Update dependency antd to v5.24.3
This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Type | Update | Change |
antd (source) | dependencies | patch | 5.24.0 -> 5.24.3 |
Release Notes
ant-design/ant-design (antd)
- Input
🐞 Fix the next element was not correctly selected after pressing the Tab key whenallowClear
was turned on for Input. #52977 @wanpan11 -
💄 Fix the border display issue when hovering in thedisabled
state when Input hasvariant="underlined"
turned on. #52959 @ustcfury
💄 Fix DatePicker header buttons misalignment caused by unexpected spacing. #53007 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 Fix the text in AutoComplete was not centered whensize="large"
. #52819 @aojunhao123 -
🇩🇪 Add missingde_DE
translations for Transfer. #53047 @chrisinick
- Input
🐞 修复 Input 开启allowClear
后按下 Tab 键后没有正确选中下个元素的问题。#52977 @wanpan11 -
💄 修复 Input 开启variant="underlined"
状态下 hover 时边框显示问题。#52959 @ustcfury
💄 修复 DatePicker 头部按钮意外间距导致的未对齐问题。#53007 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 修复 AutoComplete 在size="large"
时文字未居中对齐的问题。#52819 @aojunhao123 -
🇩🇪 完善de_DE
Transfer 本地化. #53047 @chrisinick
- Input
🐞 Fix Input with component tokeninputFontSize
breaks the height ofcontrolHeight
. #52865 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Input.Search has a border that is not aligned with the bottom of the search button when configurevariable
. #52861 @ustcfury -
🛠️ Improve Input.OTP logic for create default state. #52878 @Dandelion-F -
🛠️ Improve Input.OTP implementation for render separator. #52841 @li-jia-nan
- Watermark
🐞 Fix Watermark may cause page unresponsive when re-rendering. #52897 @765477020 -
🆕 Improve Watermark rendering logic to avoid disable it via developer tools andhidden
attribute. #52891 @arronlai
🐞 Fix DatePicker.RangePicker arrow position not correctly when sometime reopened. #52854 @zombieJ -
🐞 Fix Layout.Sider content overflow issue whencollapsedWidth={0}
. #52862 @afc163 -
🛠️ Refactor Grid internal useBreakpoint logic to be same as other component, this will not affect usage. #52870 @zombieJ -
💄 Fix Button styles for hyperlink mode. #52888 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 Fix Table sortable column headers could not wrap automatically. #52899 @765477020 -
⚡ Improve Menu re-rendering performance when pass function toexpandIcon
property. #52863 @wanpan11 -
⚡ Improve Carousel indicator animation performance. #52881 @li-jia-nan - RTL
💄 Fix DatePicker wrong icon direction for RTL mode. #52896 @li-jia-nan -
💄 Fix Dropdown wrong arrow direction of multi-level menu for RTL mode. #52885 @yellowryan
- Input
🐞 修复 Input 配置inputFontSize
component token 时,controlHeight
会不生效的问题。#52865 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Input.Search 在设置variant
时下边框与搜索按钮底部没对齐的问题。#52861 @ustcfury -
🛠️ 优化 Input.OTP 的默认状态创建逻辑。#52878 @Dandelion-F -
🛠️ 优化 Input.OTP 的分隔符渲染实现。#52841 @li-jia-nan
- Watermark
🐞 修复 Watermark 重新渲染时可能导致页面卡死的问题。#52897 @765477020 -
🆕 调整 Watermark 渲染逻辑,防止通过开发者工具添加hidden
属性来去掉水印。#52891 @arronlai
🐞 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 在弹层重新打开的时候,有可能出现箭头位置不正确的问题。#52854 @zombieJ -
🐞 修复 Layout.Sider 当collapsedWidth={0}
时的内容溢出的问题。#52862 @afc163 -
🛠️ 重构 Grid 内部响应式逻辑以复用其他组件类似的逻辑,该更新不会于使用上有所变化。#52870 @zombieJ -
💄 修复 Button 超链接模式的样式。#52888 @DDDDD12138 -
💄 修复 Table 可排序列头不自动换行的问题。#52899 @765477020 -
⚡ 优化 Menu 在expandIcon
属性传入函数时重新渲染的性能。#52863 @wanpan11 -
⚡ 优化 Carousel 指示器的动画性能。#52881 @li-jia-nan - RTL
💄 修复 DatePicker 在 RTL 模式下图标方向错误的问题。#52896 @li-jia-nan -
💄 修复 Dropdown 在 RTL 模式下多级菜单箭头方向错误的问题。#52885 @yellowryan
🐞 Fix Button withcolor
to beprimary
to betext
will not use correct color. #52812 @zombieJ -
💄 Fix Input.Group & Input.OTP style issues caused by undefined CSS variables. #52799 @afc163 -
🐞 Fix DatePicker with long contentprefix
breaks the layout. #52776 @guoyunhe -
🐞 Fix Table title missingaria-label
when sorting. #52772 @mellis481 -
🐞 Fix Alert.ErrorBoundary type error when used as a JSX component with@types/react@18.x
. #52766 @afc163 -
💄 Fix Segmentedshape
not working withsize
. #52757 @yellowryan
🐞 修复 Button 配置color
时,没有取用正确的色板的问题。#52812 @zombieJ -
💄 修复 Input.Group 与 Input.OTP 由于 css 变量未定义导致样式异常的问题。#52799 @afc163 -
🐞 修复 DatePicker 的prefix
内容多时会换行的问题。#52776 @guoyunhe -
🐞 修复 Table 列标题在排序时丢失aria-label
的问题。#52772 @mellis481 -
🐞 修复 Alert.ErrorBoundary 在@types/react@18.x
中无法作为 JSX 组件使用的类型错误问题。#52766 @afc163 -
💄 修复 Segmented 设置size
不生效的问题。#52757 @yellowryan
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