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fix(deps): update dependency antd to v5.21.1

RenovateBot requested to merge renovate/antd-5.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
antd (source) dependencies minor 5.1.4 -> 5.21.1

Release Notes

ant-design/ant-design (antd)


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  • 🛠 Adjust Tree & TreeSelect defaultExpandAll logic to only add internal expandedKeys which treeNode has children instead to avoid perf issue when with large data or loadData case. #​50689 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Cascader not show parent option in search when using multiple. #​50689
  • 🐞 Fix Typography ellipsis.tooltip.title with ReactNode will cause dead loop. #​50688 @​zombieJ

  • 🛠 调整 Tree 与 TreeSelect 的 defaultExpandAll 的行为,仅将有子节点的 treeNode 加入 expandedKeys 以防止在大数据与 loadData 异步的情况下引发的性能问题。#​50689 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 Cascader 在 multiple 下搜索不会显示父节点作为选项的问题。#​50689
  • 🐞 修复 Typography ellipsis.tooltip.title 配置 ReactNode 会导致死循环的问题。#​50688 @​zombieJ


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  • 🐞 Refactor Typography native css ellipsis measure logic to handle precision edge case. #​50514 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker onChangeComplete not correct when click directly without move on the picker panel. #​50501 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton.Group with controlled mode warning for nest updating issue. #​50500 @​zombieJ

  • 🐞 重构 Typography 在使用 css 原生省略时的检查逻辑,以解决屏幕缩放等情况下的精度问题。#​50514 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 组件在面板上不拖拽直接点击的时候,onChangeComplete 返回值不正确的问题。#​50501 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton.Group 在受控模式下 React 会警告递归更新的问题。#​50500 @​zombieJ


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  • 💄 Fix the suffix style problem of InputNumber without control. #​50450 @​coding-ice
  • 🆕 Form rule.message supports skipping variable substitution through \\${}. #​50412 @​zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the rounded corners of the trigger element are missing when the FloatButton component has shape="square" and in menu mode when the menu pops up. #​50408 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fixed the problem that Upload.Dragger does not work when dragging and dropping upload folders. #​50394 @​huiliangShen
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the arrow icon disappears after hovering when Select specifies getPopcontainer={node=node.parentNode}. #​50382 @​afc163
  • 🐞 Fixed the arrow misalignment error when Popover sets the arrow.pointAtCenter property. #​50260 @​Wxh16144
  • 📖 Transfer adds Russian and Ukrainian localization copy. #​50429 @​alexlag
  • TypeScript


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  • 🛠 替换 ColorPicker 内部使用的 @ctrl/tiny-color@ant-design/fast-color#​49846
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持配置 Spin 的 indicator 属性。#​50183 @​coding-ice
  • 🆕 Upload showUploadList 添加 extra 以支持渲染额外信息。#​50098 @​guoyunhe
  • 🆕 Tree 新增 switcherLoadingIcon 属性以支持自定义树节点的加载图标#​49716 @​coding-ice
  • 🆕 Slider 支持 range.editable 以动态添加/删除节点。#​49923
  • 🆕 Slider range.editable 支持 minCountmaxCount 以配置可编辑节点树。#​49987
  • 🆕 在 QRCode 中支持自定义状态渲染。#​49563 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Table 组件支持自定义过滤器下拉框空状态。 #​49613 @​Wxh16144
  • 🆕 Divider 支持添加 dashed(虚线)、dotted(点线)或 solid(实线)的样式。#​49654 @​pinaki-08
  • 🆕 InputNumber 支持 suffix 属性。#​49674 @​coding-ice
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 支持渐变色选择,并修复受控模式不生效的问题。#​50050
  • 🆕 Input/TextArea/Mentions 组件支持 onClear 回调,便于区分点击 x 清除和手动清除这两个行为。#​49905 @​li-jia-nan
  • ⌨️ 优化 Input 下长按回车会不断触发变更的问题。rc-input#72 @​crazyair
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在 cssinjs 模式下 line-height 失效的问题。#​50220 @​vagusX
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在 disabled 状态下的光标问题. #​50217 @​coding-ice
  • 🐞 修复 Table 中列存在分组时,排序不生效的问题。#​50086 @​Zyf665
  • 🐞 修复 Popover/PopConfirm/Tooltip 在目标元素宽度过大时,使用 topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight 的弹出动画起始缩放中心有所偏移的问题。#​50134
  • 💄 修复 Tree 组件 filter-node 节点高亮样式丢失。#​49773 @​wanpan11
  • 💄 优化 ColorPicker 当从 transparent 状态进行颜色选取时,默认使用亮色以代替原本的纯黑色以提升用户交互体验。#​50148
  • TypeScript
  • 🌐 Locales


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  • 🐞 修复 List actions 为空数组时会渲染 0 的问题。#​49842 @​int64ago
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 拖拽上传文件夹时,beforeUpload fileList 不完整的问题。#​49832 @​coderz-w
  • Descriptions
  • 🐞 修复 Spin percentsize 一同使用时,样式不正确的问题。#​49876
  • 🇮🇳 补充 DatePicker 的 kn_IN 本地化文案。#​49860 @​neerajap-01
  • Typescript
    • 🐞 修复 Tree iconswitcherIcon 参数类型未能正确推导的问题。#​49821
    • 🐞 回滚 Cascader multiple 定义更新导致 value 定义丢失的问题。#​49741 @​YangZhi1


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  • 🆕 ConfigProvider now supports global configuration for variant. #​49535 @​MadCcc
  • QRCode
  • 🆕 Select component's filterSort property now includes searchValue parameter. #​49352 @​MadCcc
  • 🆕 Pagination adds simple property, supports read-only mode, and introduces align property. #​49562 @​coding-ice
  • 🐞 Enhanced Anchor's affix property for more configuration options. #​49295 @​gin-lsl
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 Fixed missing arrow in DatePicker/TimePicker RangePicker with placement set to topRight or bottomRight.#​49333
    • 🐞 Fixed missing accessible text for DatePicker switch button, style issue in RTL mode for DatePicker.RangePicker, and crash when entering wrong end value in year selection of DatePicker.RangePicker.#​49333
    • 🐞 Fixed DatePicker.RangePicker resetting selected dates when entering dates via keyboard. #​49333
  • 🐞 Button fixed disabled property not working when used as Dropdown trigger. #​47363
  • 🐞 InputNumber now warns when using type=number with changeOnWheel. #​49648 @​wanpan11
  • Table
    • 🐞 Table fixed issue with locale.emptyText showing default value when set to a non-undefined value. #​49599 @​照明胧
    • 🐞 Fixed Table filter panel not working after customizing global Empty style. #​49548 @​duqigit
  • 🐞 Upload fixed rendering performance issue when listing many files in list mode. #​49598 @​tlkv
  • 💄 Added initial styles for SubMenu node in Menu. #​49643 @​wanpan11
  • 💄 Improved active style for Slider handle. #​49630
  • 💄 Optimized variant=borderless style for DatePicker, TimePicker, Select, TreeSelect, Input, InputNumber, Mentions, now distinguishable when setting status property. #​49608
  • 🐞 Fixed Typography ellipsis not working when parent has nowrap style. #​49667
  • TypeScript:
  • 🌐 Locales

  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 现支持全局配置 variant#​49535 @​MadCcc
  • 🆕 QRCode
  • 🆕 Select 组件的 filterSort 属性现新增获取 searchValue 的参数。#​49352 @​MadCcc
  • 🆕 Pagination 支持 simple={{ readOnly }} 属性和 align 属性。#​49562 @​coding-ice
  • 💄 优化了 Slider 滑块的激活样式。#​49630
  • 🐞 增强了 Anchor 的 affix 属性,支持更多配置项。#​49295 @​gin-lsl
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker/TimePicker 的 RangePicker 在 placement 设置为 topRightbottomRight 时箭头丢失的问题。#​49333
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker 切换按钮缺失可访问性文本的问题,修复了 DatePicker.RangePicker 在 RTL 模式下的样式问题。#​49333
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker.RangePicker 年选择器输入结束值错误导致报错的问题。#​49333
    • 🐞 修复了 DatePicker.RangePicker 键盘输入日期时已选日期重置的问题。#​49333
  • 🐞 Button 修复了用作 Dropdown triggerdisabled 属性不生效的问题。#​47363
  • 🐞 InputNumber 在同时使用 type=numberchangeOnWheel 时现在会给出警告提示。#​49648 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 次级菜单 reset 样式丢失的问题。#​49643 @​wanpan11
  • 💄 优化了 DatePicker、TimePicker、Select、TreeSelect、Input、InputNumber、Mentions 的 variant="borderless" 样式,现在在设置 status 属性时也能够被区分。#​49608
  • Table
    • 🐞 Table 修复了 locale.emptyText 设置为非 undefined 值时仍会显示默认值的问题。#​49599 @​照明胧
    • 🐞 Table 自定义全局组件的 Empty 样式后,Table的过滤面板没生效的问题。#​49548 @​duqigit
  • 🐞 Upload 修复了在列表模式下文件过多时出现的渲染性能问题。#​49598 @​tlkv
  • 🐞 Typography 修复在父元素存在 nowrap 样式时,ellipsis 不生效的问题。#​49667
  • TypeScript:
  • 🌐 国际化


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  • 🐞 Fix the bug where the icon and the text aren't strictly centered in message. #​49429 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 Fix Table sorter argument of onChange with unexpected value for #​49134. #​49289 @​Zyf665
  • 🐞 Add aria-label for expand icon in Collapse. #​49395 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 Fix token inputFontSizeSM and inputFontSizeLG not working in InputNumber. #​49369
  • 💄 Fix Empty sometimes doesn't take colorTextDescription as description text color. #​49408
  • 💄 Resolve Badge processing status style conflict with Tailwind CSS. #​49379
  • 🌐 Locales

  • 🐞 修复了 message 图标与文本内容没有严格居中对齐的问题。#​49429 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 修复 #​49134 #​49289 中提到的 Table 组件的 onChange 事件中排序器参数的问题。@​Zyf665
  • 🐞 为 Collapse 组件中展开/折叠图标 添加具有语义的 aria-label 属性值。#​49395 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 组件中 token inputFontSizeSMinputFontSizeLG 不生效的问题。#​49369
  • 💄 修复 Empty 部分样式下,描述的 colorTextDescription 不生效的问题。#​49408
  • 💄 解决 Badge processing 与 Tailwind CSS 样式冲突的问题。#​49379
  • 🌐 国际化


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  • Typography
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 组件的 ellipsispre 标签中没有正常工作的问题。#​49168 @​nova1751
    • 🐞 修复 Typography ellipsis 在 Safari 中有时不生效的问题。#​49221
  • 🐞 修复 Space size 设置 0 不生效的问题。#​49192 @​coding-ice
  • 🐞 修复 Progress 文本的 padding 在 cssinjs 下单位失效问题。#​49250 @​vagusX
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 关闭按钮的 zIndexcssVar 模式下不正确的问题。#​49238
  • 🐞 修复 Image width height 被应用到预览图片上的问题。#​49259 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 修复 Pagination 页码切换器 hover 时图标消失的问题。#​49262
  • 🐞 修复 Mentions 当 loading=true 时不响应 Enter 事件的问题。#​49292 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Notification 没有继承 App config 属性的问题。#​49339 @​hemengke1997
  • 💄 修复 Drawer 在暗黑模式下,文本颜色不正确的问题。#​49217
  • 💄 修复 Spin 自定义 indicator 时,样式不可见以及 percent 进度没有传递的问题。#​49211 @​wanpan11
  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker/TimePicker placement 属性失效的问题。#​49303
    • 💄 修复 DatePicker 头部区域内容不居中对齐的问题。#​49332
  • TypeScript
  • 🌐 国际化


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  • 🐞 Fix Modal with confirm would not close correctly when returning true in onOk or onCancel. #​49054 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 Fix Carousel was warned about having non-standard DOM attributes by React. #​49031
  • 🐞 Fix Form prop of scrollToFirstError not working for InputNumber. #​48989 @​Wxh16144
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Fix Modal missing styles.wrapper type. #​49055
    • 🤖 Enhance Spin component TypeScript definitions and documentation. #​49036 @​arvinxx
    • 🤖 Enhance Checkbox.Group TypeScript generic limitation. #​49073

  • 🐞 修复 Modal 的 confirmonOkonCancel 中返回 true 时,窗体不会正确关闭的问题。#​49054 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Carousel 会被提示存在非标准 dom 属性的问题。#​49031
  • 🐞 修复 Form 的 scrollToFirstError 对 InputNumber 无效的问题。#​48989 @​Wxh16144
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 修复 Modal styles.wrapper TS 定义丢失的问题。#​49055
    • 🤖 优化 Spin 的 TypeScript 定义并提供更详细的描述信息。#​49036 @​arvinxx
    • 🤖 优化 Checkbox.Group 的 TypeScript 类型约束。#​49073


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  • 🐞 杂项:修复部分组件在 React 18.3.0 下警告 findDOMNode 的问题。#​48958
  • 🐞 修复 Button 字体大小 token 无效的问题。#​48893 @​wanpan11
  • 💄 修复 Pagination 组件跳转选择元素样式问题。#​48931 @​wanpan11


Compare Source

  • 🐞 MISC: Fix lib bundle mistake deps on the es module which break the build progress. #​48914

  • 🐞 MISC: 修复 lib 产物错误引入 es 依赖导致构建错误的问题。#​48914


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Optimize the internal logic of the Form, fix the problem that antd takes too long time to build in Next.js. react-component/async-validator#9
  • 🐞 Fix visually not centered when Tooltip content is only one character. #​48890 @​kiner-tang
  • Button
    • 🐞 Fix hover and active styles not differentiating when Button type="text"and type="danger" are used together. #​48876 @​LonelySnowman
  • Fix issue where some components throw findDOMNode warnings
  • 💄 Add className to internal component Spin given by Drawer to prevent internal Spin styles from overriding user-passed Spin styles. #​48857 @​li-jia-nan
  • 💄 Fix missing bottom border when Card size="small". #​48787 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 Fix AutoComplete tagRender not working for maxTag and clicking on an edge triggering unexpected closure of the layer. #​48798
  • RTL
    • 💄 Fix Button's missing icon order and margins under RTL. #​48821
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 优化 Form 组件底层逻辑,修复了 antd 在 Next.js 中构建时间太长的问题。react-component/async-validator#9
  • 🐞 修复 Tooltip 内容只有一个字符时视觉不居中的问题。#​48890 @​kiner-tang
  • Button
    • 🐞 修复 Button type="text"type="danger" 同时使用时 hover 和 active 样式没有区分的问题。#​48876 @​LonelySnowman
  • 修复部分组件抛出 findDOMNode 警告的问题
  • 💄 给 Drawer 的内部组件 Spin 添加 className,防止内部 Spin 样式覆盖用户传入的 Spin 样式。#​48857 @​li-jia-nan
  • 💄 修复 Card size="small" 时下边框丢失的问题。#​48787 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 AutoComplete 修复 tagRender 对 maxTag 无效的问题和点击边缘会触发弹层意外关闭的问题。#​48798
  • RTL
    • 💄 修复 Button 在 RTL 下的图标顺序和边距缺失问题。#​48821
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 🔥🔥🔥 @ant-design/cssinjs StyleProvider 支持配置 layer 统一降级 默认 CSS 优先级。经过降权后,antd 的样式将始终低于默认的 CSS 选择器优先级,以便于用户进行样式覆盖(请务必注意检查 @​layer 浏览器兼容性),详情可见文档#​48229
  • 🆕 Carousel 现在支持 arrows 来开启箭头切换功能。#​48542
  • Form
    • 🛠 Form 依赖的 async-validator 替换为 @rc-component/async-validator,并修复 transform 没有自动检测返回值类型的问题。#​48486 @​crazyair
    • 🆕 Form 新增 inlineMargin token。#​48362 @​CooperHash
    • 🐞 修复 Form 下出现错误时无法滚动到 Upload 组件的问题。#​48211 @​Wxh16144
  • Typography
    • 🆕 Typography.Paragraph 的编辑、复制按钮允许修改 tableIndex#​48567 @​nova1751
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 开启 editable 时会意外触发 focus 行为的问题。#​48741
  • DatePicker
    • 🆕 DatePicker.RangePicker showTime.disabledTime 支持 info.from 以供时间维度的自定义限制能力。#​48625
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 关闭时回填 hover 值闪烁的问题。#​48734
  • Drawer
  • Slider
    • 🐞 修复 Slider tooltip={{ open: false }} 时提示框未正确隐藏的问题。#​48708
    • 🐞 修复 Slider tooltip={{ formatter: null }} 无法隐藏 Tooltip 的问题。#​48673 @​wanpan11
  • Button
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 组件支持 button.autoInsertSpace 属性并废弃 autoInsertSpaceInButton 属性。#​48348 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 TreeSelect 支持 onPopScroll 属性。#​48636 @​wanpan11
  • 🆕 Tabs 新增 more={{ ... }} 属性以支持自定义下拉菜单的属性。#​48321 @​CooperHash
  • 🆕 Flex 组件 wrap 参数支持 boolean 类型。#​48391 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Input.OTP 组件支持 mask 属性,以自定义遮罩字符。#​48257 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Alert 组件支持 idref 属性。#​48336 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Upload 组件 ref.nativeElenent 以支持访问原生元素。#​48210 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 List grid 属性值更新后组件未重新渲染的问题。#​48683 @​coderz-w
  • 🐞 修复 Progress tooltip 提示距离太近的问题。#​48686
  • 🐞 修复 QRCode 无法自适应容器大小的问题并移除 bordered={false} 时的默认边距。#​48194 @​thinkasany
  • 🐞 修复 Table 组件设置 fixed={false} 时的某些特殊情况下未正常显示投影的问题。#​1113 @​linxianxi
  • 📖 添加 Table 表格列拖拽排序演示。#​48434 @​GeorgeHcc
  • TypeScript
  • 本地化


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Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Select with multiple and paddingXXS=0 will break the height align of controlHeight token. #​48574
  • 🐞 Fix Upload miss style when enable CSS Variable. #​48569 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 Fix Slider in range tooltip blink when drag the handle over another one. #​48536
  • Input
    • 🐞 Fix the text of the button is not the large size when Input.Search is set to a large size. #​48527
    • 🐞 Fix abnormal text display in Input.TextArea. #​48489 @​korkt-kim
  • 🐞 Fix the stuck animation effect of the Upload component image. #​48522 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 Fix the issue where the Switch component using checkedChildren and unCheckedChildren did not add a default height. #​48513 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 Fix the warning reminder when Form.Item uses noStyle with no value. #​48508
  • 🐞 Fix Popover defaultOpen setting failed. #​48481 @​linhf123
  • 🐞 Fix where placeholder is not displayed when DatePicker is configured with multiple. #​48387 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 Fix where ColorPicker clear color could not be changed when controlled in strict mode. #​48450
  • 💄 Fix the arrow style issue when Collapse uses third-party icons. #​48417 @​guoyunhe
  • 💄 Optimize the animation effect of the embedded Menu Sider when it is expanded. #​48127 @​metouch
  • 💄 Optimize Steps process style. #​48464
  • Locales

  • 🐞 修复 Select 配置 paddingXXS=0 时,多选下超出设定的 controlHeight token 的问题。#​48574
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 在开启 CSS Variable 时样式丢失的问题。#​48569 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 修复 Slider 在范围选择下,拖动滑块越过另一个滑块时提示框闪动的问题。#​48536
  • Input
    • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 设置大尺寸时,按钮的文字不是大尺寸的问题。#​48527
    • 🐞 修复 Input.TextArea 的文字显示异常问题。#​48489 @​korkt-kim
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 组件图片卡顿的动画效果。#​48522 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 修复 Switch 组件使用 checkedChildren unCheckedChildren 未添加默认高度的问题。#​48513 @​wanpan11
  • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 使用 noStyle 无值时的警告提醒。#​48508
  • 🐞 修复 Popover defaultOpen 设置失效的问题。#​48481 @​linhf123
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 配置 multipleplaceholder 不展示的问题。#​48387 @​nova1751
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在严格模式下受控时清除颜色无法改变的问题。#​48450
  • 💄 修复 Collapse 使用第三方图标时的 arrow 样式问题。#​48417 @​guoyunhe
  • 💄 优化内嵌 Menu 的 Sider 在展开时的动画效果。#​48127 @​metouch
  • 💄 优化 Steps process 样式。#​48464
  • 国际化


Compare Source

  • 🛠 Script failed to publish an empty package. Do not use this version.

  • 🛠 脚本错误发布空包,请勿使用。


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Input.OTP controlled value to '' not work as expect. #​48399
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker of multiple with week picker not show the selection on the panel. #​48355
  • 🐞 Fix Upload listType with picture-card or picture-circle has additional space on top. #​48370
  • Typography
    • 🐞 Fix Typography dynamic set copyable or editable will not show the operation button. #​48350
    • 🐞 Fix Typography dynamic update copyable.text not working. #​48347
    • 🐞 Fix Typography using ellipsis config with expandable="collapsible" and row={1} at both time will make ellipsis not working as expect. #​48340
  • 💄 Fix Steps in compact theme not show the correct progress style. #​48251
  • 💄 Refactor Tabs and wave-related components CSS duration values with motionDurationSlow Component Token. #​48311 #​48312 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🇯🇵 Add Transfer missing ja_JP translations. #​48411 @​Inshiku-Han
  • 🌐 Fix Picker ja-JP and ko-KR translations. #​48382 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 Use constant instead of enumeration to reduce package size. #​48406 @​kiner-tang

  • 🐞 修复 Input.OTP 组件受控设置 value'' 时不生效的问题。#​48399
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 对周选择器配置 multiple 多选时,弹出面板不会正确高亮选中项的问题。#​48355
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 配置 listTypepicture-cardpicture-circle 时,上方有额外空隙的问题。#​48370
  • Typography
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 动态配置 copyableeditable 时不会显示操作按钮的问题。#​48350
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 动态调整 copyable.text 不生效的问题。#​48347
    • 🐞 修复 Typography 的 ellipsis 同时配置 expandable="collapsible"row={1} 时,不会正确省略的问题。#​48340
  • 💄 修复 Steps 的进度样式在紧凑模式下不正确的问题。#​48251
  • 💄 重构 Tabs 和波纹样式相关组件的 CSS 过渡时间值,替换为 motionDurationSlow Component Token。#​48311 #​48312 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🇯🇵 补充 Transfer 的 ja_JP 本地化文案。#​48411 @​Inshiku-Han
  • 🌐 修复 Picker 的 ja_JP 和 ko_KR 本地化文案。#​48382 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 使用常量替代枚举减小包体积。#​48406 @​kiner-tang


Compare Source

  • 🛠 Adjust Typography ellipsis logic to use CSS ellipsis in SSR to enhance user experience. #​48205
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton config tooltip and badge at same time will make badge customize background not working. #​48198 @​LonelySnowman

  • 🛠 调整 Typography 的 ellipsis 使其在 SSR 阶段使用 CSS 省略以优化用户体验。#​48205
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton 中同时配置 tooltipbadge 时, badge 的自定义背景色会失效的问题。#​48198 @​LonelySnowman


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 💄 修复 QRCode 组件自定义样式会被内部样式覆盖的问题。#​48053 @​li-jia-nan
  • 💄 修复 Radio 禁用状态 hover 样式。#​47972 @​madocto
  • 🐞 修复 Watermark 在特定屏幕缩放下会不断重复渲染的问题。#​47895
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Affix 导出 AffixRef 类型。#​47982 @​li-jia-nan
    • 🤖 MISC: 修复 GetRef 工具类型不能正确获得某些组件 ref 类型的问题。#​47983


Compare Source

  • 💄 Unify Modal, Drawer, notification and Tour close button style. #​47909
  • 🐞 Fix Badge and text node align style under Space. #​47908
  • 💄 Fix Upload file list actions wrap style. #​47898
  • 🐞 Fix Typography config the ellipsis.symbol exceed the single line height will make ellipsis rows not correct issue. #​47889
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker component height not correct when customize controlHeight. #​47874
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker with multiple selector collapse for cross the line. #​47821
  • 🐞 TimePicker revert and add warning for onSelect API which is already removed in v4 but not update in English documentation. #​47878
  • 💄 Darken the Empty text color to make it readable. #​47268 @​evgmol

  • 💄 统一 Modal、Drawer、notification 和 Tour 关闭按钮的样式,并增大 Modal 和 Drawer 关闭按钮的交互区域使其更容易点击。#​47909
  • 🐞 修复 Badge 和文本元素在 Space 下排版不对齐的问题。#​47908
  • 💄 修复 Upload 列表行动点换行的问题。#​47898
  • 🐞 修复 Typography 配置的 ellipsis.symbol 超出单行高度时,省略行数不正确的问题。#​47889
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 配置自定义 controlHeight 时展示高度不正确的问题。#​47874
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 设置 multiple 多选换行时行与行之间没有间隙的问题。#​47821
  • 💄 调深 Empty 文本色彩使其更清晰可读一些。#​47268 @​evgmol


Compare Source

  • 🛠 Adjust the closing trigger of Tour, Dropdown, Menu, Tabs, Mentions, Picker, Select, TreeSelect, Cascader, Tooltip, and Popover pop-ups from click to mouseDown to uniformly solve some event timing issues related to pop-up interactions. #​47775
  • 🐞 Fix Descriptions extra padding of items. #​47737
  • 🐞 Fix Anchor wrong active status when bounds value is 0. #​47795@​winchesHe
  • 💄 Fix ColorPicker clear icon hover style. #​47761
  • 🇷🇺 Improve DatePicker ru_RU locale. #​47768 @​AlexeyTeterin

  • 🛠 调整 Tour、Dropdown、Menu、Tabs、Mentions、Picker、Select、TreeSelect、Cascader、Tooltip、Popover 弹层点击外部的关闭时机,从 click 调整至 mouseDown 以统一解决一些与弹窗相关交互中的事件时序问题。#​47775
  • 🐞 修复 Descriptions 内容区域额外的边距问题。#​47737
  • 🐞 修复 Anchor 界限值为 0 时 active 状态错误的问题。#​47795@​winchesHe
  • 💄 给 ColorPicker 清除按钮补上鼠标 hover 反馈样式。#​47761
  • 🇷🇺 更新 DatePicker 的俄语文案。#​47768 @​AlexeyTeterin


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Revert code that removed margin of Tag. #​47736
  • 🇷🇺 Improve DatePicker ru_RU locale. #​47705

  • 🐞 回滚移除 Tag 默认间距的代码。#​47736
  • 🇷🇺 更新 DatePicker 的俄语文案。#​47705


Compare Source

  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support Input.TextArea allowClear autoComplete className style classNames styles props. #​47589
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support Input allowClear props. #​47602
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support Menu expandIcon props. #​47561
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support Collapse expandIcon props. #​47473
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support Tabs removeIcon props, when set type="editable-card". #​47334
    • 🆕 Prefixes for CSS variables follow the prefixCls property of ConfigProvider by default. #​47481
    • 🤖 CardProps styles in ConfigProvider is set to optional. #​47601 @​Yawenina
  • 🆕 Select、Checkbox、Radio、DatePicker、TreeSelect、Cascader the focus supports passing options. #​47664
  • 🆕 Modal support configuring aria-* in closable. #​47650
  • 🆕 Alert support configuring aria-* in closable. #​47474
  • 🆕 Tabs support removeIcon props, when set type="editable-card". #​47334
  • Drawer
    • 🆕 Drawer support configuring aria-* in closable. #​47543
    • 🆕 Drawer support passing aria-* attributes to panel nodes. #​47387
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table adds filterOnClose to specify whether to trigger filtering when the filter menu is closed. #​47451 @​xsjcTony
    • 🆕 Table adds components.header.table to customize the header component when scrolling the column. #​47382
    • 🐞 Fix the issue where scroll bars would not be displayed during initial rendering under Table sticky. #​47382
    • 🐞 Fix the issue where the th element is not used in the column header when Table column.title is empty. #​47382
    • 🐞 Fix the issue where prefixCls is invalid when Table uses a virtual list. #​47639
    • 💄 Fix abnormal shadow display when Table fixed columns. #​47518
  • 🐞 Fix the issue where when using DirectoryTree in Tree, pressing shift for continuous multi-selection will report an error. #​47567 @​wkmyws
  • 🐞 Fix the issue where isFieldsTouched(true) always returns false when Form exists in Form.List. #​47629 @​lemonied
  • 🐞 Fix the issue of Button being incompatible with v4 type=''. #​47612
  • 🛠 Refactor Typography to omit measurement logic to support dynamic row height scenarios. #​47597
  • 💄 Remove redundant margin styles from Tag. #​47504
  • 🤖 MISC: fix an issue that could not be compiled under pnpm configuration hoist: false. #​47587

  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Input.TextArea 组件 allowClearautoCompleteclassNamestyleclassNamesstyles 属性。#​47589
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Input 组件 allowClear 属性。#​47602
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Menu 组件 expandIcon 属性。#​47561
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Collapse 组件 expandIcon 属性。#​47473
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 Tabs removeIcon 属性, 在设置 type="editable-card" 时有效。#​47334
    • 🆕 CSS 变量的前缀默认跟随 ConfigProvider 的 prefixCls 属性。#​47481
    • 🤖 ConfigProvider 中 CardProps styles 设为可选。#​47601 @​Yawenina
  • 🆕 Select、Checkbox、Radio、DatePicker、TreeSelect、Cascader 支持 focus 功能支持传递 options#​47664
  • 🆕 Modal 支持在 closable 中配置 aria-*#​47650
  • 🆕 Alert 支持在 closable 中配置 aria-*#​47474
  • 🆕 Tabs 组件支持 removeIcon 属性,在设置 type="editable-card" 时有效。#​47334
  • Drawer
    • 🆕 Drawer 支持在 closable 中配置 aria-*#​47543
    • 🆕 Drawer 支持传递 aria-* 属性给 panel 节点。#​47387
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table 新增 filterOnClose 用于指定是否在筛选菜单关闭时触发筛选。#​47451 @​xsjcTony
    • 🆕 Table 新增 components.header.table 以自定义滚动列时的标题组件。#​47382
    • 🐞 修复 Table sticky 下,初次渲染不会显示滚动条的问题。#​47382
    • 🐞 修复 Table column.title 为空时列头没有使用 th 元素的问题。#​47382
    • 🐞 修复 Table 使用虚拟列表时 prefixCls 无效的问题。#​47639
    • 💄 修复 Table 固定列时阴影展示异常的问题。#​47518
  • 🐞 修复 Tree 使用 DirectoryTree 时,按住 shift 连续多选报错的问题。#​47567 @​wkmyws
  • 🐞 修复 Form 存在 Form.List 时,isFieldsTouched(true) 始终会返回 false 的问题。#​47629 @​lemonied
  • 🐞 修复 Button 不兼容 v4 type='' 的问题。#​47612
  • 🛠 重构 Typography 省略测量逻辑以支持动态行高的场景。#​47597
  • 💄 移除 Tag 组件多余的 margin 样式。#​47504
  • 🤖 杂项:修复不能在 pnpm 配置 hoist: false 下编译的问题。#​47587


Compare Source

  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker.RangePicker 的时间列有时不会滚动到正确位置的问题。#​47542
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 在打开期间会触发其他鼠标事件的问题。#​47508 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Avatar.Group 的 tooltip 存在多余 dom 残留的问题。#​47478
  • 💄 修复 Progress 组件多余的 margin 样式。#​47493 @​li-jia-nan
  • 💄 修复 Table 滚动条在暗黑模式下的颜色。#​47487 @​wkmyws
  • 💄 修复 Layout 内容字体在暗黑模式下的颜色。#​47441 @​nova1751
  • 💄 修复 Menu 组件在水平暗黑模式下自定义 darkItemSelectedColordarkItemSelectedBg token 不生效的问题。#​47463 @​gandavarapurajasekhar


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Steps cannot interact correctly when type="inline". #​47406
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker & TimePicker arrow position not consider panel border radius distance. #​47389
  • 🐞 Fix Dropdown should not display when items is empty array. #​47375
  • 🐞 Fix Tag that should use defaultBg token with bordered={false}. #​47372 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 MISC: Fix that theme.inherit should not affect hashded and cssVar. #​47360 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Calendar panel not switch when change year or month. #​47361
  • 💄 Fix Table's sub-table style issue in virtual mode. #​47333 @​Enigama

  • 🐞 修复 Steps type="inline" 时鼠标无法 hover 到正确的步骤上的问题。#​47406
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 与 TimePicker 弹出面板箭头没有考虑面板本身圆角的问题。#​47389
  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown menu.items 为空时依然显示的问题。#​47375
  • 🐞 修复 Tag 无边框模式没有正确使用 defaultBg 组件 token 的问题。#​47372 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 杂项:修复主题 inherit 配置会隔断 hashedcssVar 配置的问题。#​47360 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Calendar 在切换年月时,面板没有跟着切换的问题。#​47361
  • 💄 修复 Table 在虚拟模式下子表格的样式问题。#​47333 @​Enigama


Compare Source

  • 🔥 Refactored the DatePicker component, details are follows. #​46982
    • 🆕 DatePicker adds multiple to support multiple selection capabilities.
    • 🆕 DatePicker supports showWeek attribute.
    • 🆕 DatePicker.RangePicker supports order attribute.
    • 🆕 DatePicker id attribute under RangePicker supports setting the id of the start and end input boxes separately.
    • 🆕 DatePicker onFocus and onBlur events of RangePicker will additionally provide an info.range to inform which input box the current focus comes from.
    • 🆕 DatePicker add matching pickerValue and defaultPickerValue attributes to control the date where the expanded panel is located.
    • 🆕 DatePicker add the preserveInvalidOnBlur attribute to keep the input content when losing focus in the case of accessibility.
    • 🆕 DatePicker format supports the align attribute, allowing input content through the mask mode.
    • 🆕 DatePicker Support required attribute.
    • 🆕 DatePicker time panel supports scrollOnChange to automatically select the corresponding time when scrolling.
    • 🆕 DatePicker add the needConfirm attribute to allow setting the confirmation or non-confirmation submission mode.
    • 🆕 DatePicker add the components attribute to allow customizing some panels.
    • 🆕 DatePicker all date-related information in the panel will allow configuration through locale.
    • 🆕 DatePicker format supports LT and LTS date formats.
    • 🆕 DatePicker add minDate and maxDate to set the panel switching range.
    • 🐞 DatePicker defaultPickerValue will now be reset each time the panel is expanded.
    • 🐞 DatePicker fix the problem that the input box function key will trigger the pop-up box, now it will only be triggered when the interactive key and the input content change.
    • 🐞 DatePicker Losing focus after entering the date through the input box will submit the change instead of losing the input content (that is, it is no longer necessary to press Enter to submit).
    • 🐞 DatePicker fix the problem that the hour obtained by disabledTime under use12Hours will also be clipped to 0~12.
    • 🐞 DatePicker fix the problem that the disabled date is not effective and can still be submitted under some interactions.
    • ⚡️ DatePicker Optimize disabledDate check logic, now it will provide info.type to inform the current panel information.
    • 🛠 DatePicker allowClear trigger event from onMouseDown to onClick.
    • 🛠 DatePicker Deprecate the preventDefault parameter of onKeyDown, please call it directly through event.preventDefault.
    • 🛠 DatePicker Remove the keyboard interaction with the panel, it needs to be redesigned based on accessibility.
    • 💄 DatePicker Remove the dotted line style of RangePicker to reduce visual interference.
    • 💄 DatePicker Remove the disabled range of RangePicker when selecting start or end time to optimize the interaction experience.
  • 🔥 Added support for stacked fixed columns in the Table component. #​47245
  • 🆕 Added support for components.body in the Table component under the virtual mode. #​47098 by @​linxianxi
  • 🆕 Added support for generics in the Segmented value type. #​47091 by @​madocto
  • 🆕 Added the changeOnWheel property to the InputNumber component to enable mouse wheel control. #​47158 by @​MadCcc
  • 🆕 Added six tokens (defaultHoverBg, defaultHoverColor, defaultHoverBorderColor, defaultActiveBg, defaultActiveColor, and defaultActiveBorderColor) to the Button component. #​47075 by @​madocto
  • 🆕 Added duration configuration support to the useNotification function in the Notification component. This update also applies to the notification configuration of the App component. #​47141
  • 🆕 Added support for configuring flex property in responsive layouts of the Grid component. #​47124
  • 🐞 Improved the Transfer internal padding of the Pagination component. #​47231 by @​qmhc
  • 🐞 Fixed the alignment issue in the Avatar component when the height is less than 16px. #​47236 by @​lcgash
  • 🐞 Fixed the incorrect mouse pointer when the Input component is disabled. #​47280 by @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the hoverBorderColor and activeBorderColor token customization didn't work in the Input component. #​47243 by @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Fixed the issue where the hover style of submenus in the Menu component disappears at the edges. #​47227 by @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Menu fixed component styling issues in non-hash mode. #​46609 by @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Added classNames and styles properties to the Card component. #​46811 by @​zh-lx
  • ConfigProvider

  • 🔥 重构了 DatePicker 组件,详细改动如下。#​46982
    • 🆕 DatePicker 新增 multiple 支持多选能力。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 支持 showWeek 属性。
    • 🆕 DatePicker.RangePicker 下的 id 属性支持分别设置 startend 输入框的 id
    • 🆕 DatePicker.RangePicker 的 onFocusonBlur 事件会额外提供一个 info.range 告知当前的焦点来自于哪个输入框。
    • 🆕 DatePicker.RangePicker 支持 order 属性。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 新增配套 pickerValuedefaultPickerValue 属性用于受控管理展开面板所在日期。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 新增 preserveInvalidOnBlur 属性用于无障碍时失去焦点需要保留输入内容的场景。
    • 🆕 DatePicker format 支持 align 属性,允许通过掩码模式输入内容。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 支持 required 属性。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 时间面板支持 scrollOnChange 设置滚动时间时自动选择对应的时间。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 添加 needConfirm 属性,允许设置需要确认、或者不确认的提交模式。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 添加 components 属性,允许自定义部分面板。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 面板中所有的日期相关信息都会允许通过 locale 进行配置。
    • 🆕 DatePicker format 支持 LTLTS 日期格式。
    • 🆕 DatePicker 新增 minDatemaxDate 用于设置面板切换范围。
    • 🐞 DatePicker 的defaultPickerValue 现在会在每次面板展开时都进行重置。
    • 🐞 DatePicker 修复输入框功能按键会唤起弹出框的问题,现在只有在交互按键、以及输入内容变化时唤起。
    • 🐞 DatePicker 通过输入框输入日期后失去焦点会提交变更,而不是丢失输入内容(即不再强制需要按下回车提交)。
    • 🐞 DatePicker 修复 use12Hours 下,disabledTime 获取的 hour 也会被裁剪成 0~12 的问题。
    • 🐞 DatePicker 修复某些交互下,禁用日期没有生效依然可以提交的问题。
    • ⚡️ DatePicker 优化 disabledDate 检查逻辑,现在会提供 info.type 告知当前面板信息。
    • 🛠 DatePicker 的 allowClear 触发事件从 onMouseDown 切换为 onClick
    • 🛠 移除 DatePicker 的键盘对面板交互,它需要基于无障碍重新设计。
    • 🛠 DatePicker 废弃 onKeyDownpreventDefault 参数,请直接通过 event.preventDefault 进行调用。
    • 💄 DatePicker.RangePicker 移除虚线样式,减少视觉干扰。
    • 💄 DatePicker.RangePicker 移除在选择开始或者结束时间时的禁用范围,优化交互体验。
  • 🔥 Table 支持堆叠固定列。#​47245
  • 🆕 Table 支持 virtual 下的 components.body#​47098 @​linxianxi
  • 🆕 Segmented value 类型支持泛型。#​47091 @​madocto
  • 🆕 InputNumber 组件支持 changeOnWheel 属性,以启用鼠标滚轮控制。#​47158 @​MadCcc
  • 🆕 Button 添加 defaultHoverBgdefaultHoverColordefaultHoverBorderColordefaultActiveBgdefaultActiveColordefaultActiveBorderColor 六个 token。#​47075 @​madocto
  • 🆕 Notification useNotification 支持 duration 配置,该更新同样适用于 App 组件的 notification 配置。#​47141
  • 🆕 Grid 支持为响应式布局配置 flex 属性。#​47124
  • 🐞 改进 Transfer 组件分页器的内边距。#​47231 @​qmhc
  • 🐞 修复 Avatar 组件当高度小于 16px 内容不居中的问题。#​47236 @​lcgash
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件禁用时鼠标指针不正确的问题。#​47280 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件 hoverBorderColoractiveBorderColor token 定制无效的问题。#​47243 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 修复 Menu 组件子菜单 hover 样式在边缘消失的问题。#​47227 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 修复 Menu 在无 hash 模式下的组件样式问题。#​46609 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Card 组件增加 classNamesstyles 属性。#​46811 @​zh-lx
  • ConfigProvider


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix that the inline rendering does not take effect when the preview.getContainer value for Image is false. #​47034 @​FEyudong
  • 🐞 Fix Modal static function with prefixCls breaks children other component prefixCls and thus bring the motion miss. #​47010
  • 🐞 Fix ok button of the DatePicker becomes compacted when used with Space.Compact. #​46769 @​Fatpandac
  • 💄 Optimize Tree draggable node cursor style and collaspe icon hover style. #​46974

  • 🐞 修复 Image 组件 preview.getContainer 值为 false 时,内联渲染不生效的问题。#​47034 @​FEyudong
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 静态方法配置 prefixCls 时,会改变所有子元素的 prefixCls 并导致动画丢失的问题。#​47010
  • 🐞 修复 Space.Compact 与 DatePicker 一起使用导致 DatePicker 的确认按钮样式错误。#​46769 @​Fatpandac
  • 💄 优化 Tree 拖拽节点和展开收起按钮的鼠标 hover 样式。#​46974


Compare Source

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 组件在 @types/react 16 或 17 版本下 Typescript 报错。#​46962 @​crazyair


Compare Source

  • 🔥 Form support variant to control components variant inside. #​46573
  • 🆕 QRCode support status adds a new scanned option. #​46704
  • 🆕 Table support hidden to set hidden columns. #​46957 @​madocto
  • 🆕 Select support the maxCount, which is used to set the maximum selectable value. #​46667
  • 🆕 Mentions support allowClear for setting the clearing function. #​46396 @​yociduo
  • 🆕 ColorPicker support displaying cleared status. #​45993
  • 🆕 Drawer adds styles.wrapper and discards the contentWrapperStyle drawerStyle maskStyle attributes, and simplifies the dom structure. #​46858
  • Tour
    • 🆕 Tour support disabledInteraction, which is used to disable the interactive behavior of the highlighted area. #​46304
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue where modifying pointAtCenter under the arrow attribute of the Tour component does not take effect. #​46301
  • Tabs
    • 🆕 Tabs support the indicator: { align: xxx } attribute, which is used to set the alignment of the Tabs indicator bar. #​46786
    • 🛠 Tabs deprecated the indicatorSize attribute and replaced it with indicator: { size: xxx }. #​46786
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider adds ConfigProvider.config to support holderRender for message modal notification static method setting Provider. #​46596
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider support the indicator: { align: xxx } attribute, which is used to set the alignment of the Tabs indicator bar. #​46786
    • 🛠 ConfigProvider deprecated the Tabs indicatorSize attribute and replaced it with indicator: { size: xxx }. #​46786
  • 🐞 Fix the problem of Segmented content being obscured in hover and active. #​46925 @​madocto
  • 🐞 Fixed the problem that the customized font size of Checkbox does not take effect under Form. #​46904
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the Radio component configuration title did not take effect. #​46809
  • 🐞 Fixed Input hover style in css var mode. #​46946
  • 💄 Fixed the problem of abnormal display of Dropdown style under multi-level menu. #​46888
  • 🛠 Refactor the popup panel logic of the ColorPicker component to avoid style conflicts when customizing using panelRender. #​46327
  • TypeScript
    • 🆕 MISC: Export GetProp GetProp GetRef tool methods to facilitate developers to obtain unexported type definitions. #​46923
    • 🆕 Checkbox.Group now supports generic configurable options.value. #​46423 @​daledelv
  • 🌈 Token
    • 🆕 Button support the contentLineHeight series of tokens. #​46936
    • 🆕 Input support inputFontSize token. #​46875
    • 🆕 Menu support darkPopupBg token. #​46618
    • 🆕 Segmented support trackPadding and trackBg token. #​46674
    • 🐞 Fix the problem that paddingBlock does not take effect after customizing contentFontSize token in Button component. #​46901
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the InputNumber component cannot customize the padding token. #​46878
  • 🌐 Localization

  • 🔥 Form 组件新增 variant 属性用于设置内部组件形态变体。#​46573
  • 🆕 QRCode 组件 status 新增已扫描选项。#​46704
  • 🆕 Table 组件新增 hidden 属性可设置隐藏列。#​46957 @​madocto
  • 🆕 Select 组件新增支持 maxCount 属性,用于设置最大可选。#​46667
  • 🆕 Mentions 组件新增 allowClear 属性,用于设置清除功能。#​46396 @​yociduo
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 新增支持显示清空状态。#​45993
  • 🆕 Drawer 组件新增 styles.wrapper 并废弃 contentWrapperStyle drawerStyle maskStyle 属性,并简化 dom 结构。#​46858
  • Tour
    • 🆕 Tour 新增 disabledInteraction 属性,用于禁用高亮区域的交互行为。#​46304
    • 🐞 修复 Tour 组件在 arrow 属性下修改 pointAtCenter 不生效的问题。#​46301
  • Tabs
    • 🆕 Tabs 组件支持 indicator: { align: xxx } 属性,用于设置 Tabs 指示条对齐方式。#​46786
    • 🛠 Tabs 组件废弃 indicatorSize 属性,改为 indicator: { size: xxx } 代替。#​46786
  • ConfigProvider
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 组件新增 ConfigProvider.config 支持 holderRender,用于 message modal notification 静态方法设置 Provider#​46596
    • 🆕 ConfigProvider 组件支持 indicator: { align: xxx } 属性,用于设置 Tabs 指示条对齐方式。#​46786
    • 🛠 ConfigProvider 组件废弃 Tabs 组件的 indicatorSize 属性,改为 indicator: { size: xxx } 代替。#​46786
  • 🐞 修复 Segmented 在 hoveractive 内容被遮挡的问题。#​46925 @​madocto
  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 定制字体大小在 Form 下不生效的问题。#​46904
  • 🐞 修复 Radio 组件配置 title 未生效的问题。#​46809
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件在 css 变量模式下的悬浮态样式问题。#​46946
  • 💄 修复 Dropdown 在多级菜单下样式显示异常的问题。#​46888
  • 🛠 重构 ColorPicker 组件弹出面板逻辑,避免使用 panelRender 自定义时样式冲突的问题。#​46327
  • TypeScript
    • 🆕 MISC: 导出 GetProp GetProp GetRef 工具方法,便于开发者获取未导出的类型定义。#​46923
    • 🆕 Checkbox.Group 新增支持范型可配置 options.value#​46423 @​daledelv
  • 🌈 Token
    • 🆕 Button 组件新增支持 contentLineHeight 系列 token。#​46936
    • 🆕 Input 组件新增支持 inputFontSize token。#​46875
    • 🆕 Menu 组件新增支持 darkPopupBg token。#​46618
    • 🆕 Segmented 组件新增 trackPaddingtrackBg token。#​46674
    • 🐞 修复 Button 组件定制 contentFontSize token 后 paddingBlock 不生效的问题。#​46901
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 组件无法定制 padding token 的问题。#​46878
  • 🌐 国际化


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Upload.Dragger not align center and focus ring style. #​46810
  • 🐞 Fix Popconfirm config empty okText and cancelText will not fallback to locale text. #​46812
  • 🐞 Fix Progress that line border-radius cannot be overrided. #​46789
  • 🐞 Fix Typography without children has extra margin-left when copyable is true. #​46748
  • 🐞 Fix Typography copied icon color. #​46748

  • 🐞 修复 Upload.Dragger 内容不居中和多余的 focus 样式的问题。#​46810
  • 🐞 修复 Popconfirm 配置空的 okTextcancelText 时不会被预设 locale 兜底的问题。#​46812
  • 🐞 修复 Progress 线性模式圆角无法覆盖的问题。#​46789
  • 🐞 修复 Typography 没有 children 并启用 copyable 时多余的 margin。#​46748
  • 🐞 修复 Typography 复制成功后的图标颜色问题。#​46748


Compare Source

  • 🐞 MISC: 修复升级 @ctrl/tinycolor@4.0.2 导致的错误。#​46744 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Mentions 选项高度偏大的问题。#​46737


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 💄 Fix Tabs style issue of editable mode when there is only "new" button left. #​46585 @​hzyhbk
  • 💄 Fix Progress style issue of line mode with strokeLinecap. #​46551 @​ZN1996
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker not support prefixCls. #​46561

  • 💄 修复 Tabs 在 可编辑模式下只剩新增按钮时的样式问题。#​46585 @​hzyhbk
  • 💄 修复 Progress strokeLinecap 不生效的问题。#​46551 @​ZN1996
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 配置 prefixCls 不生效的问题。#​46561


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker style in cssVar mode. #​46526

  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 组件在 CSS 变量模式下的样式错乱问题。#​46526


Compare Source

  • 💄 修复 Tag 组件在 SSR 场景下的样式丢失问题。#​46500 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Upload 的 disabled 属性不再对下载按钮生效。#​46454
  • 💄 Upload.Dragger 增加一个水平内边距。#​46457
  • 🐞 修复 Upload actions 的颜色问题。#​46456
  • 🐞 修复 Form 使用 getValueProps 展示值无法更新的问题。#​46445
  • 💄 修复 Checkbox 自定义 token.lineWidth 时勾选箭头错位问题。#​46431
  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件定制 token 会让 padding 失效的问题。#​46427 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Message 在 cssVar 模式下覆盖组件 token 无效的问题。#​46415 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Flex 组件不应该应用额外的样式。#​46404 @​li-jia-nan


Compare Source

  • 🐞 MISC: 修复 React 17 以下使用 webpack 构建时报错 useId 找不到的问题。#​46261
  • Pagination
  • 🐞 修复 Table 筛选菜单在 CSS 变量模式下丢失背景色的问题。#​46314
  • 🐞 优化 Spin 交互,全屏状态时禁止用户触发鼠标事件。#​46303 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 修复 Form hideRequiredMark 属性的优先级低于 ConfigProvider 的 form 配置的问题。#​46299 @​linhf123
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 🐞 MISC: Fix missing color less variables converted from token. #​46250
  • 🐞 Fix Notification title overlaps with the close icon when it is too long。 #​46211 @​zh-lx

  • 🐞 MISC: 修复 token 转换 less 变量丢失的问题。#​46250
  • 🐞 修复 Notification 标题太长时会与关闭图标重叠的问题。#​46211 @​zh-lx


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix where Image sets z-index abnormally in nested Modal. #​46035
  • 🐞 Fix Button that disabled link button should not have navigate options when right click. #​46021
  • Card
    • 🛠 Refactor the Card internal method getAction into a function component. #​46032
    • 🐞 Fix the problem of Card warning invalid annotation in Rollup. #​46024
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Export the type definition for the required property of the Radio and Checkbox components. #​46028 @​nnmax

  • 🐞 修复 Image 在嵌套 Modal 中设置 z-index 异常的问题。#​46035
  • 🐞 修复 Button 禁用的链接按钮右键点击时会有打开新链接选项的问题。#​46021
  • Card
    • 🛠 把 Card 内部方法 getAction 重构为函数组件。#​46032
    • 🐞 解决 Card 在 Rollup 中会警告 invalid annotation 的问题。#​46024
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 导出 Radio 和 Checkbox 组件的 required 属性的类型定义。#​46028 @​nnmax


Compare Source

  • 🐞 修复 Modal 静态方法创建 zIndex 过高会覆盖其他弹出内容的问题。#​46012
  • Image
  • 🐞 修复 Collapse 可折叠区域鼠标 hover 样式问题。#​45994
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 不支持 Form 组件的禁用问题。#​45978 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 修复 Typography.Text code 在 Layout 下开启 ellipsis 时 tooltip 无效的问题。#​45962
  • 🐞 修复 Select 搜索框在 Safari 下显示多余的 🔍 图标。#​46008
  • 💄 删除 Rate 组件无用样式。 #​45927 @​JarvisArt
  • 🛠 UMD 版本 antd.js 现在会优先使用全局的 @ant-design/cssinjs 依赖。#​46009
  • 🌐 补充 eu_ES 国际化内容。#​45928 @​ionlizarazu


Compare Source

  • 🆕 Table with virtual can now customize components except the components.body. #​45857
  • 🐞 Fix Button with href and disabled that could be focused. #​45910 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix zIndex logic problem that message and notification are covered when multiple Modal are opened. #​45911 #​45864 @​kiner-tang
  • 💄 Fix QRCode style.padding is not working. #​45815
  • 💄 Optimize Carousel dots border radius style. #​45817
  • TypeScript

  • 🆕 放开 Table virtualcomponents 的限制,现在除了 components.body 都可以自定义。#​45857
  • 🐞 修复 Button 带有链接且禁用时可以被聚焦到的问题。#​45910 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 zIndex 逻辑,解决多层 Modal 打开时,message 与 notification 被遮盖的问题。#​45911 #​45864 @​kiner-tang
  • 💄 修复 QRCode 设置 style.padding 时无效的问题。#​45815
  • 💄 优化 Carousel 切换条圆角样式。#​45817
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 在嵌套列表时 zIndex 错误的问题。#​45761
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 显式指定 showRemoveIcon: true 时删除图标未显示的问题。#​45752
  • 🐞 修复 Descriptions 使用 children 结构语法糖时,会丢失 Descriptions.Item 的 key 的问题。#​45757
  • 🐞 修复 Message 组件在组件范围设置全局 token 无效的问题。#​45721 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Popconfirm 不兼容 visible 的问题。#​45702 @​linhf123
  • 🐞 修复默认 Tag 的背景颜色不正确的问题。#​45711 @​kiner-tang
  • 💄 修复 Notification 组件设置 style.width 无效的问题。#​45681 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 App 设置 component=false 时,会报非预期的属性警告的问题。#​45671 @​li-jia-nan
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • Slider
    • 🆕 Slider 聚焦滑块时现在会显示 Tooltip。#​45653
    • 💄 优化 Slider 交互体验,点击轨道后可直接拖拽滑块。#​45651
  • InputNumber
    • 🆕 InputNumber 添加 changeOnBlur 属性以支持在失去焦点时不触发 onChange 事件。#​45395
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 组件在 Form 组件中使用并且启用 hasFeedback 时,反馈图标出现会使 InputNumber 失去焦点的问题。#​45632 @​MadCcc
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 动态改变 formatter 不生效的问题。#​45325
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table 组件 columnTitle 支持传入 render 方法。#​41937 @​Zhou-Bill
    • 🛠 重构 Table ref 支持 scrollTo 以滚动到目标 keyindextop#​45245
  • Tabs
    • 🆕 Tabs items 支持单个标签页设置 destroyInactiveTabPane#​45359
    • 🐞 修复 Tabs 的标签宽度存在小数时,滚动会出现抖动的问题。#​45370
  • ConfigProvider
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 组件 preset 新增 defaultOpen 属性,可控制预设颜色默认是否展开。#​45607 @​Wxh16144
  • 🆕 Select 组件支持 optionRender 方法。#​45529 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Pagination 组件支持组合 simpleshowSizeChanger 使用。#​45538
  • 🆕 Spin 组件新增 fullscreen 属性,支持全屏展示。#​44986 @​Rafael-Martins #​45436 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Form validateFields 支持 dirty 参数以校验被修改过和校验过的字段。#​45389
  • 🆕 Watermark 支持 inherit 配置,关闭水印传导至弹出 Drawer 与 Modal。#​45319
  • 🆕 App 支持 component 以自定义渲染元素。#​45292
  • 🆕 Input 与 Input.TextArea 支持 count 自定义字符计数(例如固定 emoji 字符长度为 1);count.max 支持超出范围样式;将 emoji 计数还原为原生计数以解决 maxLengthvalue 不匹配的问题。#​45140
  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 在点击菜单项关闭弹出框时不会触发 onOpenChange 的问题。#​45378
  • 💄 Modal 静态方法支持 styles 属性。#​45558 @​KotoriK
  • 💄 优化弹层组件的 z-index 逻辑,使其在默认情况下不会互相遮挡。#​45512 #​45490 @​kiner-tang


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Layout support auto hasSider check to avoid blink in SSR. #​45361
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton.BackTop throws warning findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode. #​45390 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker does not supports id and data-* attributes. #​45413 @​cheng87126
  • 🐞 Fix Table sorter tooltip cannot be open when column.showSorterTooltip is a object. #​45403
  • 🐞 Fix Form with inline mode makes elements overlap on the small screen. #​45340 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 Remove duplicate disabled styles in Upload.Dragger. #​45446 @​vagusX
  • TypeScript
    • 🐞 Table pagination.position should accept 'none'. #​45398
  • RTL
    • 💄 Fix Notification's incorrect margin in rtl mode. #​45386

  • 🐞 Layout 支持自动检测 hasSider 以防止在 SSR 场景下的闪烁问题。#​45361
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton.BackTop 组件显示 findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode 警告的问题。#​45390 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 不支持 iddata-* 属性的问题。#​45413 @​cheng87126
  • 🐞 修复 Table 当 column.showSorterTooltip 是一个对象时排序 tooltip 不显示的问题。#​45403
  • 🐞 修复 Form inline 模式在小屏幕发生元素重叠的问题。#​45340 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 移除 Upload.Dragger 中重复的 disabled 样式。#​45446 @​vagusX
  • TypeScript
    • 🐞 修复 Table pagination.position TS 定义不支持 'none' 的问题。#​45398
  • RTL
    • 💄 修复 Notification 组件在 rtl 模式下边缘间距错误的问题。#​45386


Compare Source

  • ⚡️ Optimize CSS-in-JS Design Token cache matching. #​45302
  • 🆕 Checkbox.Group & Radio.Group options add missing id props. #​45287
  • 🐞 Fix Affix that target not work. #​45314 @​mingming-ma
  • 🐞 MISC: Add csp attribute for icon style. #​45334 @​AlexeyTeterin
  • 🐞 Fix Button that does not display loading status when loading property is set to { delay: 0 }. #​45282 @​YDFlame13
  • 🐞 Fix Segmented text jump issue in Safari. #​45310
  • 🐞 Fix Watermark that can be hidden via "Hide Element" feature in browser. #​45290 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix Input that background should not be transparent when hovered or focused. #​45297 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Form call resetFields will still keep Form.List field when its initialValue is set. #​45284
  • 🐞 Fix Tree.DirectoryTree selectedNodes in onSelect method could not get a value when configuring fieldNames. #​45036 @​Zian502
  • 💄 Revert outline style of Input, InputNumber, Select, Cascader, TreeSelect, DatePicker, TimePicker, ColorPicker. #​45286 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Fix Card style with small size Tabs. #​45272 @​MadCcc

  • ⚡️ 优化 CSS-in-JS Design Token 缓存命中性能。#​45302
  • 🆕 为 Checkbox.Group 与 Radio.Group 的 options 添加 id 属性支持。#​45287
  • 🐞 修复 Affix 组件设置 target 失效的问题。#​45314 @​mingming-ma
  • 🐞 MISC: 为图标样式设置 csp 属性。#​45334 @​AlexeyTeterin
  • 🐞 修复 Button 组件 loading 属性设置为 { delay: 0 } 时不显示加载状态。#​45282 @​YDFlame13
  • 🐞 修复 Segmented 在 Safari 下切换时的样式跳动问题。#​45310
  • 🐞 修复 Watermark可以使用浏览器的 Hide Element 来隐藏水印。#​45290 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件 hover 或者 focus 状态时背景色变为透明的问题。#​45297 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Form 在调用 resetFields 时,无法重置配置了 initialValue 的 Form.List 的问题。#​45284
  • 🐞 修复 Tree.DirectoryTree 在配置 fieldNames 时,onSelect 方法中的 selectedNodes 无法获取值。#​45036 @​Zian502
  • 💄 回滚 Input、InputNumber、Select、Cascader、TreeSelect、DatePicker、TimePicker、ColorPicker 的描边样式。#​45286 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 修复 Card 搭配小尺寸 Tabs 时的样式问题。#​45272 @​MadCcc


Compare Source

  • 🔥 New component Flex, used to set flexible layout. #​44362
  • 🔥 Notification component supports stack configuration. By default, more than three notifications will be stacked. #​44618
  • 🔥 Update the active styles of Input, InputNumber, Select, Cascader, TreeSelect, DatePicker, and ColorPicker. #​45009
  • 🆕 Watermark supports setting the text alignment direction through textAlign. #​44888 @​Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Slider supports any number of nodes and migrates xxxStyles to semantic styles and classNames properties. #​45000
  • 🆕 Cascader supports the Cascader.Panel component for inline use. #​45089
  • 🆕 Tooltip adds fresh attribute to support scenarios where content still needs to be updated when closed. #​45020
  • 🆕 Drawer supports customizing the className of built-in modules through classNames. #​44935
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider supports the warning attribute to configure warning levels (e.g. filter out deprecated API warnings). #​44809
  • Modal
    • 🆕 Modal supports customizing the className of built-in modules through classNames. #​44934
    • 🐞 Fixed the content overflow problem when Modal.confirm description is a long text. #​45212
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that the nested Typography of Menu.Item cannot be vertically centered when ellipsis is true. #​41146 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix Select internal input not being able to apply fontFamily. #​45197 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix InputNumber border issue when using addonBefore in Space.Compact. #​45004 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that Tag.CheckableTag does not support ref. #​45164 @​mingming-ma
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the font in the Avatar.Group component does not support responsiveness. #​34722 @​laishiwen
  • 🛠 Refactor Affix into a functional component. #​42674
  • 🛠 The Popover component deprecates the minWidth component token and adds titleMinWidth as a replacement. #​44750
  • 🌈 Token
    • 🆕 Input adds hoverBg activeBg token to set the input box hover and activation background color. #​44752 @​Pan-yongyong
    • 🆕 Descriptions Added titleColor and contentColor to set the title color and content area text color. #​44729 @​Child-qjj
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the Input component Token addonBg is invalid. #​45222
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 The ArgsProps type for exported Notification is NotificationArgsProps. #​45147
  • 🌐 Locales

  • 🔥 新增 Flex 组件,用于设置弹性布局。#​44362
  • 🔥 Notification 组件支持 stack 配置,默认超过三个以上的提示会堆叠起来。#​44618
  • 🔥 更新 Input、InputNumber、Select、Cascader、TreeSelect、DatePicker、ColorPicker 的激活态样式。#​45009
  • 🆕 Watermark 支持通过 textAlign 设置文本对齐方向。#​44888 @​Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Slider 支持任意节点数并且将 xxxStyle 迁移至语义化 stylesclassNames 属性中。#​45000
  • 🆕 Cascader 支持 Cascader.Panel 组件供内联使用。#​45089
  • 🆕 Tooltip 添加 fresh 属性以支持在关闭时仍然需要更新内容的场景。#​45020
  • 🆕 Drawer 支持通过 classNames 自定义内置模块的 className#​44935
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider 支持 warning 属性以配置警告等级(如过滤掉废弃 API 警告)。#​44809
  • Modal
    • 🆕 Modal 支持通过 classNames 自定义内置模块的 className#​44934
    • 🐞 修复 Modal.confirm description 是长文本时的内容溢出问题。#​45212
  • 🐞 修复 Menu.Item 嵌套的 Typography 其 ellipsis 为 true 时无法垂直居中的问题。#​41146 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Select 内部 input 无法应用 fontFamily 的问题。#​45197 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 在 Space.Compact 中使用 addonBefore 时的边框问题。#​45004 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Tag.CheckableTag 不支持 ref 的问题。#​45164 @​mingming-ma
  • 🐞 修复 Avatar.Group 组件内的字体不支持响应式的问题。#​34722 @​laishiwen
  • 🛠 重构 Affix 为函数组件。#​42674
  • 🛠 Popover 组件废弃 minWidth 组件 token,并添加 titleMinWidth 作为替代。#​44750
  • 🌈 Token
    • 🆕 Input 新增 hoverBg activeBg token 用以设置输入框 hover 和 激活时背景颜色。#​44752 @​Pan-yongyong
    • 🆕 Descriptions 新增 titleColor contentColor 用以设置标题颜色和内容区域文字颜色。#​44729 @​Child-qjj
    • 🐞 修复 Input 组件 Token addonBg 失效的问题。#​45222
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 导出 Notification 的 ArgsProps 类型为 NotificationArgsProps。#​45147
  • 🌐 国际化


Compare Source

  • Button
    • 🐞 Fix Button that two Chinese characters in nested span should have space between. #​45126 @​MadCcc
    • 🐞 Fix Button unexpected loading icon when conditional rendering. #​45030 @​lzl0304
  • 🐞 Fix Tour that step.type didn't work when shown at first time. #​45086 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Select and DatePicker that input should use fontFamily token. #​45088 @​MadCcc

  • Button
    • 🐞 修复 Button 组件只有两个汉字且嵌套在多层 span 中时间距丢失的问题。#​45126 @​MadCcc
    • 🐞 修复 Button 条件渲染时意外出现加载图标的问题。#​45030 @​lzl0304
  • 🐞 修复 Tour 组件第一次展示时 step.type 无效的问题。#​45086 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Select 和 DatePicker 组件没有使用 fontFamily token 的问题。#​45088 @​MadCcc


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Popover that should shift automaticly when overflowed. #​45015 @​MadCcc
  • Tooltip
    • 🛠 Tooltip delete the logic of wrap span on disabled element. It can always work as expect on disabled element now. #​44895 @​Yuiai01
    • 🐞 Fix Tooltip / Popover position jump when content height changed. #​44976
  • 🛠 ComponentToken remove radiusBase must less than 16 limitation. #​44980
  • 🐞 Fix Dropdown can not give ref for the root children rendered by dropdownRender. #​44971
  • 🐞 Fix Table cellPaddingBlock not working. #​45040
  • 🐞 Fix Input wrong height with small controlHeight. #​45048
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 MISC: Fix @types/react@18.2.22 React.Key type errors. #​44938

  • 🐞 修复 Popover 超出屏幕时不会自动调整偏移的问题。#​45015 @​MadCcc
  • Tooltip
    • 🛠 Tooltip 删除对 disabled 子元素额外包括 span 的逻辑,现在始终能够正确触发。#​44895 @​Yuiai01
    • 🐞 修复 Tooltip / Popover 在内容高度变化时,位置会闪动的问题。#​44976
  • 🛠 ComponentToken 移除 radiusBase 必须小于 16 的限制。#​44980
  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 通过 dropdownRender 渲染的子节点配置 ref 不生效的问题。#​44971
  • 🐞 修复 Table cellPaddingBlock 不生效的问题。#​45040
  • 🐞 修复 Input 组件在小尺寸 controlHeight 下高度不正确的问题。#​45048
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 MISC: 修复 @types/react@18.2.22 React.Key 定义更新引发的问题。#​44938


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Table selection column not align in center when size is small. #​44922
  • 🐞 Fix Select style problem when label contains div element. #​44927
  • 🐞 Fix Modal broken style of buttons when custom footer. #​44929 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix notification wrong pop-up animation when placement is bottom. #​44918 @​linxianxi
  • 🐞 Fix missing inherited feedbackIcon in Form.Item with noStyle. #​44937

  • 🐞 修复 Table small 尺寸时选择列没有居中对齐的问题。#​44922
  • 🐞 修复 Select 当 label 内使用了 div 块级元素时的样式问题。#​44927
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 自定义 footer 时按钮内容丢失的问题。#​44929 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 notification 底部弹出动画的问题。#​44918 @​linxianxi
  • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 有 noStyle 属性时没有继承上下文的反馈图标的问题。#​44937


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Select that controlHeightSM not work in small size. #​44859 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Rate that star transaform not at center. #​44855 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker that in dateTime mode switching input didn't trigger onCalendarChange. #​44845 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix Table virtual selection checkbox or radio not align in center. #​44786
  • 🐞 Fix Select carbin align top bug when enable maxTagCount. #​44757
  • 🐞 Fix Select alignment issue when label is Typography. #​44756
  • 💄 Fix Table with virtual display issue about columns less than table size and some border & hover style missing. #​44818
  • 💄 Fix wrong style of Select in Input addon. #​44825 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Fix Tree that Checkbox should be aligned with first line. #​44827 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Fix Card that Card.Grid has wrong style with left bottom corner. #​44801 @​Jason-huang66
  • 💄 Fix Select/Cascader/TreeSelect style issue when customize their height. #​44753
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复小尺寸 Select 组件 controlHeightSM token 配置无效的问题。#​44859 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Rate 组件星星变换中心不在正中心的问题。#​44855 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 组件 dateTime 模式切换输入框不会触发 onCalendarChange 的问题。#​44845 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Table virtual 配置下,选择框没有居中对齐的问题。#​44786
  • 🐞 修复 Select 开启 maxTagCount 时搜索光标偏上的问题。#​44757
  • 🐞 修复 Select 的 label 为 Typography 组件时的选中文本对齐问题。#​44756
  • 💄 修复 Table virtual 开启虚拟滚动时,当 columns 小于表格宽度会显示异常的问题以及部分边框、悬浮样式丢失的问题。#​44818
  • 💄 修复 Select 组件在 Input addon 中使用时的样式错误。#​44825 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 修复 Tree 组件样式,使 Checkbox 与文字第一行对齐。#​44827 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 修复 Card 组件 Card.Grid 边缘样式问题。#​44801 @​Jason-huang66
  • 💄 修复 Select/Cascader/TreeSelect 自定义高度时的样式问题。#​44753
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 🔥 Table component now supports the virtual attribute to enable virtual scrolling. #​44349
  • 🔥 Form's validateFields now supports recursive to validate all fields with nested paths. #​44130
  • 🔥 Form.Item now supports validateDebounce to configure validation debounce. #​44633
  • 🆕 Button component has added three component tokens: contentFontSize, contentFontSizeSM, and contentFontSizeLG, allowing customization of font sizes for different sizes. #​44257
  • 🆕 Form's requiredMark now supports custom rendering. #​44073
  • 🆕 Tabs component has added a new component token itemColor to control the text color of normal tabs. #​44201
  • 🆕 ColorPicker now supports defaultFormat. #​44487 @​CYBYOB
  • 🆕 Form supports feedbackIcons and Form.Item supports hasFeedback={{ icons: ... }}, now feedback icons could be customized in both ways. #​43894 @​gldio
  • 🆕 Added the itemSelectedColor component token to the Segmented component. #​44570 @​xiaozisong
  • 🆕 Added support for custom function rendering in the Modal footer. #​44318 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Added responsive setting support for items.span in Descriptions. #​44534
  • 🆕 Added support for global configuration of indicatorSize in Tabs component through ConfigProvider. #​44517
  • 🆕 Added the direction parameter to the filterOption function in the Transfer component. #​44417 @​Zian502
  • 🆕 Added support for the source parameter in the onSearch method of the Input.Search component. #​44457 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Added a component token to the Input component for customizing the shadow when activated. #​44410
  • 🆕 Added a component token to the Radio component for customizing the color when the fill button is selected. #​44389
  • 🆕 Tour component now supports horizontal offset for spacing. #​44377 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Tour component now supports customizing the close button using the closeIcon prop. #​44312 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Avatar component now supports configuring size using ConfigProvider. #​44288 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 List component now supports configuring size using ConfigProvider's componentSize option. #​44267 @​Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Cascader component now supports autoClearSearchValue option. #​44033 @​linxianxi
  • 🆕 Added support for rootClassName in Upload,AutoComplete,Badge.Ribbon,Input.TextArea,RangePicker,TimePicker @​kiner-tang.
  • 💄 Refactored the structure of Modal.confirm to fix the width abnormality caused by width: fit-content and the style line break issue with a large amount of text. Extracted confirm styles for lazy loading to optimize style size in SSR. #​44557
  • 💄 Adjusted the linear gradient colors for circle and dashboard in Progress to conical gradients. #​44404
  • 💄 Fixed DatePicker missing custom footer style. #​44642 @​li-jia-nan
  • 💄 Fixed Tag where tag.className and did not work on Tag.CheckableTag in ConfigProvider. #​44602
  • 💄 Fixed the inconsistency in width between the dropdown and the input box when the container of Select component has transform: scale style configured in getPopupContainer option. #​44378
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where Form.Item with noStyle configuration prevented the bound element from consuming useStatus. #​44576
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where using Tag within Popover/Popconfirm caused incorrect font-size on hover. #​44663
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where Input's default button had extra shadow. #​44660 @​daledelv
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where using Modal's hooks to close it with the esc key didn't correctly trigger the await. #​44646
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the preset size of Space did not follow the Design Token, now compact mode correctly handles the corresponding spacing values. #​44598 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue in Upload where the download button would still be displayed after clicking on it and moving the mouse out of the file. #​44594 @​zbw-zbw
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton that margin not work with href in FloatButton.Group. #​44707 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where fontSizeSM token was not being applied to Button component. #​44217 @​CHENGTIANG
  • 🐞 The Watermark now works in nested Modal and Drawer components. #​44104
  • 🛠 Alert, Tree, Cascader, Layout, Table, Modal, Drawer, Button, Switch, Select, Badge, Form, TimePicker, Spin, Input, Progress, Divider Added Component Token. #​42142 #​42607 #​42627 #​42757 #​42774 #​42778 #​44090 #​44118 #​44174 #​44228 #​44261 #​44282 #​44334 #​42192 @​hms181231 @​linhf123 @​poyiding @​Wxh16144 @​Yuiai01
  • 🛠 Remove compatibility logic for old versions of IE browser for Space and Grid components to reduce bundle size. #​44620 @​li-jia-nan
  • TypeScript

  • 🔥 Table 支持 virtual 属性开启虚拟滚动。#​44349
  • 🔥 Form validateFields 支持 recursive 以校验所有包含路径的字段。#​44130
  • 🔥 Form.Item 支持 validateDebounce 以配置校验防抖。#​44633
  • 🆕 Button 组件新增 contentFontSize contentFontSizeSM contentFontSizeLG 三个组件 token ,用于定制各个尺寸下的字体大小。#​44257
  • 🆕 Form requiredMark 支持自定义渲染。#​44073
  • 🆕 Tabs 组件添加新组件 Token itemColor,用于控制常态 tab 的文本颜色。#​44201
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 组件支持 defaultFormat 属性。#​44487 @​CYBYOB
  • 🆕 Form 新增 feedbackIcons 属性且 Form.Item 支持 hasFeedback={{ icons: ... }},用于自定义校验图标。#​43894 @​gldio
  • 🆕 Segmented 组件新增 itemSelectedColor 的组件 Token。#​44570 @​xiaozisong
  • 🆕 Modal 页脚 footer 支持自定义函数渲染。#​44318 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Descriptions 的 items.span 支持响应式设置。#​44534
  • 🆕 Tabs 组件 indicatorSize 支持通过 ConfigProvider 全局配置。#​44406
  • 🆕 Transfer 组件 filterOption 函数新增 direction 入参。#​44417 @​Zian502
  • 🆕 Input.Search 组件支持在 onSearch 方法中接受 source 参数。#​44457 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Input 组件新增组件 Token 用于定制激活态阴影。#​44410
  • 🆕 Radio 组件新增组件 Token,用于定制填充按钮选中时的颜色。#​44389
  • 🆕 Tour 组件间距支持横向偏移量。#​44377 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Tour 组件支持通过 closeIcon 来自定义关闭按钮。#​44312 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 Avatar 支持使用 ConfigProvider 的 componentSize 配置 size#​44288 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 List 支持使用 ConfigProvider 的 componentSize 配置 size#​44267 @​Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Cascader 支持 autoClearSearchValue 属性。#​44033 @​linxianxi
  • 🆕 在 UploadAutoCompleteBadge.RibbonInput.TextAreaRangePickerTimePicker 中添加了对 rootClassName 的支持。@​kiner-tang
  • 💄 重构 Modal.confirm 结构以修复 width: fit-content 导致宽度异常问题以及大量文本下的样式断行问题。抽离 confirm 样式至懒加载以优化 SSR 下的样式尺寸。#​44557
  • 💄 Progress 调整 circledashboard 的线性渐变色为锥形渐变色。#​44404
  • 💄 修复 DatePicker 组件自定义页脚样式问题。#​44642 @​li-jia-nan
  • 💄 修复 ConfigProvider 无法作用于 Tag.CheckableTag 的问题。#​44602
  • 💄 修复 Select 配置的 getPopupContainer 容器有 transform: scale 样式时,弹出框宽度与输入框不一致的情况。#​44378
  • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 配置 noStyle 时,被绑定的元素无法消费 useStatus 的问题。#​44576
  • 🐞 修复 Tag 被 Popover/Popconfirm 包裹时,Hover 会导致 font-size 错误的问题。#​44663
  • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 组合中,搜索按钮会额外阴影的问题。#​44660 @​daledelv
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 的 hooks 调用通过按键 esc 关闭时无法正确触发 await 的问题。#​44646
  • 🐞 修复 Space 的预设 size 不会跟随 Design Token 的问题,现在紧凑模式也会正确处理对应的间距数值。#​44598 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 组件点击某文件的下载按钮后,鼠标移出该文件时仍展示下载按钮的问题。#​44594 @​zbw-zbw
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton 组件添加 href 后在 FloatButton.Group 中间距失效的问题。#​44707 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Button fontSizeSM token 不生效的问题。#​44217 @​CHENGTIANG
  • 🐞 Watermark 现在可以在嵌套的 Modal 和 Drawer 组件中生效。#​44104
  • 🛠 迁移 Alert、Tree、Cascader、Layout、Table、Modal、Drawer、Button、Switch、Select、Badge、Form、TimePicker、Spin、Input、Progress、Divider 的 less 变量到 Token。 #​42142 #​42607 #​42627 #​42757 #​42774 #​42778 #​44090#​44118 #​44174 #​44228 #​44261 #​44282 #​44334 #​42192 @​hms181231 @​linhf123 @​poyiding @​Wxh16144 @​Yuiai01
  • 📦 移除 Space 和 Grid 对于旧版 IE 浏览器兼容逻辑,减少打包产物体积。#​44620 @​li-jia-nan
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 🛠 Optimize some styles size in document.head by extracting unused styles.
    • 🛠 Notification and Message only generate styles when displayed. #​44488
    • 🛠 Extract Tag status & preset color style which will only generate by needed. #​44512
    • 🛠 Extract Button compact style, now only the corresponding style will be generated when Space.Compact is used. #​44475
  • 📦 Remove lodash/camelCase from @ant-design/icons dependencies to reduce bundle size. ant-design-icons#595
  • Form
  • 🐞 Fix Watermark that would crash if content is empty string. #​44501
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker popup still working when disabled is true. #​44466 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer trigger onSelectChange twice sometimes when click checkbox. #​44471 @​kovsu
  • 🐞 Fix Typography scrollbar flush problem when enable ellipsis. #​43058 @​bbb169
  • Slider
  • 🐞 Fix Steps type="nav" last item did not hide arrow properly. #​44582 @​ohhoney1
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Fix Upload file status definition to remove unused success status. #​44468

  • 🛠 针对 CSSInJS 加载 styles 大小进行了优化。
    • 🛠 Notification 和 Message 组件只有在展示时才会插入对应样式。#​44488
    • 🛠 剥离 Tag 状态与预设颜色样式,现在只有当使用的时候才会生成它们。#​44512
    • 🛠 剥离 Button 紧凑模式样式,现在只有当使用了 Space.Compact 的时候才会生成它们。#​44475
  • 📦 移除 @ant-design/icons 依赖 lodash/camelCase 以优化 bundle size。ant-design-icons#595
  • Form
    • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 设置 wrapperCol.span0 时,子元素不隐藏的问题。#​44485 #​44472 @​crazyair
    • 🐞 修复 Form labelCol 设置为 24 时,会使 wrapperCol 设置 24 失效的问题。#​44541
  • 🐞 修复 Watermark 组件在 content 是空字符串时报错的问题。#​44501
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 禁用时依然能弹出选择窗口的问题。#​44466 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 点击 Checkbox 时有时会触发两次选择行为的问题。#​44471 @​kovsu
  • 🐞 修复 Typography 使用 ellipsis 时滚动条闪动的问题。#​43058 @​bbb169
  • Slider
  • 🐞 修复 Steps type="nav" 垂直导航步骤条的最后一项箭头没隐藏的问题。#​44582 @​ohhoney1
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 修复 Upload 文件状态定义,移除未使用过的 success 状态。#​44468


Compare Source

  • 🛠 Refactor Badge style logic and take Ribbon style out to reduce SSR inline style size. #​44451
  • 🐞 Fix the issue of abnormal icon styling when using `@ant-design/icons`` within App. #​41208 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix the issue of vertical dragging malfunction in Carousel. #​44460 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 Fix Tour panel use wrong design token. #​44428
  • 🐞 Fix Form wrapperCol with responsive xs config not working. #​44388
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker duplicate key issue. #​44370 @​xr0master
  • 🐞 Fix Radio that not work in Tree title. #​44380 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Table that would crash when filterDropdown does not support ref. #​44357 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Form inline layout show extra bottom margin when validation failed. #​44360
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker showTime working error when format is Array. #​44306 @​Zian502
  • 🐞 Fix Watermark can not be fully shown when content is too long. #​44321
  • TypeScript

  • 🛠 重构 Badge 样式逻辑将 Ribbon 样式抽离以降低 SSR 内联样式尺寸。#​44451
  • 🐞 修复 App 组件下使用 @ant-design/icons 的图标样式异常的问题。#​41208 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 Carousel 组件垂直方向拖动失效的问题。#​44460 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 修复 Tour 面板使用的 design token 错误的问题。#​44428
  • 🐞 修复 Form wrapperCol 配置响应式 xs 属性无效的问题。#​44388
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 中重复 key 的问题。#​44370 @​xr0master
  • 🐞 修复 Radio 组件组合 Tree 组件后失效的问题。#​44380 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Table 组件 filterDropdown 不支持 ref 时报错的问题。#​44357 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Form inline 布局在校验失败时出现额外空行的问题。#​44360
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 中 showTime 为 true 且 format 为数组时,组件报错。#​44306 @​Zian502
  • 🐞 修复 Watermark 中 content 内容过长时无法完整显示的问题。#​44321
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • ColorPicker
    • 🐞 Fix the cursor jumps when entering lowercase English letters in the ColorPicker color value input box. #​44137 @​gouge666
    • 🐞 Fix the ColorPicker style is deformed under different sizes. #​44273 @​kouchao
  • 🐞 Fix Descriptions throwing key is not a prop error message. #​44278 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 Fix the node is still rendered when Pagination itemRender is customized to null. #​44226
  • 🐞 Fix Modal in Dropdown menu.items, rapid mouse movement when expanding Modal will make Dropdown reopen. #​44204
  • DatePicker
  • 💄 Fix clicking on the Tabs area on the mobile terminal triggers a color change. #​44200 @​yilaikesi
  • RTL

  • ColorPicker
  • 🐞 修复 Descriptions 抛出 key is not a prop 的错误提示。#​44278 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 修复 Pagination itemRender 自定义为 null 时,仍然渲染节点的问题。#​44226
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 在 Dropdown menu.items 中,展开 Modal 时快速移动鼠标会使 Dropdown 重新打开的问题。#​44204
  • DatePicker
  • 💄 修复移动端点击 Tabs 区域触发颜色改变的问题。#​44200 @​yilaikesi
  • RTL


Compare Source

  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 Fix DatePicker panel cannot toggle when selecting time with truthy open and truthy defaultOpen. #​44105 @​Yuiai01
    • 🐞 Fix DatePicker and RangePicker still show the clear button when disable allowClear. #​44015 @​bartpio
  • Carousel
    • 🐞 Fix Carousel do not support id prop. #​44079
    • 💄 Fix Carousel dots extra margin style. #​44076
  • 🐞 Fix Modal footer disabled state that affect by Form. #​43055 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix Upload thumbnail that gif will not play. #​44083 @​linxianxi
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton that menu mode didn't support badge prop. #​44109 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Grid & List responsive config take effect after first render which cause screen flick. #​44075
  • 🐞 Fix that Design Token partially missing when @ant-design/cssinjs version 1.15.0. #​44091 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Fix Badge status="processing" with dot wave style issue. #​44153
  • 💄 Fix Descriptions border styles when it nests itself. #​43454 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 Fix Pagination transition style in prev/next buttons. #​44030
  • 💄 Fix Popconfirm button group wraps unexpectedly. #​44022 @​MuxinFeng
  • 💄 Optimize style of Image preview operation icons. #​44141 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 Optimize Input and InputNumber font size in large mode. #​44000 @​MuxinFeng
  • 💄 Remove Space part useless style. #​44098

  • DatePicker
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 在 opendefaultOpentrue 时选中时间不会切换面板的问题。#​44105 @​Yuiai01
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 和 RangePicker 禁用 allowClear 时仍然展示清除按钮的问题。#​44015 @​bartpio
  • Carousel
    • 🐞 修复 Carousel 不支持 id 属性的问题。#​44079
    • 💄 修复 Carousel dots 切换点有多余 margin 的问题。#​44076
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 页脚禁用态受 Form 影响的问题。#​43055 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 Upload gif 缩略图不会动的问题。#​44083 @​linxianxi
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton 组件菜单模式不支持 badge 配置的问题。#​44109 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Grid 与 List 响应式布局生效稍晚于首次渲染导致屏幕闪动的问题。#​44075
  • 🐞 修复 @ant-design/cssinjs 版本小于 1.15.0 时 Design Token 部分丢失的问题。#​44091 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 修复 Badge status="processing"dot 配合使用时,波纹样式异常的问题。#​44153
  • 💄 修复 Descriptions 组件自行嵌套时的边框样式问题。#​43454 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 修复 Pagination 上下页切换按钮 `transition`` 丢失的问题。#​44030
  • 💄 修复 Popconfirm 按钮组意外换行的问题。#​44022 @​MuxinFeng
  • 💄 优化 Image 组件预览操作图标的样式。#​44141 @​MadCcc
  • 💄 优化 Input 和 InputNumber 在大尺寸下的字体大小。#​44000 @​MuxinFeng
  • 💄 移除 Space 部分未使用的样式。#​44098


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Checkbox & Radio not support customize wave and add className ant-wave-target for this case. #​44014
  • 🐞 Adjust Form.Item renderProps definition to return correct FormInstance. #​43996
  • 🐞 Fixed Table incorrect expand icon direction and row indentation in RTL. #​43977 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 Fix Pagination that should not have hover and focus style when disabled. #​43970 @​MadCcc
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Fix Drawer & Anchor part Design Token TS description not correct issue. #​43994 @​wving5

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 与 Radio 不支持自定义水波纹效果的问题,并添加 ant-wave-target className 到对应元素上。#​44014
  • 🐞 调整 Form.Item renderProps 定义,现在会返回正确的 FormInstance#​43996
  • 🐞 修复 Table 在 directionrlt 时展开图标的方向和展开行的缩进有误的问题。#​43977 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 修复 Pagination 组件禁用状态仍然有悬浮和聚焦样式的问题。#​43970 @​MadCcc
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 修正 Drawer 和 Anchor 部分 Design Token 的 TS 描述信息错误的问题。#​43994 @​wving5


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🔥 Component Token support algorithm to calculate derivative tokens same as global. #​43810 @​MadCcc
  • 🔥 Modal hooks function support await call. #​43470
  • 🔥 ConfigProvider support wave to customize wave effect. #​43784
  • 🆕 Form support getFieldsValue({ strict: true }) to support only Item bind values. #​43828
  • 🆕 Descriptions support items prop. #​43483 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 ColorPicker support disabledAlpha prop. #​43355 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Avatar.Group support shape prop. #​43817 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 AutoComplete/Cascader/DatePicker/Input.Textarea/TimePicker/TreeSelect support allowClear prop to customize clear button。#​43582 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 RangePicker presets support callback functions. #​43476 @​Wxh16144
  • 🆕 Added the preview={{ movable: Boolean }} prop to the Image component to support dragging and dropping into folders. #​43823 @​linxianxi
  • 🆕 Slider tooltip support autoAdjustOverflow prop. #​43788
  • 🆕 Added the selectionsIcon property to the Transfer component to support custom icons for the dropdown menu. #​43773 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🗑 Select, Tree-Select and Cascader deprecated showArrow prop. Now suffix arrow should be configured with suffixIcon. #​43520 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 Optimized the import method for @ant-design/icons to avoid importing all icons. #​43915 @​ssxenon01
  • 🐞 Fix Anchor not trigger getCurrentAnchor when scroll. #​43916
  • 🐞 Fix Tooltip hover not trigger on disabled element. #​43872
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker not calling onChangeComplete callback when changing value. #​43867 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 Fix Modal.confirm locale setting were reset. #​43277 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix Slide description info and slider handle overlap issue. #​43780 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fix InputNumber handler style in large size. #​43875 @​yee94
  • 🐞 Fix Select popup flip position motion not correct. #​43764
  • 💄 Optimized the design of icons including CloseCircleFilled/CloseSquareFilled/CloseOutlined/CloseCircleOutlined/CloseSquareOutlined/ExportOutlined/ImportOutlined. 824500
  • 💄 Fix when using with other component libraries that use @ant-design/cssinjs, antd styles will always be inserted at the top to avoid style override issues caused by loading order. #​43847
  • 💄 Optimize message and notification to not to extract style in SSR. #​43808
  • ⌨️ Fix Select aria-activedescendant didn't conform to valid value. #​43800
  • ⌨️ Fix Layout.Header accessibility role. #​43749 @​khalibloo
  • TypeScript

  • 🔥 组件 Token 支持配置 algorithm 参数,添加配置即可像全局 Token 一样由部分修改的 token 计算派生 token 的值并用于组件样式中。#​43810 @​MadCcc
  • 🔥 Modal hooks 方法支持 await 调用。#​43470
  • 🔥 ConfigProvider 支持 wave 配置以自定义水波纹效果。#​43784
  • 🆕 Form 新增 getFieldsValue({ strict: true }) 以支持获取仅通过 Item 绑定的字段。#​43828
  • 🆕 Descriptions 支持 items 属性。#​43483 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 ColorPicker 支持 disabledAlpha 属性。#​43355 @​RedJue
  • 🆕 Avatar.Group 支持设置 shape 属性。#​43817 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 AutoComplete/Cascader/DatePicker/Input.Textarea/TimePicker/TreeSelect 组件均已支持通过 allowClear.clearIcon 属性自定义清除按钮。#​43582 @​kiner-tang
  • 🆕 RangePicker presets 属性支持回调函数。#​43476 @​Wxh16144
  • 🆕 Image 新增 preivew={{ movable: Boolean }} 属性以支持可拖拽到文件夹。#​43823 @​linxianxi
  • 🆕 Slider tooltip 支持配置 autoAdjustOverflow 属性。#​43788
  • 🆕 Transfer 组件新增 selectionsIcon 属性以支持自定义下拉菜单图标。#​43773 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🗑 Select、Tree-Select 和 Cascader 组件废弃 showArrow 属性,可由 suffixIcon 统一配置。#​43520 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 优化 @ant-design/icons 导入写法以避免 Tree Shaking 在 Next.js 中失效的问题。#​43915 @​ssxenon01
  • 🐞 修复 Anchor 在滚动时无法触发 getCurrentAnchor 的问题。#​43916
  • 🐞 修复 Tooltip hover 时无法在 disabled 元素上触发的问题。#​43872
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 在更改值时未调用 onChangeComplete 回调的问题。#​43867 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 修复 Modal.confirmlocale 设置被重置的问题。#​43277 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Slider 中描述信息和滑块手柄重叠问题。#​43780 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 Select 弹出框翻转时动画不正确的问题。#​43764
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 在圆角不同下的样式异常。#​43875 @​yee94
  • 💄 优化了 CloseCircleFilled/CloseSquareFilled/CloseOutlined/CloseCircleOutlined/CloseSquareOutlined/ExportOutlined/ImportOutlined 等图标的设计。824500
  • 💄 修复和其他使用 @ant-design/cssinjs 的组件库混合使用,antd 的样式总是会插入在最前面,以避免加载顺序导致的样式覆盖问题。#​43847
  • 💄 优化 message 和 notification 渲染逻辑,现在在 SSR 环境下不会导出样式。#​43808
  • ⌨️ 修复 Select aria-activedescendant 缺少有效值的问题。#​43800
  • ⌨️ 修复 Layout.Header a11y role 属性。#​43749 @​khalibloo
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Adjust the positioning of the Tour to be centered when the target is null. #​43694 @​linxianxi
  • 💄 Fix Watermark style issue in dark theme. #​43754
  • 🐞 Fix Button missing part React.ButtonHTMLAttributes issue. #​43716
  • 💄 Watermark use Design Token to support dark theme. #​43754
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复 Tour 当 targetnull 时弹出位置不居中的问题。#​43694 @​linxianxi
  • 🐞 修复 Button 丢失部分 React.ButtonHTMLAttributes 定义的问题。#​43716
  • 💄 Watermark 将固定的颜色替换成 Design Token 以适应暗黑主题。#​43754
  • TypeScript


Compare Source

  • 💄 修复 Menu 组件悬浮态样式丢失的问题。#​43656 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Notification 报错 PurePanel 定义未找到的问题。#​43687 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 修复 Button onClick 事件丢失 event 定义的问题。#​43666
  • 🐞 修复 Input 和 InputNumber 行内对齐问题。#​43548 @​bbb169
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 后缀颜色使用 token 不当的问题。#​43646 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Steps 配置可点击时不能通过键盘操作的问题。#​43644
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 移除 Button 无用的 type="ghost" 属性定义。#​43675


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • Form
    • 🐞 Fix onFieldsChange event will still be triggered incorrectly when the field is not configured with rules when the Form is submitted. #​43290
    • 🐞 Fix the problem that the warning message that name is empty is falsely reported when the name of Form.List is 0. #​43199 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix the Badge color attribute does not take effect. #​43304
  • 🐞 Fix the position of Select clear icon when FormItem sets hasFeedback. #​43302 @​tinyfind
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer paging drop-down button is hidden and showSizeChanger method is invalid. #​41906 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix the invalid modification of colorText and fontSize of Popconfirm component. #​43212 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that deleting files after Upload configures maxCount will not trigger onChange. #​43193
  • 💄 Fix Button disabled style error when it has link or href attribute. #​43091 @​BoyYangzai
  • TypeScript

  • Form
    • 🐞 修复 Form 在提交时,字段没有配置 rules 时仍会错误触发 onFieldsChange 事件的问题。#​43290
    • 🐞 修复 Form.List 的 name 为 0 时误报 name 为空的警告信息的问题。#​43199 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Badge color 属性不生效的问题。#​43304
  • 🐞 修复 Select 组件的消除图标在 FormItem 设置 hasFeedback 时的位置问题。#​43302 @​tinyfind
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 分页下拉按钮被隐藏以及 showSizeChanger 方法无效。#​41906 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Popconfirm 组件 colorTextfontSize 修改无效的问题。#​43212 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 配置 maxCount 后删除文件不会触发 onChange 的问题。#​43193
  • 💄 修复 Button 在有 linkhref 属性时禁用样式错误。#​43091 @​BoyYangzai
  • TypeScript


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 配置 autoFocus 无效的问题。#​43002 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 设置 prefix 在 Form.Item hasFeedBack 内高度异常的问题。#​43049
  • 💄 修复 Input 和 InputNumber 禁用状态样式。#​42974 @​kampiu
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 配置 maxCount 后,上传超出范围的文件仍然会触发 onChange 事件的问题。#​43034
  • 🐞 修复打包时即便没有使用 rc-field-form 包仍然会包含它的问题。#​43023
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 动态设置 disabledTime 时值不正确的问题。#​42991 @​linxianxi
  • 📖 补充 FloatButton 受控实例,并添加对应的 warning 提示。#​42835 @​poyiding
  • 🐞 修复 Button 禁用时子节点仍然可以交互的问题。#​42949 @​kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Drawer 添加最大宽度以防止在小屏幕下超出的问题。#​42914 @​amir2mi
  • 🐞 修复 Table 设置 checkStrictly 时,preserveSelectedRowKeys 无效的问题。#​42784 @​linxianxi
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 在动态变更数据时,展示的选中数不同步的问题。#​42785 @​BoyYangzai
  • 🐞 修复 Radio.Button title 属性不生效,并补齐对应定义。#​43012 @​linxianxi


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix wrong Button icon size and margin. #​42516 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fix Select remove & selected icon not align in center. #​42513
  • 🐞 Refactor Popconfirm DOM structure to fix extra margin before title and description when icon={null}. #​42433
  • 🐞 Fix Menu item icon not centered when itemMarginInline is 0. #​42426 @​zzwgh
  • 🐞 Fix Tag wrapped with Tooltip will use wrong font-size when hover. #​42414
  • 🐞 Fix Popconfirm trigger onVisibleChange twice. #​42393
  • 🐞 Adjust Tooltip & Popover display logic. Now the first priority is to ensure that it will not be clipped by overflow: hidden, and the second is to ensure that it is displayed within the viewport as much as possible. #​42394
  • ColorPicker
    • 🐞 Optimize ColorPicker the allowClear interaction logic, reopening the panel to select a color will default to 100% transparency instead of 0%. #​42439 @​RedJue
    • 🐞 Optimize ColorPicker interaction. Now it will close panel when click clear button. #​42406 @​kiner-tang
  • 💄 Optimize border radius in filter dropdown of Table. #​42451 @​Yuiai01
  • 🛠 Remove addEventListener from rc-util/lib/Dom/addEventListener and use native addEventListener instead. #​42464 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 Reduce 1KB @​ant-design/icons bundle size. Fix TwoTone icon color to primary color of 5.0. #​42443
  • 🌐 Add missing translation for mn_MN. #​42512 @​ariunbatb
  • RTL
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复 Button 组件 icon 尺寸和间距问题。#​42516 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 修复 Select 移除和选中按钮不居中的问题。#​42513
  • 🐞 重构 Popconfirm DOM 结构以解决 icon={null}titledescription 的多余 margin 问题。#​42433
  • 🐞 修复 Menu 图标在 itemMarginInline 为 0 时不居中的问题。#​42426 @​zzwgh
  • 🐞 修复 Tag 被 Tooltip 包裹时,hover 会导致 font-size 错误的问题。#​42414
  • 🐞 修复 Popconfirm 的 onVisibleChange 会重复触发的问题。#​42393
  • 🐞 调整 Tooltip 和 Popover 展示逻辑,现在会优先保证不会被 overflow: hidden 裁剪,其次保证尽可能在可见屏幕范围内展示。#​42394
  • ColorPicker
    • 🐞 优化 ColorPicker allowClear 交互逻辑,重新打开面板选择颜色会默认 100% 透明度,而不是 0%。#​42439 @​RedJue
    • 🐞 优化 ColorPicker 交互,点击清除按钮时隐藏面板。#​42406 @​kiner-tang
  • 💄 修改 Table 筛选下拉菜单的圆角。#​42451 @​Yuiai01
  • 🛠 全局移除 rc-util/lib/Dom/addEventListener 引入的 addEventListener 方法,用原生代替。#​42464 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 优化 @​ant-design/icons 的 bundle 体积大小。修复 TwoTone 类的图标色为 5.0 的新主色。#​42443
  • 🌐 添加 mn_MN 中缺失的翻译。#​42512 @​ariunbatb
  • RTL
  • TypeScript


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix Menu different margin between Menu.Item and Menu.Submenu in vertical and inline mode. #​42160
  • 🐞 Fix Breadcrumb using itemRender with path render additional a element. #​42049
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer in control mode throw React nest state update warning. #​42033
  • 🐞 Fix Upload logic of disable state. #​42102 @​Wxh16144
  • 💄 Fix Spin height is inconsistent with its icon children. #​42162 @​cheapCoder
  • ⚡️ Improve Affix logic when it does not need to update. #​42015 @​Simon-He95
  • ⚡️ Improve Anchor logic when it does not need to scroll. #​42018 @​Simon-He95

  • 🐞 修复 Menu.Item 与 Submenu 之间间距不统一的问题。#​42160
  • 🐞 修复 Breadcrumb 使用 itemRender 并且配置 path 时,渲染元素会额外包一层 a 元素的问题。#​42049
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 在受控模式下报 React 状态嵌套更新错误信息。#​42033
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 禁用状态的逻辑。#​42102 @​Wxh16144
  • 💄 修复 Spin 与其 icon 子元素高度不一致的问题。#​42162 @​cheapCoder
  • ⚡️ 优化 Affix 组件在无需更新时计算逻辑。#​42015 @​Simon-He95
  • ⚡️ 优化 Anchor 组件在无需跳转时计算逻辑。#​42018 @​Simon-He95


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix lots of Table border and radius styling issues. #​41985
  • 💄 Fix Layout.Sider collapse animation style. #​41993
  • 🐞 Fix InputNumber font-size error. #​41983
  • 🐞 Fix responsive Col don't support flex prop in colSize. #​41962 @​AlexisSniffer
  • 🐞 Fix Carousel goTo is ignored if animation is in progress. #​41969 @​guan404ming
  • Form
    • 🐞 Resolve issue about the feedback icon was not reset after a reset event had been triggered. #​41976
    • 🐞 Fixed inaccurate data collected by onValuesChange. #​41976
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复 Table 一系列边框和圆角的样式细节问题。#​41985
  • 💄 修复 Layout.Sider 折叠时丢失动画的问题。#​41993
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 字体样式错误。#​41983
  • 🐞 修复响应式 Col colSize 不支持 flex 的问题。#​41962 @​AlexisSniffer
  • 🐞 修复 Carousel goTo 在动画播放时无效的问题。#​41969 @​guan404ming
  • Form
  • 🐞 修复 Form 触发重置事件后反馈图标未重置的问题。#​41976
  • 🐞 修复 onValuesChange 收集到的数据不准确的问题。#​41976
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 修复 Menu 报错 OverrideContext 类型定义不存在的问题。#​41907
    • 🤖 修复 TreeSelect 定义不支持 aria-* 的问题。#​41978 @​guan404ming


Compare Source

  • 🐞 修复 Anchor 组件 onChange 方法改变后不触发的问题。#​41934 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 组件样式被浏览器原生样式覆盖的问题。#​41940 @​Wxh16144
  • Tree
  • 🛠 升级 rc-switch 以修复重复引入 @babel/runtime/helpers 的问题,减小打包体积。#​41954


Compare Source

  • 💄 Fix Message hooks icon style not follow dynamic theme token. #​41899
  • 🐞 Fix that cssinjs may crash if CSS value is undefined. #​41896

  • 💄 修复 Message hooks 的图标样式不跟随动态主题 token 切换的问题。#​41899
  • 🐞 修复 CSS 属性值为 undefined 时 cssinjs 报错的问题。#​41896


Compare Source

  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton throws warning findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode. #​41833 @​fourcels
  • 🐞 Arrow element support more old browsers which do not support clip-path: path(). #​41872
  • 🐞 Fix Layout.Sider transition issue when switch theme. #​41828
  • 🐞 Fix the problem that when the type of Tour is primary, the color of the arrow is still white. #​41761
  • 🐞 Optimize Form field binding, now will ignore comments in Form.Item as subcomponents. #​41771
  • 🐞 Fix Input.Password show additional toggle button in Edge. #​41759
  • 💄 Fix styling issues with components that have a Tooltip component as their base within the Space.Compact wrapper. #​41707 @​foryuki
  • 🇩🇪 Fix typo in German locale. #​41780 @​aaarichter
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton 警告: findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode.。#​41833 @​fourcels
  • 🐞 箭头元素兼容旧版本不支持 clip-path: path() 的浏览器。 #​41872
  • 🐞 修复 Layout.Sider 切换主题时存在背景切换延迟的问题。#​41828
  • 🐞 修复 Tour 的 type="primary" 时箭头的颜色仍为白色的问题。#​41761
  • 🐞 优化 Form 字段绑定,现在会忽略在 Form.Item 内的注释不再作为子组件进行绑定。 。#​41771
  • 🐞 修复 Input.Password 在 Edge 中会额外展示切换按钮的问题。#​41759
  • 💄 修复 Space.Compact 包裹底层为 Tooltip 组件的组件时的样式问题。#​41707 @​foryuki
  • 🇩🇪 修复德语本地化文案。#​41780 @​aaarichter
  • TypeScript


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • 💄 优化类 Select 组件弹窗逻辑,现在总是会尝试优先在可视区域展示以减少用户额外滚动成本。#​41619
  • 💄 去除 Badge.Ribbon 里固定的高度。#​41661 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 修复 Select 在搜索时宽度变为 0px 的问题。#​41722
  • 🐞 修复 Empty 空数据组件在宽度不够的容器内样式错位的问题。#​41727
  • 🐞 改进 Form.Item noStyle 验证消息显隐逻辑。#​41698 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修正 Form.Item 不应支持设置 requiredMark 的问题。#​41725 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 修复 Space 影响父元素字体大小和样式的问题。#​40326
  • 🐞 修复 Pagination 简洁模式中的上一页下一页按钮 hover 样式丢失的问题。#​41685
  • 🐞 修复 Tree switcherIcon 无法隐藏。#​41708 @​acyza
  • 🐞 修复 List.Item.Meta 的 avatar 和 title 不对齐。#​41688 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Row 的 justify 设置为 space-evenly 无效。#​41679 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Button props 类型定义支持 data-* 属性。#​41650
  • 🐞 修复表格列宽不够的问题 issue 40814#​41626
  • 🐞 修复 Mentions 弹层样式。#​41660
  • 🐞 改进 Form.Item 关于 require 的判断逻辑。#​41623 @​Wxh16144
  • 国际化


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  • 🗑 移除 antd/es/locale-provider antd/lib/locale-provider 目录,LocaleProvider 已在 4.x 版本移除,使用 ConfigProvider 作为替代。#​41289 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 DatePicker 等时间类组件可以定制 luxon 作为日期库。#​41580 @​hihuz
  • 🆕 新增 Form.Item.useStatus 以支持获取错误状态信息。#​41554 @​Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Input 和 Input.TextArea 组件支持 classNamesstyles 属性,用于更细粒度的样式自定义。#​41493
  • 🆕 Tag 新增无边框模式。#​41305 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 FloatButton 支持用 badge 属性开启角标功能。#​41040 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Select 支持 title 属性以便覆盖一些自带的 title 提示。#​41280
  • 🆕 Image 组件支持设置 preview.rootClassName#​41265 @​Yuiai01
  • 🆕 Modal 组件支持 afterOpenChange 属性。#​41253 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🆕 Form.useWatch 新增 preserve 参数,支持在 Form.Item 未注册的情况下 setFieldValue 时触发监听。#​41191 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 使用 useMemo 重构部分组件代码。#​41533 #​41550 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛠 使用 React hooks 重构 Checkbox,并优化了 TS 定义。#​41117
  • 🛠 重构 Input.TextArea 文字计数实现方式,移至 affixWrapper 元素中。#​41450
  • 🆕 DatePicker/Calendar 组件新增 cellRender 用于自定义日期单元格,同时在 DatePicker 中废弃 dateRendermonthRender 等属性,在 Calendar 中废弃 dateCellRendermonthCellRenderdateFullCellRendermonthFullCellRender 等属性。#​41584 @​kiner-tang
  • 🐞 修复 Tour 出现两个箭头的问题。#​41578 @​acyza
  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 配置 controlHeight token 时勾选框与文字不对齐的问题。#​41566
  • 🐞 修复 Form.Item 存在 help 值时在 Modal 中没有正确渲染元素。#​40519 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Form 使用 hasFeedback 时表单状态不对的问题。#​41594 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Slider 组件显示 Warning: [antd: Tooltip] forcePopupAlign is align to forceAlign instead 警告信息的问题。#​41540 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 修复可选择 Table 的勾选框在边缘点击的时候无法触发勾选的问题。#​41519
  • 国际化


Compare Source

  • Menu
  • 🐞 Fix Table filter do not persist filter status when filter dropdown is visible. #​41445 @​ablakey
  • 🐞 Fix Modal using useModal is not transparent and prefers user settings. #​41422 @​luo3house
  • Form
  • 💄 Fix ConfigProvider nonce not working on CSS-in-JS style. #​41482
  • 💄 Fix Pagination when size=small, pagination button active, previous page next page button hover and active styles are lost. #​41462 #​41458
  • 💄 Fix the style problem that the bottom border of the Tabs component overlaps with other borders. #​41381
  • 💄 Fix Dropdown.Button down icon size issue. #​41501
  • TypeScript
  • Locales

  • Menu
  • 🐞 修复 Table 过滤器未保持状态当筛选下拉框展示时。#​41445 @​ablakey
  • 🐞 修复 Modal 使用 useModal 未透传并优先选择用户设定。#​41422 @​luo3house
  • Form
  • 💄 修复 ConfigProvider nonce 对 CSS-in-JS 样式不生效的问题。#​41482
  • 💄 修复 Pagination size=small 时,分页按钮 active、上一页下一页按钮 hover 和 active 样式丢失。#​41462 #​41458
  • 💄 修复 Tabs 组件下边框与其他边框叠加的样式问题。#​41381
  • 💄 修复 Dropdown.Button down 图标尺寸问题。#​41501
  • TypeScript
  • 国际化


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  • 🐞 Update DatePicker deps to fix laggy in Safari and support align with transform scale. #​41090
  • 🐞 Fix Menu collapse, Tooltip sometime show with unexpected. #​41081
  • 🐞 Fix Modal.confirm has additional node which makes height not correct. #​41173 @​Svudec
  • 🐞 Fixed InputNumber disabled text color not correct. #​41167 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix Anchor highlighting not working when dynamically updating items. #​40743 @​zqran
  • 🛠 Update Mentions deps to support align with transform scale. #​41160 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 Fix Form with manually called validateFields not show success status when hasFeedback is on. #​41116 @​kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Fix Cascader sub panel not close when hover to leaf node. #​41134
  • 🐞 Fix Popconfirm using Promise to close will not exist loading state even when open again. #​41121
  • 🐞 Fix Upload onChange sometime not sync when in React 18. #​41082 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛎 Update demo with Space.Compact instead of legacy one and patch warning info. #​41080 @​Yuiai01
  • 🌐 Update ko_KR、Added Amharic Language. #​41103 @​li-jia-nan

  • 🐞 更新 DatePicker 底层依赖,修复 Safari 下卡顿,支持 transform scale 下对齐。#​41090
  • 🐞 修复 Menu 收缩时,Tooltip 有时会弹出的问题。#​41081
  • 🐞 修复 Modal.confirm 窗体有额外节点导致高度不正确的问题。#​41173 @​Svudec
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber disabled 时字体高亮不正确的问题。#​41167 @​Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 Anchor 动态添加 items 后高亮失效问题。#​40743 @​zqran
  • 🛠 更新 Mentions 底层依赖,支持 transform scale 下对齐。#​41160 @​MuxinFeng
  • 🐞 修复 Form 手工调用 validateFields 时,hasFeedback 对成功态不生效的问题。#​41116 @​kiner-tang
  • 🐞 修复 Cascader 在悬浮至叶子节点时,展开面板没有关闭的问题。#​41134
  • 🐞 修复 Popconfirm 使用 Promise 关闭时再次打开仍然是 loading 状态的问题。#​41121
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 在 React 18 下 onChange 有时数据不正确的问题。#​41082 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🛎 补充官网中没有切换到 Space.Compact 的遗留示例,并且添加相应警告。#​41080 @​Yuiai01
  • 🌐 更新韩语国际化,添加国际化阿姆哈拉语。#​41103 @​li-jia-nan


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  • 🐞 Fix for setting percent and success.percent at the same time for Progress, the progress text does not change as percent changes. #​40922
  • 🐞 Fixed Image preview icon was misaligned.#​40911
  • 🐞 Fix ConfigProvider validation message template override Form configure template sometime. #​40533 @​Wxh16144
  • 🐞 Fixed Confirm Modal onOk event could be triggered twice when close. #​40719 @​Rafael-Martins
  • 🛠 Rewrote the useLocale method and exposed localeCode to the public. #​40884 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fixed Segmented component items were unresponsive to mouse events. #​40894 @​MadCcc
  • 🛠 Refactored: replaced the LocaleReceiver component with useLocale and removed the LocaleReceiver component. #​40870 @​li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fixed getPopupContainer property injected by ConfigProvider did not work. #​40871 @​RedJue
  • 🐞 Fixed where Descriptions did not accept data-_ and aria-_ attributes. #​40859 @​goveo
  • 🛠 Changed the Separator's DOM element from span to li. #​40867 @​heiyu4585
  • 🐞 Fix token of Layout.colorBgHeader not work when single use Layout.Header directly. #​40933
  • 💄 Changed the component's focus outline to the default 4px.#​40839 @​MadCcc
  • 🐞 Fixed the Badge color was displayed abnormally. #​40848 @​kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with the Timeline item's className. #​40835 @​Yuiai01
  • 💄 Fixed the interaction style of the Rate component in the disabled state.#​40836 @​Yuiai01
  • 🇮🇷 Added Iranian localization. #​40895 @​majidsadr


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