排序器参数错误的问题。#49533 @Zyf665 -
🐞 修复 Paginationtoken.itemBg
设置不生效的问题。#49933 -
🐞 修复 List 默认分页位置错误的问题。#49925 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Image 预览操作栏两侧空白区域被点击时,无法关闭预览的问题。#49915 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Card 圆角对cover
属性中的非 img 元素不生效的问题。#49862 @coding-ice -
💄 修复 Dropdown 菜单内容在视口边缘换行的问题。#49899 -
💄 修复 Descriptions 子项之间可能没有边距的问题。#49895 @crazyair -
⌨️ 优化 Select 多选模式下长按回车会不断触发变更的问题。#49963 @crazyair -
🇪🇬 添加阿拉伯文(埃及) (ar_EG) 的翻译。#49852 @ahmedsamirdev - TypeScript
🤖 复用 Tooltips 的定义以简化 ColorPicker 的类型声明。#49949 @Wxh16144
🐞 Fix List render0
. #49842 @int64ago -
🐞 Fix Upload with dragging upload, thefileList
is not fully filled. #49832 @coderz-w - Descriptions
🐞 Fix Descriptions overlap when content is too long. #49803 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fix Descriptions render style issue when under TableexpandedRowRender
. #49727 @ljw-codeking
🐞 Fix Spin style issue when usepercent
at same time. #49876 -
🇮🇳 Fill DatePickerkn_IN
missing locales. #49860 @neerajap-01 - Typescript
🐞 Fix Treeicon
parameter types not being correctly inferred. #49821 -
🐞 Revert Cascadermultiple
definition casevalue
definition missing. #49741 @YangZhi1
🐞 修复 Listactions
的问题。#49842 @int64ago -
🐞 修复 Upload 拖拽上传文件夹时,beforeUpload
不完整的问题。#49832 @coderz-w - Descriptions
🐞 修复 Descriptions 在内容过长时会遮盖后面内容的问题。#49803 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Descriptions 在 TableexpandedRowRender
中渲染样式异常的问题。#49727 @ljw-codeking
🐞 修复 Spinpercent
一同使用时,样式不正确的问题。#49876 -
🇮🇳 补充 DatePicker 的kn_IN
本地化文案。#49860 @neerajap-01 - Typescript
🐞 修复 Treeicon
参数类型未能正确推导的问题。#49821 -
🐞 回滚 Cascadermultiple
定义丢失的问题。#49741 @YangZhi1
🐞 Global: @ant-design/colors use pre-compiled color presets to improve runtime performance. #49714 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Global: No more limit max autozIndex
increase but use warning instead. #49720 -
🐞 Adjust position of Input.TextArea to be consistent with other data entry components. #49718 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Input variantfilled
token invalid. #49699 @wanpan11 - TypeScript
🤖 Fix Cascadermultiple
type issue. #49669 @YangZhi1
🐞 Global: @ant-design/colors 使用预编译颜色预设来提升运行时性能。#49714 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Global: 对于弹层类自动增长zIndex
不再限制最大值,而是改成控制台警告。#49720 -
🐞 优化 Input.TextArea 清除图标的位置,与其他输入组件统一。#49718 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Input 组件filled
不生效问题。#49699 @wanpan11 - TypeScript
🤖 修复 Cascader 组件multiple
的类型问题。#49669 @YangZhi1
🆕 ConfigProvider now supports global configuration forvariant
. #49535 @MadCcc - QRCode
- QRCode uses
instead ofqrcode.react
. #49454 @kiner-tang - QRCode adding support for click events and
configuration. #49240 @thinkasany
- QRCode uses
🆕 Select component'sfilterSort
property now includessearchValue
parameter. #49352 @MadCcc -
🆕 Pagination addssimple
property, supports read-only mode, and introducesalign
property. #49562 @coding-ice -
🐞 Enhanced Anchor'saffix
property for more configuration options. #49295 @gin-lsl - DatePicker
🐞 Fixed missing arrow in DatePicker/TimePicker RangePicker withplacement
set totopRight
.#49333 -
🐞 Fixed missing accessible text for DatePicker switch button, style issue in RTL mode forDatePicker.RangePicker
, and crash when entering wrong end value in year selection of DatePicker.RangePicker.#49333 -
🐞 Fixed DatePicker.RangePicker resetting selected dates when entering dates via keyboard. #49333
🐞 Button fixeddisabled
property not working when used asDropdown
. #47363 -
🐞 InputNumber now warns when usingtype=number
. #49648 @wanpan11 - Table
🐞 Upload fixed rendering performance issue when listing many files in list mode. #49598 @tlkv -
💄 Added initial styles forSubMenu
node in Menu. #49643 @wanpan11 -
💄 Improved active style for Slider handle. #49630 -
💄 Optimizedvariant=borderless
style for DatePicker, TimePicker, Select, TreeSelect, Input, InputNumber, Mentions, now distinguishable when settingstatus
property. #49608 -
🐞 Fixed Typographyellipsis
not working when parent hasnowrap
style. #49667 - TypeScript:
🤖 ConfigProvider Improved TypeScript definition forrenderEmpty
method. #49602 @Wxh16144
🌐 Locales-
🇹🇭 Added missing Thai translations forTransfer.deselectAll
. #49588 by @Tantatorn-dev -
🇳🇱 Fixed nl_NL localization issues for Tour. #49612 by @Hannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn -
🇹🇷 Adjusted Turkish language text forDatePicker
. #49333
🆕 ConfigProvider 现支持全局配置variant
。#49535 @MadCcc -
🆕 QRCode- QRCode 使用
。#49454 @kiner-tang - QRCode 新增支持点击事件和
宽高配置。#49240 @thinkasany
- QRCode 使用
🆕 Select 组件的filterSort
的参数。#49352 @MadCcc -
🆕 Pagination 支持simple={{ readOnly }}
属性。#49562 @coding-ice -
💄 优化了 Slider 滑块的激活样式。#49630 -
🐞 增强了 Anchor 的affix
属性,支持更多配置项。#49295 @gin-lsl - DatePicker
🐞 Button 修复了用作 Dropdowntrigger
属性不生效的问题。#47363 -
🐞 InputNumber 在同时使用type=number
时现在会给出警告提示。#49648 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Dropdown 次级菜单 reset 样式丢失的问题。#49643 @wanpan11 -
💄 优化了 DatePicker、TimePicker、Select、TreeSelect、Input、InputNumber、Mentions 的variant="borderless"
属性时也能够被区分。#49608 - Table
🐞 Upload 修复了在列表模式下文件过多时出现的渲染性能问题。#49598 @tlkv -
🐞 Typography 修复在父元素存在nowrap
不生效的问题。#49667 - TypeScript:
🤖 ConfigProvider 改进了renderEmpty
方法的 TypeScript 类型定义。#49602 @Wxh16144
🌐 国际化-
🇹🇭 添加了缺失的泰语翻译,包括Transfer.deselectAll
。#49588 @Tantatorn-dev -
🇳🇱 Tour 修复了 nl_NL 本地化问题。#49612 @Hannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn -
🇹🇷 调整了 DatePicker 的土耳其语言文案。#49333
🐞 Revert #49289 to resolve Table sort state missing in some cases. #49487 -
🛠️ Migrate thegenCalc
. #49463 @YumoImer -
🇳🇵 Fix ne_NP missing locales. #49492 @FuliangZhang
🐞 回滚 #49289 以修复 5.18.2 引入的 Table 排序状态失效的问题。#49487 -
🛠️ 将样式处理的部分功能迁移到@ant-design/cssinjs
中。#49463 @YumoImer -
🇳🇵 补充 ne_NP 本地化文案。#49492 @FuliangZhang
🐞 Fix the bug where the icon and the text aren't strictly centered in message. #49429 @nova1751 -
🐞 Fix Table sorter argument ofonChange
with unexpected value for #49134. #49289 @Zyf665 -
🐞 Addaria-label
for expand icon in Collapse. #49395 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix tokeninputFontSizeSM
not working in InputNumber. #49369 -
💄 Fix Empty sometimes doesn't takecolorTextDescription
as description text color. #49408 -
💄 Resolve Badgeprocessing
status style conflict with Tailwind CSS. #49379 -
🌐 Locales-
🇲🇳 Add missing translations for Mongol language (mn_MN). #49373 @JiyinShao
🐞 修复了 message 图标与文本内容没有严格居中对齐的问题。#49429 @nova1751 -
🐞 修复 #49134 #49289 中提到的 Table 组件的onChange
事件中排序器参数的问题。@Zyf665 -
🐞 为 Collapse 组件中展开/折叠图标 添加具有语义的aria-label
属性值。#49395 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 InputNumber 组件中 tokeninputFontSizeSM
不生效的问题。#49369 -
💄 修复 Empty 部分样式下,描述的colorTextDescription
不生效的问题。#49408 -
💄 解决 Badgeprocessing
与 Tailwind CSS 样式冲突的问题。#49379 -
🌐 国际化-
🇲🇳 添加蒙古语言 (mn_MN) 翻译。#49373 @JiyinShao
- Typography
🐞 Fix Typography component'sellipsis
not working properly inpre
tag. #49168 @nova1751 -
🐞 Fix Typographyellipsis
sometimes not working in Safari. #49221
🐞 Fix Spacesize
setting to 0 did not take effect. #49192 @coding-ice -
🐞 Fixpadding
of Progress text is invalid in cssinjs. #49250 @vagusX -
🐞 Fix Modal close button'szIndex
being incorrect incssVar
mode. #49238 -
🐞 Fix Imagewidth
being applied to preview images. #49259 @nova1751 -
🐞 Fix the icon of the Pagination page switcher disappears when hovering. #49262 -
🐞 Fix Mentions not responding to Enter event whenloading=true
. #49292 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Notification did not inherit App config properties. #49339 @hemengke1997 -
💄 Fix the text color of Drawer was incorrect in dark mode. #49217 -
💄 Fix the style was not visible and thepercent
progress was not passed when customizing theindicator
of Spin. #49211 @wanpan11 - DatePicker
- TypeScript
🤖 Mentions added new export typeMentionsProps
. #49281 @thinkasany -
🤖 Remove duplicate union type from Statistic. #49218 @thinkasany
🌐 Locales-
🇲🇾 Add Table、Form、Tour etc. ms_MY locale. #49353 @cs-gavin-huang -
🇦🇿 Add DatePicker az_AZ locale. #49247 @sabitalizade
- Typography
🐞 修复 Typography 组件的ellipsis
标签中没有正常工作的问题。#49168 @nova1751 -
🐞 修复 Typographyellipsis
在 Safari 中有时不生效的问题。#49221
🐞 修复 Spacesize
设置 0 不生效的问题。#49192 @coding-ice -
🐞 修复 Progress 文本的 padding 在 cssinjs 下单位失效问题。#49250 @vagusX -
🐞 修复 Modal 关闭按钮的zIndex
模式下不正确的问题。#49238 -
🐞 修复 Imagewidth
被应用到预览图片上的问题。#49259 @nova1751 -
🐞 修复 Pagination 页码切换器 hover 时图标消失的问题。#49262 -
🐞 修复 Mentions 当loading=true
时不响应 Enter 事件的问题。#49292 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Notification 没有继承 App config 属性的问题。#49339 @hemengke1997 -
💄 修复 Drawer 在暗黑模式下,文本颜色不正确的问题。#49217 -
💄 修复 Spin 自定义indicator
进度没有传递的问题。#49211 @wanpan11 - DatePicker
- TypeScript
🤖 Mentions 新增导出类型MentionsProps
。#49281 @thinkasany -
🤖 移除 Statistic 重复的联合类型。#49218 @thinkasany
🌐 国际化-
🇲🇾 补充 Table、Form、Tour 等 ms_MY 文案。#49353 @cs-gavin-huang -
🇦🇿 补充 DatePicker az_AZ 文案。#49247 @sabitalizade
🛎️ Fix Button icon and text align issue by changinginline-block
and simplifyiconPosition
implementation. #47318 - Drawer
🆕 Drawer adddrawerRender
property to control render. #49125 @crazyair -
🛠️ Drawer loading implementation changes to Skeleton from Spin. #48886 @li-jia-nan
- Form
🆕 Form.Item addlayout
property to toggle layout mode. #49119 @crazyair -
🆕 Formref
property supports to access the native element. #48841 @wanpan11 -
🆕 Form addclearOnDestroy
property to clear form data when destroy. #48921 @crazyair
- Image
🆕 Image addonReset
properties. #48936 @kiner-tang -
🆕 Image supports getimgInfo
from arguments oftoolbarRender
render functions. #48729 @nova1751
- notification
- Progress
🆕 Progress addpercentPosition
property to control position for percent value. #48157 @LonelySnowman -
🆕 Progresssize
property supports object value. #48805 @crazyair
🆕 Avatar.Group addmax
property for replacemaxCount
properties. #49131 @wanpan11 -
🆕 Modal addloading
property to show the skeleton. #48848 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Rate addkeyboard
property to ignore keyboard events. #49132 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 Spin supportpercent
to render as progress. #48657 -
🐞 Watermark addoverflow: hidden
style to prevent setheight: 0
to hide the watermark case. #49130 -
🐞 Anchor fix scroll animation lost bug when setreplace
property. #49136 @mySkey -
🐞 Tour fixcurrent
argument ofonClose
is wrong. #49124 -
💄 List.Item addstyles
properties. #49154 @wanpan11 -
🇯🇵 DatePicker add missing ja_JP translations. #49155 @huyikai -
🛠️ Simplify several logics and type definitions. #49146 #49156 #49169 #49162 @coding-ice
🛎️ Button 默认布局由inline-block
的实现。#47318 - Drawer
🆕 Drawer 新增drawerRender
属性以支持自定义渲染。#49125 @crazyair -
🛠️ Drawer 加载中的状态实现由 Spin 替换为 Skeleton。#48886 @li-jia-nan
- Form
🆕 Form.Item 新增layout
属性以切换布局方式。#49119 @crazyair -
🆕 Form 的ref
属性支持获取原生节点。#48841 @wanpan11 -
🆕 Form 新增clearOnDestroy
属性以在卸载时清空表单数据。#48921 @crazyair
- Image
🆕 Image 新增onReset
属性。#48936 @kiner-tang -
🆕 Image 的toolbarRender
信息。#48729 @nova1751
- notification
- Progress
🆕 Progress 新增percentPosition
属性用于控制数值位置。#48157 @LonelySnowman -
🆕 Progress 的size
属性支持配置为对象值。#48805 @crazyair
🆕 Avatar.Group 新增max
。#49131 @wanpan11 -
🆕 Modal 新增loading
属性以展示加载中的状态。#48848 @li-jia-nan -
🆕 Rate 新增keyboard
属性以支持禁用键盘事件。#49132 @Wxh16144 -
🆕 Spin 支持percent
属性以进度形态展示。#48657 -
🐞 Watermark 添加overflow: hidden
样式以防止通过设置height: 0
样式达到隐藏水印的效果。#49130 -
🐞 Anchor 修复设置replace
属性时滚动动画丢失的问题。#49136 @mySkey -
🐞 Tour 修复onClose
参数错误的问题。#49124 -
💄 List.Item 增加styles
属性。#49154 @wanpan11 -
🇯🇵 DatePicker 补充 ja_JP 本地化文案。#49155 @huyikai -
🛠️ 精简数处判断逻辑及类型定义。#49146 #49156 #49169 #49162 @coding-ice
🐞 Fix Modal withconfirm
would not close correctly when returningtrue
. #49054 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Carousel was warned about having non-standard DOM attributes by React. #49031 -
🐞 Fix Form prop ofscrollToFirstError
not working for InputNumber. #48989 @Wxh16144 - TypeScript
🐞 修复 Modal 的confirm
时,窗体不会正确关闭的问题。#49054 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Carousel 会被提示存在非标准 dom 属性的问题。#49031 -
🐞 修复 Form 的scrollToFirstError
对 InputNumber 无效的问题。#48989 @Wxh16144 - TypeScript
🐞 MISC: Fix some components throwsfindDOMNode
warning in React 18.3.0. #48958 -
🐞 Fix Button thatfontSize
token not works. #48893 @wanpan11 -
💄 Fix Pagination size-changer element style. #48931 @wanpan11
🐞 杂项:修复部分组件在 React 18.3.0 下警告findDOMNode
的问题。#48958 -
🐞 修复 Button 字体大小 token 无效的问题。#48893 @wanpan11 -
💄 修复 Pagination 组件跳转选择元素样式问题。#48931 @wanpan11
🐞 MISC: Fixlib
bundle mistake deps on thees
module which break the build progress. #48914
🐞 MISC: 修复lib
🐞 Optimize the internal logic of the Form, fix the problem that antd takes too long time to build in Next.js. react-component/async-validator#9 -
🐞 Fix visually not centered when Tooltip content is only one character. #48890 @kiner-tang - Button
🐞 Fix hover and active styles not differentiating when Buttontype="text"
are used together. #48876 @LonelySnowman
- Fix issue where some components throw findDOMNode warnings
🐞 Fix Button throwingfindDOMNode
warning. #48830 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Badge throwingfindDOMNode
warnings. #48878 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix Alert throwingfindDOMNode
warnings. #48868 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix FloatButton.BackTop throwingfindDOMNode
warnings. #48865 @wanpan11
💄 Add className to internal component Spin given by Drawer to prevent internal Spin styles from overriding user-passed Spin styles. #48857 @li-jia-nan -
💄 Fix missing bottom border when Cardsize="small"
. #48787 @wanpan11 -
🐞 Fix AutoCompletetagRender
not working for maxTag and clicking on an edge triggering unexpected closure of the layer. #48798 - RTL
💄 Fix Button's missing icon order and margins under RTL. #48821
- TypeScript
🤖 Fix Cascader redundant generalization issue. #48879 @crazyair
🐞 优化 Form 组件底层逻辑,修复了 antd 在 Next.js 中构建时间太长的问题。react-component/async-validator#9 -
🐞 修复 Tooltip 内容只有一个字符时视觉不居中的问题。#48890 @kiner-tang - Button
🐞 修复 Buttontype="text"
同时使用时 hover 和 active 样式没有区分的问题。#48876 @LonelySnowman
- 修复部分组件抛出 findDOMNode 警告的问题
🐞 修复 Button 抛出findDOMNode
警告的问题。#48830 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Badge 抛出findDOMNode
警告的问题。#48878 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 Alert 抛出findDOMNode
警告的问题。#48868 @wanpan11 -
🐞 修复 FloatButton.BackTop 抛出findDOMNode
警告的问题。#48865 @wanpan11
💄 给 Drawer 的内部组件 Spin 添加 className,防止内部 Spin 样式覆盖用户传入的 Spin 样式。#48857 @li-jia-nan -
💄 修复 Cardsize="small"
时下边框丢失的问题。#48787 @wanpan11 -
🐞 AutoComplete 修复tagRender
对 maxTag 无效的问题和点击边缘会触发弹层意外关闭的问题。#48798 - RTL
💄 修复 Button 在 RTL 下的图标顺序和边距缺失问题。#48821
- TypeScript
🤖 修复 Cascader 多余泛型问题。#48879 @crazyair
🔥 🔥 🔥 @ant-design/cssinjs
StyleProvider supports configuringlayer
to unified downgrade CSS priority. After the downgrade, the style of antd will always be lower than the default CSS selector priority, so that users can override the style (please be sure to check the browser compatibility of @layer), see full documentation for usage. #48229 -
🆕 Carousel supportsarrows
to switching between slides now. #48542 - Form
🛠️ Form move dependency fromasync-validator
, fix a bug thattransform
don't check it's return value type. #48486 @crazyair -
🆕 Form addinlineMargin
token. #48362 @CooperHash -
🐞 Fix FormscrollToFirstError
cannot work on Upload. #48211 @Wxh16144
- Typography
🆕 Typography.Paragraph could customizetabIndex
prop for editable and copyable buttons. #48567 @nova1751 -
🐞 Fix Typographyeditable
will trigger focus unexpectedly on mounting. #48741
- DatePicker
- Drawer
- 🆕 Drawer supports
prop now. #48563 @Enigama - 🐞 Fix Drawer
not working. #48721 @replygirl
- 🆕 Drawer supports
- Slider
- 🐞 Fix Slider tooltip cannot be hidden when
tooltip={{ formatter: null }}
. #48673 @wanpan11 - 🐞 Slider tooltip should not display when
tooltip={{ open: false }}
. #48708
- 🐞 Fix Slider tooltip cannot be hidden when
- Button
- 🆕 Button add
prop to specify icon position. #47791 @GeorgeHcc - 🆕 Button supports
prop. #48348 @li-jia-nan
- 🆕 Button add
- 🆕 ConfigProvider supports
prop and deprecatedautoInsertSpaceInButton
prop. #48348 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 TreeSelect supports
prop now. #48636 @wanpan11 - 🆕 Tabs supports
more={{ .. }}
to customize more dropdown. #48321 @CooperHash - 🆕 Flex
could be boolean type now. #48391 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Input.OTP supports
prop. #48257 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Alert supports
props. #48336 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Upload supports
. #48210 @Wxh16144 - 🐞 Fix List would not rerender when
changed. #48683 @coderz-w - 🐞 Fix QRCode size cannot fit it's container and remove default padding of
. #48194 @thinkasany - 🐞 Fix Table shadow should be show when there are columns where
. #1113 @linxianxi - 🐞 Fix Progress tooltip wrong distance. #48686
- 📖 Table add column-drag sorting demo. #48434 @GeorgeHcc
- TypeScript
- 🤖 Optimize Cascader typing. #48420 @crazyair
- Locales
- 🇯🇵 Fix missing Japanese locale translation. #48704 @edikurniawan-dev
- 🇮🇩 Fix missing Indonesian locale translation. #48703 @edikurniawan-dev
- 🔥🔥🔥
StyleProvider 支持配置layer
统一降级 默认 CSS 优先级。经过降权后,antd 的样式将始终低于默认的 CSS 选择器优先级,以便于用户进行样式覆盖(请务必注意检查 @layer 浏览器兼容性),详情可见文档。#48229 - 🆕 Carousel 现在支持
来开启箭头切换功能。#48542 - Form
- 🛠 Form 依赖的
没有自动检测返回值类型的问题。#48486 @crazyair - 🆕 Form 新增
token。#48362 @CooperHash - 🐞 修复 Form 下出现错误时无法滚动到 Upload 组件的问题。#48211 @Wxh16144
- 🛠 Form 依赖的
- Typography
- 🆕 Typography.Paragraph 的编辑、复制按钮允许修改
。#48567 @nova1751 - 🐞 修复 Typography 开启
时会意外触发 focus 行为的问题。#48741
- 🆕 Typography.Paragraph 的编辑、复制按钮允许修改
- DatePicker
- Drawer
- 🆕 Drawer 新增
属性。#48563 @Enigama - 🐞 修复 Drawer 不支持
的问题。#48721 @replygirl
- 🆕 Drawer 新增
- Slider
- 🐞 修复 Slider
tooltip={{ open: false }}
时提示框未正确隐藏的问题。#48708 - 🐞 修复 Slider
tooltip={{ formatter: null }}
无法隐藏 Tooltip 的问题。#48673 @wanpan11
- 🐞 修复 Slider
- Button
- 🆕 Button 新增
以指定预置图标位置。#47791 @GeorgeHcc - 🆕 Button 组件支持
属性,用来移除两个汉字之间的空格。#48348 @li-jia-nan
- 🆕 Button 新增
- 🆕 ConfigProvider 组件支持
属性。#48348 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 TreeSelect 支持
属性。#48636 @wanpan11 - 🆕 Tabs 新增
more={{ ... }}
属性以支持自定义下拉菜单的属性。#48321 @CooperHash - 🆕 Flex 组件
参数支持 boolean 类型。#48391 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Input.OTP 组件支持
属性,以自定义遮罩字符。#48257 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Alert 组件支持
属性。#48336 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Upload 组件
以支持访问原生元素。#48210 @Wxh16144 - 🐞 修复 List
属性值更新后组件未重新渲染的问题。#48683 @coderz-w - 🐞 修复 Progress tooltip 提示距离太近的问题。#48686
- 🐞 修复 QRCode 无法自适应容器大小的问题并移除
时的默认边距。#48194 @thinkasany - 🐞 修复 Table 组件设置
时的某些特殊情况下未正常显示投影的问题。#1113 @linxianxi - 📖 添加 Table 表格列拖拽排序演示。#48434 @GeorgeHcc
- TypeScript
- 🤖 优化 Cascader 属性定义。#48420 @crazyair
- 本地化
- 🇯🇵 补充日语本地化文案。#48704 @edikurniawan-dev
- 🇮🇩 补充印尼语本地化文案。#48703 @edikurniawan-dev
- 🐞 Fix Transfer component issue when trying to select item from the right column while it has "unknown-key" within targetKeys. #48664 @andreyk1512
- 🐞 Fix Steps custom icon not vertically centered error. #48650 @ZinkWu
- 🐞 Fix Badge number centered but slightly right-aligned. #48605 @akinocccc
- 🐞 Fix Popover and Popconfirm blinking when open on the right edge of screen. #48591
- 🐞 Fix ColorPicker that cleared icon should change when initial value is
. #48584 @MadCcc - 💄 Fix Collapse bottom border issue. #48561 @hamzaseif13
- 💄 Adjust Input border style in form validation when disabled. #48616 @nova1751
- TypeScript
- 🤖 Add missing generic type of Upload prop. #48614 @li-jia-nan
- 🤖 Fix missing generic type of Upload
prop. #48612 @jas0ncn
- Locales
- 🇪🇸 Added missing es_ES translations for DatePicker component. #48601 @JMMOLLER
- 🇩🇪 Added missing german translations for DatePicker component. #48586 @sebhs
- 🐞 修复 Transfer 组件在 targetKeys 中含有 "unknown-key" 时,尝试从右侧列选中单项的问题。#48664 @andreyk1512
- 🐞 修复 Steps 自定义图标未垂直居中问题。#48650 @ZinkWu
- 🐞 修复 Badge 数字居中偏右的问题。#48605 @akinocccc
- 🐞 修复 Popover 和 Popconfirm 在屏幕右侧边缘闪烁的问题。#48591
- 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在初始未受控时清除图标不会改变的问题。#48584 @MadCcc
- 💄 修复 Collapse 组件底部边框样式问题。#48561 @hamzaseif13
- 💄 调整 Input 组件在禁用的时候在表单校验时的边框颜色。#48616 @nova1751
- TypeScript
- 🤖 补充 Upload 组件缺失的泛型。#48614 @li-jia-nan
- 🤖 修复 Upload
参数丢失泛型的问题。#48612 @jas0ncn
- 国际化
- 🇪🇸 为 DatePicker 补充 西班牙语 多语言。#48601 @JMMOLLER
- 🇩🇪 为 DatePicker 补充 德语 多语言。#48586 @sebhs
- 🐞 Fix Select with
will break the height align ofcontrolHeight
token. #48574 - 🐞 Fix Upload miss style when enable CSS Variable. #48569 @nova1751
- 🐞 Fix Slider in
tooltip blink when drag the handle over another one. #48536 - Input
- 🐞 Fix the text of the button is not the large size when Input.Search is set to a large size. #48527
- 🐞 Fix abnormal text display in Input.TextArea. #48489 @korkt-kim
- 🐞 Fix the stuck animation effect of the Upload component image. #48522 @nova1751
- 🐞 Fix the issue where the Switch component using
did not add a default height. #48513 @wanpan11 - 🐞 Fix the warning reminder when Form.Item uses noStyle with no value. #48508
- 🐞 Fix Popover
setting failed. #48481 @linhf123 - 🐞 Fix where
is not displayed when DatePicker is configured withmultiple
. #48387 @nova1751 - 🐞 Fix where ColorPicker clear color could not be changed when controlled in strict mode. #48450
- 💄 Fix the arrow style issue when Collapse uses third-party icons. #48417 @guoyunhe
- 💄 Optimize the animation effect of the embedded Menu Sider when it is expanded. #48127 @metouch
- 💄 Optimize Steps process style. #48464
- Locales
- 🇨🇳 Add zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW Table licales. #48543 @thinkasany
- 🇮🇩 Add id_ID DatePicker Form Table etc. locales. #48537 #48287 @edikurniawan-dev
- 🌐 Optimize Transfer localization to use
locale when need deselect all. #48553 @coderz-w
- 🐞 修复 Select 配置
token 的问题。#48574 - 🐞 修复 Upload 在开启 CSS Variable 时样式丢失的问题。#48569 @nova1751
- 🐞 修复 Slider 在范围选择下,拖动滑块越过另一个滑块时提示框闪动的问题。#48536
- Input
- 🐞 修复 Input.Search 设置大尺寸时,按钮的文字不是大尺寸的问题。#48527
- 🐞 修复 Input.TextArea 的文字显示异常问题。#48489 @korkt-kim
- 🐞 修复 Upload 组件图片卡顿的动画效果。#48522 @nova1751
- 🐞 修复 Switch 组件使用
未添加默认高度的问题。#48513 @wanpan11 - 🐞 修复 Form.Item 使用 noStyle 无值时的警告提醒。#48508
- 🐞 修复 Popover
设置失效的问题。#48481 @linhf123 - 🐞 修复 DatePicker 配置
不展示的问题。#48387 @nova1751 - 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在严格模式下受控时清除颜色无法改变的问题。#48450
- 💄 修复 Collapse 使用第三方图标时的 arrow 样式问题。#48417 @guoyunhe
- 💄 优化内嵌 Menu 的 Sider 在展开时的动画效果。#48127 @metouch
- 💄 优化 Steps process 样式。#48464
- 国际化
- 🇨🇳 补充 zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW Table 文案。#48543 @thinkasany
- 🇮🇩 补充 id_ID DatePicker Form Table 等文案。#48537 #48287 @edikurniawan-dev
- 🌐 优化 Transfer 本地化,现在反选会使用
locale 配置。#48553 @coderz-w
- 🛠 Script failed to publish an empty package. Do not use this version.
- 🛠 脚本错误发布空包,请勿使用。
- 🐞 Fix Input.OTP controlled
not work as expect. #48399 - 🐞 Fix DatePicker of
with week picker not show the selection on the panel. #48355 - 🐞 Fix Upload
has additional space on top. #48370 - Typography
- 🐞 Fix Typography dynamic set
will not show the operation button. #48350 - 🐞 Fix Typography dynamic update
not working. #48347 - 🐞 Fix Typography using
config withexpandable="collapsible"
at both time will make ellipsis not working as expect. #48340
- 🐞 Fix Typography dynamic set
- 💄 Fix Steps in compact theme not show the correct progress style. #48251
- 💄 Refactor Tabs and wave-related components CSS duration values with
Component Token. #48311 #48312 @li-jia-nan - 🇯🇵 Add Transfer missing ja_JP translations. #48411 @Inshiku-Han
- 🌐 Fix Picker ja-JP and ko-KR translations. #48382 @li-jia-nan
- 🛠 Use constant instead of enumeration to reduce package size. #48406 @kiner-tang
- 🐞 修复 Input.OTP 组件受控设置
时不生效的问题。#48399 - 🐞 修复 DatePicker 对周选择器配置
多选时,弹出面板不会正确高亮选中项的问题。#48355 - 🐞 修复 Upload 配置
时,上方有额外空隙的问题。#48370 - Typography
- 💄 修复 Steps 的进度样式在紧凑模式下不正确的问题。#48251
- 💄 重构 Tabs 和波纹样式相关组件的 CSS 过渡时间值,替换为
Component Token。#48311 #48312 @li-jia-nan - 🇯🇵 补充 Transfer 的 ja_JP 本地化文案。#48411 @Inshiku-Han
- 🌐 修复 Picker 的 ja_JP 和 ko_KR 本地化文案。#48382 @li-jia-nan
- 🛠 使用常量替代枚举减小包体积。#48406 @kiner-tang
- 🛠 Adjust Typography
logic to use CSS ellipsis in SSR to enhance user experience. #48205 - 🐞 Fix FloatButton config
at same time will makebadge
customize background not working. #48198 @LonelySnowman
- 🛠 调整 Typography 的
使其在 SSR 阶段使用 CSS 省略以优化用户体验。#48205 - 🐞 修复 FloatButton 中同时配置
的自定义背景色会失效的问题。#48198 @LonelySnowman
- 🔥 New component Input.OTP support. #48076
- 🆕 Tag support
in closable. #47678 @kiner-tang - 🆕 Table add
to control hover effect. #48112 @madocto - 🆕 Typography support async copy. #48123 @crazyair
- 🆕 Progress support
. #47940 @yykoypj - 🆕 Table support
event for table body scroll. #47986 - 🆕 Typography ellipsis supports expand and collapse. #47264 @crazyair
- 🆕 ConfigProvider support configuring FloatButton.Group
. #47953 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Table support
prop for sorters. #47409 @Ke1sy - 🆕 Cascader support
. #47727 @crazyair - 🆕 Notification support
. #47710 @kiner-tang - ⌨️ Popover can be closed by ESC when trigger is
. #47928 @CooperHash - 🐞 Fix Button that vertically center icons when icon-only. #48178 @momesana
- 🐞 Fix Modal.confirm content is not centered when icon is null. #48173
- Form #48163 @madocto
- 🐞 1. Fix Form
shouldn't work when FormItem'sname
doesn't exist . - 🐞 2. Fix Form's
should tread same assetFields
- 🐞 1. Fix Form
- 🐞 Fixe Table that internationalization of table columns fails when searching. #48126 @LingJinT
- 🐞 Fix Upload that
should be triggered whenfileList.length
is larger thanmaxCount
. #47747 @Zhou-Bill - 🐞 Fix Carousel several bugs by upgrading react-slick changes and renewing TS type. #48093
- 🐞 Fix ColorPicker that displayed cleared color not change after
changed. #47816 @MadCcc - 🐞 Make Badge consistent with Tag that applay
token in processing. #47695 @pfdgithub - 🌐 Add missing form translations in is_IS. #48104 @LonelySnowman
- 🌐 Add Uzbek(latn) locale. #47899
- TypeScript
- 🤖 Improve Transfer's
type, changekey: string
tokey: React.Key
. #47879 @madocto - 🤖 Table support for generic pairs dataIndex props verification . @crazyair
- 🤖 Improve Transfer's
- 🔥 新增 Input.OTP 组件。#48076
- 🆕 Tag 组件支持在
中配置 aria 属性。#47678 @kiner-tang - 🆕 Table 增加
开启或关闭 hover 效果。#48112 @madocto - 🆕 Typography 组件支持异步复制。#48123 @crazyair
- 🆕 Progress 组件
。#47940 @yykoypj - 🆕 Table 支持
事件用于监听表单内容滚动。#47986 - 🆕 Typography 省略支持展开和收起。#47264 @crazyair
- 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持配置 FloatButton.Group 的
属性。#47953 @li-jia-nan - 🆕 Table 支持配置排序的
属性.#47409 @Ke1sy - 🆕 Cascader 支持
。#47727 @crazyair - 🆕 Notification 组件支持在
中配置 aria-*。#47710 @kiner-tang - ⌨️ Popover 当
时能被 ESC 按键所关闭。#47928 @CooperHash - 🐞 修复 Button 图标位置居中问题。#48178 @momesana
- 🐞 修复 Modal.confirm 无图标时内容不居中的问题。#48173
- Form #48163 @madocto
- 🐞 1. 修复 Form 当 FormItem 的
不应该执行。 - 🐞 2. 修复 Form 的
- 🐞 1. 修复 Form 当 FormItem 的
- 🐞 修复 Table 表格列在搜索情况下,国际化失效的问题。#48126 @LingJinT
- 🐞 修复 Upload 当文件数量超出限制时,删除不起作用,无法触发
的问题。#47747 @Zhou-Bill - 🐞 Carousel 组件同步上游 react-slick 改动,修复一系列问题,并更新到最新 TS 定义。#48093
- 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 展示的清除颜色在受控
变化后不会改变的问题。#47816 @MadCcc - 🐞 Badge 与 Tag 组件保持一致,processing 状态使用
token 。#47695 @pfdgithub - 🌐 添加冰岛语缺失的 From 翻译。#48104 @LonelySnowman
- 🌐 添加乌兹别克语(拉丁字母) 国际化。#47899
- TypeScript
- 🤖 改进 Transfer 的
类型,将key: string
改为key: React.Key
。#47879 @madocto - 🤖 Table 支持泛型对 dataIndex 属性校验。#48190 @crazyair
- 🤖 改进 Transfer 的
- 💄 Fix QRCode that custom style would be overrided by internal style. #48053 @li-jia-nan
- 💄 Fix Radio disabled hover style. #47972 @madocto
- 🐞 Fix Watermark sometime repeat re-render when browser set scale. #47895
- TypeScript
- 🤖 Affix Export AffixRef interface. #47982 @li-jia-nan
- 🤖 MISC: Fix GetRef ts util can not get correct ref type for some component. #47983
- 💄 修复 QRCode 组件自定义样式会被内部样式覆盖的问题。#48053 @li-jia-nan
- 💄 修复 Radio 禁用状态 hover 样式。#47972 @madocto
- 🐞 修复 Watermark 在特定屏幕缩放下会不断重复渲染的问题。#47895
- TypeScript
- 🤖 Affix 导出 AffixRef 类型。#47982 @li-jia-nan
- 🤖 MISC: 修复 GetRef 工具类型不能正确获得某些组件 ref 类型的问题。#47983
- 💄 Unify Modal, Drawer, notification and Tour close button style. #47909
- 🐞 Fix Badge and text node align style under Space. #47908
- 💄 Fix Upload file list actions wrap style. #47898
- 🐞 Fix Typography config the
exceed the single line height will make ellipsis rows not correct issue. #47889 - 🐞 Fix DatePicker component height not correct when customize
. #47874 - 🐞 Fix DatePicker with
selector collapse for cross the line. #47821 - 🐞 TimePicker revert and add warning for
API which is already removed in v4 but not update in English documentation. #47878 - 💄 Darken the Empty text color to make it readable. #47268 @evgmol
- 💄 统一 Modal、Drawer、notification 和 Tour 关闭按钮的样式,并增大 Modal 和 Drawer 关闭按钮的交互区域使其更容易点击。#47909
- 🐞 修复 Badge 和文本元素在 Space 下排版不对齐的问题。#47908
- 💄 修复 Upload 列表行动点换行的问题。#47898
- 🐞 修复 Typography 配置的
超出单行高度时,省略行数不正确的问题。#47889 - 🐞 修复 DatePicker 配置自定义
时展示高度不正确的问题。#47874 - 🐞 修复 DatePicker 设置
多选换行时行与行之间没有间隙的问题。#47821 - 💄 调深 Empty 文本色彩使其更清晰可读一些。#47268 @evgmol
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